I found some very interesting research related to how potassium can influence how much calcium builds up in your arteries .
It's actually quite fascinating .
Now , 1 of the best tests to determine if you have calcium in your arteries is a CAC test , a coronary artery calcification test , and that test is probably 1 of the best predictors of overall mortality , not just from heart attacks , but from overall mortality .
So this study that I just reviewed showed for the first time that low dietary potassium promotes vascular calcification and aortic stiffness , as well as thickness within the coronary arteries .
Now , I will say this study was on mice , so if your mice start developing high blood pressure , you definitely need to apply this information .
Now , this is huge because so many people do not get the amount of potassium they need .
In fact , they don't even know how much they need .
They need a lot .
An average person needs about 47 100 milligrams every single day .
So to get that , they're gonna have to consume a good amount of dietary potassium .
If you don't know what that is , I put a link down below for more information on how to get your potassium from your diet .
But the question is why ?
Why does calcium deposit on your arteries if you are low in potassium ?
And this is the reason .
These 2 electrolytes , potassium and calcium , work together .
When you're low in potassium , calcium tends to build up on the inside of the cell .
Now , this is quite important information simply because the number 1 cause of death is heart attack .
And so if a person is getting high blood pressure , they need to start looking at potassium .
If you take a look at , like , calcium channel blockers , which is 1 of the medications that they use for high blood pressure , the mechanics of that drug is basically lowering calcium .
But what if they increase potassium ?
Well , I have found in practice , the patients who do more potassium do much better with their blood pressure .
More potassium , less blood pressure .
Also , when you take vitamin D , your blood pressure can come down .
I think a lack of potassium is part of the problem .
Another problem is inflammation in your arteries , because in order for that calcium to start depositing on the inside of the artery , you first have to have inflammation , and that usually comes from some type of oxidation in combination with low antioxidants , like low amounts of vitamin D , low vitamin C , which occur from consuming too much refined flour products , and then if you combine too much sugar , which is going to create oxidation , you're going to get the perfect storm because you're going to get , number 1 , inflammation that is going to start the whole process , and the calcium coming in as a Band Aid , and the fact that when you're eating sugar and refined carbohydrates , you're depleting your potassium , you're depleting your vitamin E , and your vitamin C , so it's the perfect storm .
And so we have this combination , related to heart disease .
We have low potassium .
We have low antioxidants coming from eating the wrong things in your diet , and also a lack of vitamin d , which can act as an anti inflammatory .
Vitamin d 3 works with vitamin k 2 , and also mobilizing that calcium to make sure that it stays in the bone and out of the arteries .
So anyway , I wanted to talk about the importance of potassium in preventing arterial stiffness as well as calcification building up in your arteries .
Very , very interesting .
Hey .
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