So this video is on magnesium and why you're gonna feel a lot better if you get enough from your diet .
And if you go to the doctor and you get a blood test and you're magnesium deficient , it's not gonna show up because 99% of that magnesium is inside the cell not outside the cell in your blood .
So just because it comes out normal doesn't mean you're not deficient .
There's something called a subclinical deficiency where you might be getting enough to run the basic machinery of the body , but you're not getting the full amount to run all of the functions .
And as far as magnesium , there are over 300 enzymes involved in many different biochemical reactions that require magnesium .
So So out of all the minerals , magnesium is the 2nd most important to potassium .
Why ?
Well , simply because you need a lot of potassium .
Ideally , you you need 300 to 400 milligrams .
Now potassium you need like 47 100 milligrams .
That's 4,700 milligrams every single day .
So obviously with magnesium you need much less .
But if we compare these minerals to all the other ones you need both of these in pretty large quantities .
90% of all the magnesium is located in the muscle and the bone .
And I did mention this before but 99% of all this magnesium is inside the cell not outside the cell .
So if you're deficient , you may have bone problems like osteopenia , eventually osteoporosis .
You can have a lot of muscle cramps , weak muscles .
And also realize that , certain parts of the vascular system have a type of muscle as well .
So if you're losing magnesium , your muscles can get stiff and you're gonna get high blood pressure from that .
Another really key function of magnesium is maintaining electrical charge in your cells .
So without magnesium , the electrical system shuts down and you just don't have enough energy to run the muscles or the nervous system .
So magnesium is really important in keeping , sodium outside the cell , keeping sodium low inside the cell and keeping calcium low inside the cell and keeping potassium high inside the cell .
So we have these different minerals kept apart by this membrane and they all work together to form this battery .
So potassium is involved in this battery also generating energy in the body through what's called ATP .
It's involved in making DNA and proteins and overall cell integrity .
So you can imagine if you don't have enough magnesium , you're just not gonna feel quite right .
Another symptom of a magnesium deficiency , which is subclinical , which means it's not gonna show up on a test , is vascular calcification .
So calcium and magnesium work together .
So it's not just about taking too much calcium .
It could be a deficiency in magnesium .
It could also be a deficiency in vitamin k 2 .
And the two main ways that you're deficient in magnesium are number 1 , consuming too many refined foods .
Okay ?
Refined carbohydrates like the bread , pasta , cereal , crackers , biscuits , waffles , pancakes , muffins , juice , sugar , as well as just not consuming enough magnesium rich foods , as in leafy greens .
Okay ?
I mean the average person will consume about I think it's 1.5 cups of vegetables per day .
That's pathetic .
You need at least 7 , hopefully 10 cups per day .
In the hunter gatherer time , Palaeolithic time , they estimated that an average human consumed 600 milligrams of of magnesium per day versus the average person consumes only 200 to 260 milligrams on average .
Okay ?
The RDAs being 300 to 420 , which are not even close to this .
So we are really really deficient in magnesium .
If you don't feel quite right , you don't have enough energy , just increase the amount of magnesium in your diet for 1 week and prove it to yourself .
And I did create several other videos on magnesium that you can check out on this page .