How many attractive people have broken into show business or made a fortune just by posting some selfies or making a few TikToks ?
You can probably think of a few off the top of your head .
Right ?
In today's social media dominated world where it's become easier than ever for people to leverage their looks for money , fame , and influence , it's no secret that pretty privilege exists .
And the perks of being conventionally attractive can range from getting preferential treatment to effortlessly garnering attention , but there's a dark side to pretty privilege that most people aren't aware of .
Curious ?
Let's explore the hidden downsides of pretty privilege .
Pressure to maintain .
Whether it's through overspending on skincare products , constantly counting calories , or scrutinizing every flaw you see in the mirror , The pressure to maintain a certain level of attractiveness can be exhausting .
It's not just about looking good for yourself , it's about meeting the expectations set by beauty obsessed culture and the pressure to stay conventionally attractive can take a toll on both your mental and physical health leading to anxiety , body dysmorphia , and even eating disorders .
Shallow relationships .
Another downside to pretty privilege is that you never know who truly likes you for you or just for your looks .
For example , pretty privilege often comes with popularity .
So some people might just wanna be friends with you or date you for the status , not because they genuinely care about you .
This shallow attention can leave you feeling lonely , used , misunderstood , and craving genuine connections .
Identity crisis .
If you're an attractive person , then you probably know what it's like to struggle to be acknowledged for anything other than your appearance .
People take one look at you and think that just because you have a pretty face , that's all you are .
Sure .
You constantly get praised for your looks , but it also overshadows your intelligence , talents , and personality because attractiveness is what society values most , and this constant external validation can create a shaky foundation for self esteem , leaving you feeling lost and uncertain about who you truly are without it .
Being underestimated and dismissed .
Ever felt like your hard work is overlooked because of your looks ?
Pretty privilege often leads others to attribute your success solely to appearance , undermining your achievements and talents .
It's as if they think that your attractiveness automatically invalidates your intellect or skills , that you've gotten where you are in life simply by coasting by on your looks .
It's a frustrating paradox being admired for something you had no control over while simultaneously feeling unseen for everything else that makes you who you are , Objectification and harassment .
When people see you as good looking , it can attract unwanted attention , and sometimes it can cross the line into something uncomfortable or even dangerous .
Imagine going about your day , minding your own business when suddenly someone starts persistently flirting with you even after you've made it clear you're not interested , or picture walking down the street and being subjected to constant catcalling or uncomfortable comments about your body .
Doesn't that blur the line between flattery and harassment ?
As model and TikToker , Emily Adana said , pretty privilege isn't always a privilege .
I've rarely been in social situations where I haven't been harassed .
People do not usually take no for an answer from me because they think I'm something to be possessed .
People do not ask before touching me in public .
I'm grabbed regularly .
I've been assaulted by a stranger .
Jealousy from others .
When people feel jealous of your looks and the unfair advantage it gives you , they might act in unpleasant ways , like making passive aggressive remarks or bringing you down behind your back .
Some might even be outright hostile towards you or try to sabotage you at school , work , or among social circles .
Being the target of others' envy can create a sense of isolation and mistrust , and pretty privilege can taint your relationships with jealousy and resentment .
Did you relate to any of the things we've talked about here ?
Did you learn anything valuable from this video ?
Recognizing the downsides of pretty privilege helps us foster more empathy and understanding towards one another .
It reminds us to look beyond appearances and strive to make everyone feel seen and valued for who they truly are .
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Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more thought provoking content like things attractive people don't waste time on and why , and challenges of dating as an introvert .
Thanks for watching .