Hi , guys .
I had another question .
Is keto okay for kids to do ?
Okay ?
Now if you think about it , the most popular diet for epilepsy for children is the ketogenic diet because it really is effective .
And the problem , though , I see with that diet is they did a lot of liquid fat , that you would drink all this oil .
I don't recommend that .
The type of ketogenic diet that I recommend is very nutrient dense .
It's with lots of vegetables .
Okay ?
So the essence of keto really is low carb .
Okay ?
Low carb .
Now an average , child that's between 1 3 years old has 12 teaspoons of sugar .
Alright ?
That's a problem .
An average 4 to 6 year old has 21 teaspoons of sugar .
So keto is very , very healthy because our bodies were not designed to run on that much sugar .
It's gonna set them up for blood sugar problems .
I mean , that was me growing up .
I ate tons of sugar .
I probably I would just raid the cupboards with sugar .
I mean , I would constantly be eating sugar .
So keto is extremely healthy if you do it correctly .
But you need a lot of vegetables .
Now , kids like sweets , or especially if you start them out like that , so you're gonna have to make little , alternative healthy snacks , pleasure foods .
Like , they're called keto bombs .
I'll put some links down below .
Recipes with alternative types of sugars that kids will love .
And if you combine that with a minute fasting and have the , these healthy desserts at the end of the meal , not with a snack and just have 3 meals a day .
I think it's gonna be really healthy for your child .
The problem is starting kids out on an unhealthy sugar diet , it's hard to change , especially if they're teenagers .
But you have to do different things like bribing them and giving them things like , and I'm just kidding , by the way .
Giving them things like alternative sweeteners , like , keto bombs that are like little cookies that have no sugar , but they're sweet .
They won't know the difference .
So I would start to use that .
So it is something that's healthy and natural and I highly recommend it .
Thanks for watching .
Hey .
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