Could this mineral deficiency actually give you diabetes ?
And I'm talking about magnesium .
Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the entire body .
It works as a helper nutrient in certain enzyme reactions .
It's involved in over 300 chemical reactions including its effect on insulin .
So it helps to regulate insulin .
It's involved in glucose metabolism .
I want to put an interesting study down below related to diabetics .
And it was found that diabetics have significantly lower magnesium levels than healthy people .
And I'm also talking about prediabetics and people with insulin resistance .
When you're deficient in magnesium , you worsen insulin resistance .
When you take magnesium , you improve insulin resistance .
That allows better blood sugar control and all the other effects that insulin is supposed to have .
Now the RDAs are recommended amounts of magnesium that we need per day for a male body is between 400 to 420 milligrams .
For a female , it's in the 300 .
Okay .
So let's talk about what food is high in magnesium .
Well , chocolate .
One ounce has 64 milligrams .
One avocado will give you 58 milligrams .
Nuts , 1 ounce , 82 milligrams .
Seeds , just one ounce will give you a 150 milligrams of magnesium .
And by the way , pumpkin seeds have the most magnesium .
Leafy greens , 1 cup , a 157 milligrams .
So if you had , I don't know , like maybe 2 and a half to 3 cups of salad per day , you're gonna get your magnesium .
Very few people even have that much .
One egg has 6 milligrams of magnesium .
One ounce of meat or fish has only 9 milligrams of magnesium .
Steak , 6 ounces has only 32 .
So all the meats in general are not high in magnesium .
Hummus , 1 cup is a 184 milligrams of magnesium .
And magnesium also works with calcium together in the contraction and relaxation of muscles .
And I'm also including smooth muscle like in your arteries .
So if you're deficient in magnesium , guess what's gonna happen ?
Blood pressure is gonna go up .
And this is why people take magnesium for their blood pressure , for their heart , for cramps in their calves .
Now the question is how do you become deficient ?
Okay .
Number 1 , you're probably not consuming enough food with magnesium .
Magnesium is part of the chlorophyll complex .
So a very few people are consuming enough greens , number 1 .
They're doing too many refined carbs .
A refined carbohydrate and I'm talking about the breads , pasta , cereal , crackers and also the refined sugars will deplete magnesium .
Caffeine will deplete magnesium .
Alcohol will deplete it .
Diuretics .
There's a diuretic called thiazide .
Okay .
Thiazide creates a magnesium deficiency and when someone's on this diuretic , their risk of diabetes increases probably because of the deficiency of magnesium .
And what's interesting is that a lot of diabetics have high blood pressure .
They're taking this diuretic thiazide , okay , which is actually worsening the diabetes .
K ?
And they don't know about this magnesium point here .
Also , when you have insulin resistance , which I believe the majority of population has , you're gonna have a hard time absorbing magnesium .
So what you need to know is that when you take magnesium in a supplement or through your food , you actually can improve insulin resistance right here and therefore increasing your absorption of magnesium .
Okay .
So they both work really closely together .
Alright , guys .
So thanks for watching .
Now you know the connection between magnesium , your blood sugars , magnesium and blood pressure , and also cramping .
Thanks for watching .
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