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2023-08-27 16:38:43


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My friends , welcome to the headquarters .

As you've probably heard by now , the head of the Wagner P MC Yevgeny Prego is dead on the 23rd of August .

His business jet crashed north of Moscow with 10 people aboard among which the founder of the Wagner P MC dmitry TK calls Sign Wagner .

And the next day on August 20 for Russian media reported that Pra Goins body was identified by one of the commanders of the Wagner P MC at the morgue .

Pri Goin was identified by the fact that part of his finger was missing .

UTK was identified by his height and with his many nordic themed tattoos .

So yeah , the musician hung his coat in some sort of irony of life .

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Be Goin did not die on the front line despite risking his life , visiting the troops , countless pr stunts and lots of trolling of the Ukrainian army .

Nope , he had to die in a plane crash .

This is how we could summarize Pri Goins campaign in Ukraine at the time and trolling .

He did all his life in February 2021 .

The FBI offered a $250,000 reward for information on Pri Goins whereabouts ?

So Pri Goin got in touch with the FBI sent them his home address and demanded the pain of the $250,000 reward .

Sources claim he did not receive the money .

You see , Wagner was described as a two headed ego , the entire military part of the organization was supervised by TK and the entire political aspect by Prego .

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Now , the question that you all might be asking what will happen of the Wagner P MC .

Now Wagner and commanders most likely already selected one of their to replace Pri Goin as head of the Wagner P MC .

And because of that , it also seems unlikely that the P MC will be dissolved .

Well , first of all , there were countless of articles released in the Western media , all with more or less the same headlines .

This is Putin's revenge and he's the one behind the plane crash .

What if we blame this on someone ?

It was out of control ?

It's hard to say if Putin was directly involved in the plane crash , but it's almost certain the Russian state was in one way or another behind this .

Let's be honest , that would be a clear signal for all future Wagner commanders and other generals of the Russian army to what would happen if they dare challenge authority .

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Meanwhile , on the 25th of August , there were rumors that Wagner's cemetery was getting demolished .

To be honest , the war in Ukraine is slowly reaching the same level of political intrigue as in Game of Thrones .

Let's be honest , who didn't think at one point that this plane crash was part of some sort of mask that it was staged .

And just a couple of weeks ago , Prego said it himself that the P MC would go back into business .

This August , we could have had a plane crash as diversion and like in some Wagner Brothers movie , they just reappear and then all of a sudden from the bases in Belarus , we have thousands of Wagnerian storming kief .

But then we waited , waited some more and nothing happened .

Let's be honest .

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The latest images showed that Prego will be missed in Russia .

He was one of a kind , this colorful character definitely brought some juicy headlines for the media as well as for commentators , a crying old Babushka told some journalists , Prego was killed , Nemtsov .

Only Nemtsov was not as sympathetic to me as Prego .

This man was with the people unlike him all over the country .

Spontaneous little memorials popped up honoring both Prego and TK .

That was the view of the Wagner Center in Saint Petersburg .

Prego will be missed , especially by all the men that fought under the Wagnerian banner .

Here's a touching scene from a Wagner veteran in Novosibirsk .

And in this video , another Wagnerian soldier paying tribute on the beach near Sevastopol .

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People brought flowers , candles and many symbols related to the Wagner P MC like violin and the infamous sledge hammer in this one , you can see what the people of set up the people from Moscow .

Soldiers of the Wagner P MC visited a spontaneous memorial near the circus .

The same location where the Red Sea Tank was positioned during the mutiny .

The reason behind all this is simple , the people of Russia despite their support for the president know very well who achieved the military victory at Bahm .

So how come Prig Goins story had to come to such an abrupt and unfriendly territory .

First of all , Prig Goin is not a military man .

He's a businessman in the food industry .

A long story short , we can suppose that he was entrusted with the command of the Wagner P MC due to his close relationship with Putin for years .

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There were rumors that Pri Goin was the public figure of the Wagner P MC , but it's only at the start of the Russo Ukrainian war that we got confirmation when Pri Goin appeared in army fatigues at the front as part of the Wagner P MC .

At the time , he was nicknamed the Flying Dutchman because he came and went and stayed very low key just like he did for all the years before that the first frictions between Pri Goin and the Ministry of Defense seemed to have appeared in January 2023 .

His food catering company amassed 560 lawsuits in 2022 by Russia's Defense Ministry for allegedly supplying the Russian army with quality rotten and infected food .

Was it real or just a set up ?

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It's really when he started recruiting prison inmates for the wager P MC for the upcoming battle of Bahu that he rose to such prominence in the info space goins diversion maneuver in Bahm and the recruitment of inmates worked too well .

