A I writing tools are a very hot topic these days .
And that's for good reason , you can use these powerful tools for really any kind of writing task .
You can think of anything from writing a simple email to writing a full fledged story .
Really , if you type anything at all , there's probably an A I tool out there that can help you out in your everyday tasks .
Now , since there are so many different tools out there , it may be hard to figure out which tools are right for you .
And that's where this video comes in today .
We're gonna go over the top five best pieces of A I writing software that are out , they're on the market today .
And at the end of this video , we will show you our number one pick for the best piece of A I writing software .
But let's kick this list off .
And the first one we have is writer , writer is an extremely powerful piece of software that lets you generate content for various applications and industries including marketing , ecommerce .
And more , even if you don't have any A I writing or writing experience at all , the easy to use interface of this piece of software makes it super super simple to start .
It's as simple as choosing which language you want , what kind of tone you want the article to have and then just scrolling through a template of your use case anything from blog outlines to business ideas , to call the actions to emails , to whatever you want .
And then you simply input a couple pieces of information of what you want the article to be about , click write for me and it'll generate an article for you with so many different use cases available .
It's honestly hard to imagine someone who wouldn't benefit from this A I writing platform even better .
There's a free version for you to try out with the starter plan costing as little is $9 a month .
Now , if you want to try out writer for yourself or any of the other pieces of software , we're gonna talk about go down into the video description below .
There's links available for all of them where you can click and try them out for yourself today .
If you do decide to make a purchase using these links , we may receive a commission which does help support our team and all of our ad free videos , but let's carry on .
And number two on our list is Jasper .
Jasper is one of my favorite pieces of A I software out there for a lot of reasons .
It's incredibly flexible , super powerful and really , really easy to use .
Jasper includes templates for everything from seo content to blog posts , to writing emails , to anything really you can think about when it comes to written content , you literally just type in what your topic is , the tone of voice .
You want to use your intended audience click generate and you'll have an article available .
Now .
Jasper can be a little bit expensive but you do pay for the quality that you get and the editing workflow available with that in mind .
Pricing starts at $59 a month with a limited free trial that you can check out for yourself .
Number three on our list is pseudo right now , pseudo write is a little bit different as it's an A I writing software that's built exclusively for stories and for all content that uses a little bit of storytelling , how this one works is first you just describe what you want your first draft to be .
You can either input whatever your own story is that you want or you can have it generate text for you and then it works kind of in a collaborative manner working alongside you as you type and write your story .
It also offers really powerful brainstorming tools to help you create suggestions for different characters , locations , whatever you want .
And story pricing for pseudo right starts at $19 a month for 30,000 words .
As you can see , some of these tools have a lot of different use cases and are available for different types of writing out there .
Let us know though in the comments below what you're using A I writing software for or what you think is most interesting about these pieces of software .
But let's carry on .
Number four on our list is word hero .
Word hero is another all purpose A I writing tool particularly suited for business purposes .
You'll get the most out of word hero .
If you're using it for on the flight content generation that you can then paste into a word document slack channel , email marketing campaign or whatever else you want to use it .
For another super cool thing is that it supports over 100 different languages .
So if you need multi-language support , this could be an excellent choice for you .
Pricing for word Hero starts at $49 a month .
And number five on our list is Article Forge .
Article Forge is built for long form content creation .
All you have to do is put in a keyword , select some basic parameters like length and then article forge will do the rest for you .
One of the most powerful pieces of the software comes in its ability to create a lot of content simultaneously .
You can batch , create bulk articles just by typing in a whole bunch of different keywords and it'll start creating articles for you one by one .
Another awesome thing about Article Forge is it's built in seo optimization which can save you a lot of time having to deal with seo if you want to check out article forge yourself .
Pricing starts as low as just $27 a month .
So there you have the top five best pieces of A I writing software on the market today .
But our number one pick goes to writer .
Now again , if you wanna check out writer or any of the other pieces of the software we talked about go down in the video description below .
There's links available for everything so you can try them out yourself today .
If you do decide to make a purchase using these links , we may receive a commission which does help support our team and all of our ad free videos .
Thank you so much for watching this video .
We really appreciate it .
If you're interested in A I content at all , be on the lookout for some other videos we'll have upcoming .
So again , make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that , but hopefully you found this video useful and we'll see you in the next one .