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2024-01-01 15:55:20

How To Write a Blog Post With Divi AI

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Writing a blog post can be time consuming and labor intensive , right ?

Well , not anymore .

Thanks to D VA .

I , welcome to the future of writing D VA .

I is a powerful new web design assistant that's available right within your Diy builder .

It can write and revise copy as well as generate unique images .

On top of all that D VA I can even help you write captivating blog posts .

Whereas writing blog posts from scratch can take days to create and edit writing a blog post within D VA , I can help Spanish writers , blog and help you create high converting blog posts from start to finish faster than ever before with D VA I .

It's essentially like having an entire team of writers , editors and designers at your disposal , right within your diy builder .

And best of all , you can get started with D VA I right now .

Go down in the video description below there .

You're gonna find a link available so you can check it out for yourself and you can follow along with this video tutorial .

But I'm gonna show you just how easy and quick it is to write a blog article using divi I let's jump into it .

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So for this tutorial , I'm gonna be using the digital marketing in the out pack .

If you want to download that for yourself , there's a link in the blog that's down in the video description .

So that way you can try it out for yourself and follow along .

Exactly .

But we're gonna start off just like we would normally do and we're gonna make a new post .

So I'll add a post here , then we'll make a title for it .

Then once you have a title put in for your blog post , we're gonna use the DV builder .

So we'll click , use Div Builder .

And for this one , I'm just gonna build from scratch and now you can see our title up here and we're ready to write our blog post .

So we're gonna add a text field here .

So we'll add a new , we're going to add a full width module and we're just going to use a text module .

So by default , your text module is going to have some demo text here .

And there's two ways we can use D VA I to create some text .

We can either generate content with A I here or if you hover over the text field , there's this button .

And if you click that you can either write with A I or write automatically .

So for this , we're going to write with A I and then you can see our settings for writing your body copy with A I pop up here .

So first we're going to change the content type to a blog post because that's what writing and then we just need to tell it what we want it to write .

So I'm going to tell it to write a blog post about the top social media strategies in 2023 .

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Now , another cool thing while you're here , if you wanted to , you can actually use D VA I to also help you write a prompt .

So we can try that right now .

If you click that , it's gonna generate us a prompt .

So an idea for a topic you gave us is to write about the benefits of incorporating chatbots in your social media marketing strategies for 2023 .

Then here's the place where we can choose if we want to add any context to this .

So something really cool about D VA I is it can pull context from different parts of your site in order to generate content .

So we can either have it , use this page content , this section , the module content or no context at all for generating this .

I'll use it with this page content here .

And then if we want to further customize this , we can go to where it says guide me .

So if you click this , we got a lot of more awesome options we can use .

This is where you can choose your tone of voice for the article that we're going to generate .

So for this one , we're gonna make it informative .

If there's any must use keywords you want in this , you can put them down here in this section as well .

So we say social media strategies then down here's where you can set a content length .

So we have options for exactly maximum , at least or about .

And you can do this for words , characters , sentences , paragraphs or list items .

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So for this one , we're gonna do about we'll do five and we'll change this to list items .

You even have the ability to change the language of the copy it generates as well .

So you can change the language of the prompt here if you want to .

But we're just gonna leave it on default for now from there .

All we have to do is click generate text .

It's really quick and after a few seconds , it's gonna give us our copy .

So here's the copy that it gave us and it gave us our line items as well that we asked it who ?

And as you can see , this is such an awesome spot to start your blog posts .

It's also an excellent way to get through writer's block .

If you're ever stuck trying to think about what to write D VA I can kind of solve that problem for you , which is awesome .

So from here , we have a couple of options .

If you like the prompt that it gave you , you can use this text and it'll insert it in .

If you don't really like it and you want to try again , you can hit retry here .

You also have the option to improve this with A I .

So if you want to rephrase it , you can lengthen short and simplify and then there's a whole bunch of places where we could change the tone of it if we wanted to , we can make it more detailed descriptive engaging , et cetera or right down here , we can refine the result as well .

So you see the option it gives us is you can rewrite it to be more engaging .

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So you can say re write to be more concise and we can regenerate here and then it will generate us our new text .

So for this , we'll use this text and it'll put it in for you and you can see that it gave us all our line items here , which is pretty awesome .

Now , once you've entered it , you can also edit it from here as well .

So if you go back over to the A I button on the left here , we have the same quick actions we did before .

So if we wanted to length in short and rephrase , simplify , we can do that all here .

So if I wanted to quickly shorten this , I can do it right here .

D VA I is gonna go through shorten it for us and give us a new result .

So then we use the text and you can see it , made it quite a bit shorter for us .

So we're just gonna save this here and we have the basis for an excellent blog article in only a few seconds .

It took about a minute or so for me to create that .

And that is just the surface of what de va I can do .

Now , a couple of quick tips for you when you're writing blog articles with the VA I is to make sure you stay true to your tone of voice .

Now , while A I can do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to researching and getting a skeleton of your blog , it's important to make sure you stay true to your own writing .

You never wanna just take it word for word exactly how it generates your blog topics .

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You'll wanna make sure that you're being genuine and creating content that resonates with your readers and you wanna make sure that your writing doesn't ever sound unnatural or artificial .

So using A I to start your blog topics is excellent , but make sure you revise it and stay true to your own blog posts .

Another awesome thing is you can use D VA I to generate images as well .

If you check out our D VA I playlist , we have a full video on how that works as well to kind of walk you through the process .

But that's the base six of writing a blog post with D VA I , as you can tell , it's super quick and easy and can save you so much time with your blog writing .

As I mentioned before , you can check out D VA I right now , go down into the video description below to try it out for yourself .

That way you can experience all the power of D VA .

I thank you so much for watching this video .

I greatly appreciate it before you go though .

Make sure you check out our playlist for all our D VA I videos in that playlist .

You'll find so many tips and tricks for how to use D VA I for yourself as well as a whole bunch of different tutorials and we'll see in the next video .

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