All of a sudden the Wagner P MC from 8000 men to 50,000 men , it was an army within an army and this is when the Ministry of Defense started to put the brakes on his project .

On February 21st 2023 he had already started complaining about the Ministry of Defense and a lot of his attacks and pr stunts were aimed directly at Troy , the Minister of Defense .

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Despite all the problems it encountered the Wagner P MC was victorious in Bahu .

Both the Minister of Defense and Vladimir Putin congratulated Wagner's so detachments on the completion of the operation in Bahut .

However , despite the praise they got from the government , we could feel that the Wagnerian's fell out of favor .

As shortly after all , Wagnerian were asked to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense , especially with the looming Ukrainian counter offensive .

And things took a dramatic turn with the subsequent mutiny when they captured the headquarters of the southern military district in Arav .

And when they of 700 kilometers to the outskirts of Moscow and like that , Pri goin called off the mutiny and other .

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Wagnerian went back to base what was not revealed immediately is that Pri Goin did end up meeting with Putin on June 29th , a three hour discussion with all of Wagner's commanders essentially after which it was agreed that Wagnerian could relocate to Belarus .

Then things seem to have settled down that a compromise was reached and that they live , live happily forever after .

From Belarus videos .

Then emerge of Prego and TK claiming Wagner would start a new adventure in Africa which made sense after the coup in *** and the tensions in Mali and Burkina faso .

And what's super strange is that on the 22nd of August ?

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So one day before the plane crash , Prego released the following video from what seems to be Africa , Africa .

However , at the same time , we can't ignore the toll that all the latest events took on him .

He was once this 007 type of character and now he seems very tired and stranded in some remote field camp on Wednesday , the 23rd of August around three o'clock in the afternoon .

It was reported that the legacy 600 business jet belonging to Yevgeni Prego company had crashed .

Here are the images that some local residents recorded right after the jet crashed near the village of Kino in the region north of Moscow .

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This is when the internet went wild with speculation with the first reports of pre goins death because he was in the list of passengers of that exact plane , rumors even claimed the aircraft was shot down by Russian air defense .

And at the time , it would have been a possible payback for Wagnerian columns destroying multiple Russian aircraft during their march on Moscow .

I mean , that would have been a clear symbol but also way too obvious .

Even Zelinsky quickly made an announcement saying Ukraine wasn't responsible for the plane crash , uh too bad .

Ukrainian air defense would have really enjoyed the bragging rights of shooting down multiple pre goins .

Meanwhile , others believe that Uncle Prego was still alive .

And once again , that this was all part of some cunning mask .

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That's because the second Legacy 600 Business Jet which also belonged to Pre Goin was said to have safely landed in Saint Petersburg shortly after the claims were that in recent weeks for the purpose of secrecy , Yevgeni Prego was registered on one plane and that the last moment he would have boarded another .

The theory of him being alive was not completely crazy .

Prego had already been declared dead on October 13th 2019 when his plane crashed in the Congo .

During that time , Prego was buried in social media , some even prepared funerals .

But three days later , he told reporters that he was safe in the bathhouse , but then this theory collapsed when it was revealed that the second plane did not actually belong to Prego and that it was now flying towards Azerbaijan .

Eventually the results of the autopsy came out and the bodies were finally identified .

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Prego and UK were indeed inside that plane that had crashed .

A total of 10 people on board with four other passengers and the three people crew .

But what's crazy is that according to war , Gonzo Pri Goin himself often shuffled the passengers list and change aircraft at the last moment .

But apparently that day , he decided not to during these confusing times , a lot of fakes were spread on social media like this one or fake Wagnerian , most likely a Ukrainian sign up , push the story of another mutiny or how the 20 guys of the Russian legion tried to convince Wagner to fight the Russian government with them .

Wagners are very nationalistic , they just don't want to fight under the command of the Russian Ministry of Defense .

Eventually we also got more news regarding what happened during the crash .

The business jet is said to have been almost intact when it hit the ground .

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When the main part of the aircraft crashed into a forest clearing the wing and the landing gear were found three kilometers southeast from the crash site .

Had it been a missile strike from air defense .

The aircraft would have exploded mid air and the fact that the aircraft fell in two pieces also cancels any theories regarding an accident .

One of the most likely scenarios is an explosive device planted in the landing gear compartment when it exploded .

The aircraft's wing was torn off which then hit the stabilizer because of this business jet eventually went into a tailspin and within less than 30 seconds it crashed .

There was also information about who could have planted the explosive .

Allegedly , the suspect is pre goins personal pilot and travel logistician .

One named Arte Stepanov .

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He was among the only ones that had access to the plane before takeoff after which he quickly left for Kamchatka from where he went off radar .

