Hi , everyone .
Welcome to Chaz's Lifestyle .
My name is Chaz .
And in today's video , I will be showing you how I make the pineapple , detox weight loss juice .
So let's get into it .
So for the ingredients , I have one large cucumber , ginger pineapple and four cups of water .
All ingredients will be listed down below in the description box .
So I'm gonna start off by prepping my ingredients .
I'm just cutting everything up to my desired size that I prefer .
You can also blend instead of juicing if you don't have a juicer .
Now , I wanna go ahead and go over some of the benefits of each ingredient that I'm using .
So let's start with the pineapple .
Now , the reason why I love pineapple , of course , I did all of my research for everything to ensure that it was good for your body and why it was good to use during your weight loss journey or not even just weight loss to have a healthy lifestyle by detoxifying your body , which is something that we should always do because when you eat certain things , it kind of sticks to your body .
So isn't a great idea to really detox your body .
So for pineapple , it's very fulfilling since it's filled with water .
So it made me feel very fast drinking this and it also kind of curbs your appetite from the ginger .
And then of course , the pineapple .
So that's why I do like to incorporate the pineapple from what I've learned has anti-inflammatory properties which help shed the fat .
The perfect thing for weight loss .
Now with the cucumber , this fruit is also full of water , which is very beneficial when it comes to your weight loss journey .
It also detoxifies the stomach and the body .
A key for cucumber .
It keeps the digestive tract running properly .
A free tip , use cucumber to help clear your skin .
Ok ?
Keep your skin glowy and nice .
Now , with ginger , as everyone knows , some people don't like ginger because it's so strong , but that's what our body needs .
Ginger is the star of the show .
Ginger helps activate the digestive system .
It also activates the metabolism which aids in burning fat .
That's the whole point .
Ok ?
And then we're going to dilute the pineapple juice with pineapple tea .
So as you all seen , I placed the pineapple skin in the water and let that simmer for 30 minutes , which created a pineapple tea .
It's good for your your digestive system as well as inflammation .
I definitely suggest that and of course , it's very acidic to drink .
So you wanna ensure that you're drinking this with a straw and you can woosh around some water if needed .
Now , two options for drinking this , you can drink one in the morning .
You're just trying to be healthy and detox your body .
If you're really looking for weight loss , then I suggest drinking this in the morning and at night after dinner .
So I drink this for about 2 to 3 hours afterwards .
If you decide to make this recipe , be sure to tag me on Instagram at child cuisines or Child's lifestyle .
I would love to see your results .
I would love to see you creating this drink .
I would love to hear how you feel .
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See y'all in the next video .