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2024-06-17 10:42:23

The Unique Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate - How It's Different

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Today , let's talk about the unique benefits of magnesium glycinate .

Now as you may know already , magnesium is involved in over 300 different enzymes , including making , energy as ATP , including , all sorts of things with your muscles and the nervous system , as well as your DNA .

But it's important to understand that magnesium comes in a lot of different forms .

So if we look at what magnesium glycinate really is , it's really a combination of magnesium and the amino acid glycine together combined .

And when you combine those , you get a much better absorption in the intestine versus using a type of magnesium that's not well absorbed like magnesium oxide or sulfate or carbonate or even magnesium hydroxide , those are all poorly absorbed .

But other forms like magnesium glycinate are very easily absorbed , and magnesium glycinate is very gentle on your stomach .

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It won't cause the diarrhea that some other forms can create like magnesium citrate .

So it has a much lesser laxative effect .

It's good for overall relaxation , muscle relaxation , especially at night preventing cramps .

So it's really good for sleep , improving insomnia , and it also is good for improving energy .

Now it's not gonna keep you up at night , but it's gonna allow you to get into a much deeper sleep to have energy during the day .

Magnesium glycinate also has an effect as a vasodilator .

So it's really good for blood pressure .

It's also good to help , regulate calcium and prevent calcium from accumulating because magnesium and calcium work together .

And since it's involved with calcium , it can also reduce the risk of kidney stones .

And it's also been known to help increase insulin sensitivity to help blood sugars and people that have problems with insulin resistance , which could even be a prediabetic or even a diabetic .

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Magnesium glycinate also has been known to help people with migraine headaches and states of lower mood like depression and anxiety .

So it's a really good form of magnesium that overall helps reduce stress .

Now if you get this as a supplement , I would try to , get one that also has a vitamin d 3 and b 6 because both of those nutrients will help the absorption even more .

And sometimes people have a question of what's the difference between this magnesium glycinate versus magnesium bisglycinate , well , there is no difference .

They're the exact same supplement .

So by adding that little bisque behind the name does not change the chemistry at all .

Now since we mentioned magnesium citrate , I will say that's a really good one for leg cramps at night .

It's a good one for stress .

It's a good one for blood pressure .

But magnesium citrate can create a laxative effect .

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So it might be better for people that have a tendency to be more constipated .

But if you compare the 2 , magnesium glycinate is just a little bit better for various reasons .

It won't create a laxative effect .

And , magnesium glycinate is not dependent on the pH .

In other words , you can take it on an empty stomach or with food .

You don't even need a strong stomach acid to absorb it , which is unique because most minerals need that strong stomach acid .

So as people get older and they lose their stomach acid , they're not gonna absorb minerals .

But if you take magnesium in the glycinate form , it will be absorbed regardless of the pH of your stomach .

Now the best time to take this form of magnesium would be right before bed because it's gonna help you sleep .

It's gonna relax you .

It's gonna prevent those leg cramps .

However , if you take it to other parts of the day , it's not gonna necessarily make you tired .

It's going to just make you feel more relaxed .

Should you take in an empty stomach ?

It doesn't really matter .

You can take it with meals or without .

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Now the normal dose I would recommend would be anywhere between a 100 milligrams to 400 milligrams per day .

And that would depend on what kind of problems are you trying to solve .

Do you have severe muscle cramps ?

Let's say you have severe high blood pressure or you have sleeping problems .

Well , just take a little bit more .

But if you don't , take a little bit less .

Like I said before , magnesium glycinate is a combination of magnesium and glycine .

So now let's talk about the benefits of glycine .

It creates a calming effect .

It will help you sleep .

It helps the neurotransmitters in your brain , thereby increasing cognitive function .

It's even good for collagen support and blood sugar control .

And sometimes it's used as an anti inflammatory because it can help get rid of inflammation .

It can even help improve bile production , okay , which can help your absorption , especially of fats .

It's also related to increasing energy just like magnesium .

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So you just might find that your energy starts to increase over a period of time .

And lastly , it's a precursor for something called glutathione to help you detoxify .

Now another form of magnesium that a lot of people are taking is called magnesium L threonate .

That specific type of magnesium is a bit more expensive , but it's a little bit better for your brain .

So if you're trying to take magnesium for more cognitive improvements , then that would be the form that I would recommend .

Are there any side effects for magnesium glycinate ?

And there's really only 2 that I found .

And one would be low blood pressure , but you'd have to take a lot of it over a period of time and you might end up with a lower amount of blood pressure .

So this might be good for someone with high blood pressure , but it's not gonna be significant .

It just might be a little bit lower than it should , which might be a good thing because it causes this vasodilation effect , which actually will increase circulation .

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The other thing about magnesium glycinate is it does tend to interfere with certain medications .

So you wanna check with your doctor .

It can inhibit the function or the effectiveness of certain medications .

But as far as the laxative effect , it's not going to create much of a laxative effect as other types of magnesium , but that also depends on your dosage .

If you're taking a lot of it with all this magnesium from the food , and maybe in other supplements , it could contribute to more of a diarrhea situation .

In which case , you're gonna have to kind of reduce the dosage from one of your supplements or this one specifically .

Now where do we get magnesium from the diet ?

Primarily , it is involved in chlorophyll .

It's at the heart of the chlorophyll molecule .

That's that green stuff in plants , as in leafy green vegetables .

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The chemistry of this green chlorophyll is very similar to the chemistry of our own blood , but with some very unique differences .

So with chlorophyll , we have this magnesium that tends to be on the green side .

And then with blood , we have iron , which is on the red side .

But one of the best sources of magnesium is just by consuming enough leafy greens , as in salads and other leafy greens .

So even if you took 3 cups of dark leafy green vegetables every single day , you would probably get the amounts of magnesium you would need , as the recommended amounts .

But , of course , you have to realize that , you're not gonna absorb a 100% of that .

It's gonna be a portion of that .

So you might need to have more .

But my point is that the RDAs , for magnesium for men is roughly about 420 , and for women is about 320 .

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That's just the , amount of magnesium that you need to prevent a deficiency , but not necessarily , the therapeutic dosage that you might need if you have a severe imbalance .

And one of the problems with magnesium as far as testing it in the blood goes is you're not gonna be able to really detect a magnesium deficiency because the majority , I'm talking about 99% of all the magnesium , is inside the cell , not outside the cell in the blood .

So a blood test is not gonna give you a lot of information .

You'd wanna do what's called an intra cellular magnesium test , and I will put a link down below for that information .

Magnesium is also in other foods as well .

It's in fish .

It's in nuts like cashews .

So I hope you now know more about this magnesium glycinate .

It's a fascinating supplement that has huge benefits .

And there's a lot more to know about magnesium .

If you have not seen my other video on magnesium , I put that up right here .

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