So I wanted to talk about the 5 most common subclinical magnesium deficiency symptoms .
Okay ?
Magnesium is a co enzyme .
Okay .
What does that mean , a co enzyme ?
It is a helper nutrient for enzymes .
Enzymes do all the work in the body .
The chemical reactions , the building of tissue , the repairing of tissue are all done by enzymes .
And magnesium , other minerals and vitamins and trace minerals are essential .
They're essential .
Your body needs them or things don't get done .
They're like little keys that allow enzymes to work .
And magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymes .
K .
From energy production to DNA repair and even preventing mutations that could eventually end up as cancer .
It's involved in so many chemical reactions .
The problem is that it's very difficult to detect magnesium deficiencies because most magnesium is inside the cell .
Just like , potassium , for example , it's inside the cell .
Sodium is outside the cell and that's very easy to detect , but magnesium is very difficult .
The other point about magnesium is that the RDAs are roughly about 450 milligrams .
There are certain groups of people who suggest that we need even more .
We need , like , up to 600 milligrams .
But the average person has much less than 4 50 milligrams .
And when you're deficient in magnesium , your calcium automatically starts going up in the body .
And we know a lot of people have a problem with calcium deposits , calcium in the soft tissues , not just from a lack of vitamin k 2 , but it could be from a magnesium deficiency as well .
Let's say that you have a certain amount of magnesium .
It's not a lot , but it's just a little bit .
The body is gonna ration out that magnesium to only essential places , only essential proteins , things that involve present time survival , not long term repair or even probably preventing mutations .
So here the body is using the magnesium to cope with the daily stresses of life , at the expense of a longer life .
So if you're deficient in certain nutrients , it can actually shorten your life , and you can have more mutations and less repair in the body .
So there's 5 big clues that you may have a subclinical deficiency of magnesium .
Number 1 is fatigue because magnesium is involved in creating ATP , which is the energy currency of the body .
Number 2 , cramps , especially at night in the calves , in your feet .
Number 3 , high blood pressure because without magnesium , you won't have the elasticity in the circulation in the vascular system .
So things become hardened .
Okay ?
And that's going to increase the blood pressure .
Number 4 , you become stiff especially in the morning when you get out of bed .
Number 5 , irregular heartbeat .
But potassium is also involved as well , so it could be a combination .
So you might have skipped heartbeats and then maybe a palpitation , then the beet starts becoming irregular .
It's just a simple mineral deficiency .
So these are the five clues that you may have a magnesium deficiency .
So where do you get magnesium ?
Okay .
It's at the heart of something called chlorophyll .
And chlorophyll makes up the green stuff in leafy green vegetables .
So the solution is very simple .
Add a very large salad or 2 medium sized salads to your day and get enough magnesium and watch these go away .
Thanks for watching .
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