Now , law enforcement is actively looking for Stepanov , but many believe he already left the country .

To be honest , we don't even know if he's still alive .

That man tell no tales .

I want to express sincere condolences to the families of all those who died .

It is always a tragedy indeed if they were there .

And according to the initial information , Wagner company employees were on board .

I want to note that those people made a significant contribution to our common cause .

If we remember this , we know this and we will not forget this .

The moment Putin released this video , it was clear to me that Pri Goin was dead .

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Putin would look really silly if Pri Goin suddenly reappeared .

Also noticed the fact that this public statement was released really fast , which could point that the script of this public statement was written beforehand .

Is it crazy to think that the FSB was somewhat involved in this ?

Now check out what Putin said in an interview from 2018 .

Yeah , I'm not you sure that time Goin was not anyone to Putin , he was someone that had known Putin for a long time and Putin trusted him .

I'm just brainstorming right now .

But it's clear that Shoyu did not like pre goin and vice versa .

We can think that Choi wanted to get rid of pri goin a long time ago , but perhaps Putin was the one holding him off after all .

They were friends .

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So probably warned Putin multiple times that Pri Goin is a dangerous man , lots of ambition and that he wants to become president of Russia or at least as someone that is uncontrollable .

And that will push the interest of the Wagner Corp or his own to the detriment of the entire Russian armed forces .

And that Wagner mutiny was like a splash of frozen water in Putin's face .

And this is when he realized that Chou was perhaps right all along .

Let me know in the comment section , what you think in the end to what extent this plane crash was organized .

It's hard to say .

What I find strange is that General Sergei Suro Vikan was relieved of the post of commander in chief of the Air Force on August 18th , allegedly for a certain role he played during Wagner's mutiny .

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And five days later , there's a plane crash , we could speculate that perhaps he held off air strikes on the Wagner Coms marching towards Moscow or perhaps in reality , it has nothing to do with the mutiny before we cover what will happen to the Wagner P MC .

Let's talk about the second victim of this plane crash , the famous yet very mysterious Dmitry TK , the original Wagner and founder of the Wagner P MC .

I mean , let's be honest with lightning bolt tattoos and the call sign Wagner , we can already have an idea of his political leanings and all the pictures we have of him are either him being very serious or angry .

So here's a very rare picture of Mitri that I'm showing you where we actually see him smiling when he was young .

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Here's another picture of him as commander of the reconnaissance group of the 876 separate company of the Gru Special Forces somewhere in North Ossetia .

In the late 19 nineties , he rose through the ranks quickly and around the year 2001 , 2002 , he got promoted to battalion commander of the 700 separate detachments of the Gru .

Apparently , almost all of the awards of that specific detachment were won under his command .

He had a very aggressive approach one day as part of a recommission , they got shelled by the enemy .

He then gave the order forward and then rushed towards the enemy .

His way of leading was that forward was always the best option .

And from what I could gather , the Wagnerian's really loved him .

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One of them said the following on telegram when the company was much smaller but nevertheless , already numbered more than 2000 fighters call sign Wagner or as he's called the ninth could quietly approach the circle of fighters discussing something and silently stood with them waiting for the end of a story after which you could talk , talk with him or just sit down for a cup of coffee .

He knew almost everyone by then , if not by name , by call sign , they all said that Kein had a special intuition regarding warfare .

He instinctively knew when it was necessary to pull back troops or when he could carry on the assault .

Honestly , what could be said of TK could be said of most of Wagner detachment commanders .

So what now ?

So yeah , what will happen to the Wagner P MC which reportedly still has 20,000 men at arms in its ranks ?

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First of all , regarding this video , I showed you earlier when some people claim that the cemetery was getting demolished , it's actually to make space for the traditional Wagnerian marble pyramids that will replace the wooden crosses .

You have to look at Wagner like a wolf pack and they see the regular Russian army like domesticated dogs .

That's why they don't want to be transferred under the command of the Ministry of Defense because they will then lose their wolf nature .

So right after the plane crashed , there were reports that the Council of Commanders of the P Mc Wagners assembled to discuss the next steps as a military organization I highly doubt that they had not prepared something for this scenario .

Any commanding officer always has a number to , to take over the unit .

Now , the golden question is who will take over command ?

It could be an outsider , someone trustworthy and close to Putin like pri goin himself at the same time because of the high cohesion .

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I hardly see Wagners accepting an outsider as leader .

It will most likely be someone from their own ranks .

Alexander Mikhailov was interviewed , he's a retired general of the FSB and he drew a psychological portrait of the new head of the P MC .

He believes this person will have to be more pragmatic , less authoritarian but no less authoritative than .


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