What if I told you that there is a master A I tool for all of the different kinds of A I tools out there ?
Yes .
Behold , the future pia dot IO A one stop shop for all your A I exploration needs .
You don't have to google chat GP T or even bar to get information on which A I tool fits your bill .
The best future Pia takes care of that for you .
And in this video , I'm going to take you through how you can maximize the use of this platform and find the best A I tool for your needs .
Shall we begin to access this tool ?
All you have to do is type in future Pia dot IO on your web browser .
So we log in with my account right now .
The tools added today takes you to a page that displays all of the A I tools that have been added for a particular day .
And here , if you have an A I tool that you want to submit on the platform , you can do so by clicking this option here .
And if you click on news added today , you will find all of the latest news and updates on artificial intelligence and you can sort it out by time and category .
Now , here you have the prompt space and right below that you have filters where you can filter out the A I tools based on pricing and features .
And you also have certain preset categories that you can see here .
And by clicking on view all categories , you can see all of the A I tools on the platform under different categories .
Now let's go back and try out some prompts because I work in the audio video space .
I'm going to try out an audio editing tool so you can see quite a few audio editing tools here .
I'm going to click on the first one where you will find details of that particular tool , which category belongs to , you can visit that tool and it has the product information followed by key features , use cases and reviews .
You will see there are more options like the trending A I tools on the platform that have been bookmarked by multiple people .
And you can also submit your email address to get information on all the A I tools that are being updated on the platform .
And with that , we come to the end of this demo .
If you want me to demonstrate more A I tools , do let me know which ones you would like for me to try out in the comments and for more such interesting A I and tech content .
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