� and uk and also allows it to use gpt-4 for free .
actually just one message but it's free except there's a trick .
and no it's not a vpn .
this is worth your time because claude's two context window is so large that you can interact with an entire harry potter book in one go and it's still free .
so what you want to do to access this outside of the us and uk , it's visiting this website called po.com and then you register for a free account or use google .
and one of the standout features of po is comparing different large language models like claw 2 or gpt-4 .
all you need to do is select one of these models and as you can see right here claude instant 100k and i'm sitting in central europe and now i could go ahead and upload a document with up to 100,000 tokens .
that is 12 times as much as gpt-4 which by the way you can use for free here , but it's only one message a day .
the usage limits you can see right here , so claudeinstant100k you can use for 30 messages a day , gpt-4 one message , and they reset once a day , all for free .
enjoy .