Welcome back .
In today's video , I'm gonna share a 6 step framework on how to create a social media strategy for your nonprofit .
I've helped dozens of small to large nonprofits create and optimize their social media strategies .
By the end of this video , you'll know 6 steps on how to create a social media strategy for your nonprofit .
But before we dive in , I wanna share why it's so important to have a social media strategy .
So according to nonprofitsource.com , 55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action .
59% of those people end up donating money .
This is why it's so important for nonprofits to have a social media strategy .
So let's dive in .
The first step is to establish goals .
These goals are gonna be your compass and the cornerstone kind of goals can you set ?
Here are a few examples .
You can increase the kind of goals can you set ?
Here are a few examples .
You can increase awareness .
You can have a goal of measuring how many new followers that you get every month .
You can have a goal of increasing your engagement .
You can have a goal of getting people to send you messages .
You can have a goal of getting people to start fundraisers on your behalf or to use the donate sticker on Instagram .
There are a lot of different goals that you can have .
And so if you're just starting out , we recommend that you focus on goals like increase your social media following and increase your engagement .
And if you've been on social media for a while as a nonprofit and you have a good following and you have people engaging with you , that's when you should go to the next level of measuring things like trying to get people to send you messages , trying to get people to comment on your posts more , trying to get people to start fundraisers for you .
I would love to know , does your nonprofit have goals for social media ?
If you do , comment we have goals below .
If you don't , comment we're excited to get started with our goals .
And I don't ask this question .
There's no shame in it .
I only ask it so that I know where you guys are , and I can help provide resources in your journey .
The second step to creating your social media strategy is to identify your target audiences .
Now you might have multiple target audiences as a nonprofit .
You may have your clients , the people that you serve .
You may have corporate sponsors .
You may have volunteers , and you may have donors , all as separate target audiences .
It's important to drill down on exactly what kind of people represent those target audiences .
So 1 fun way that we like to do this is to pretend that we are creating a movie script for a nonprofit , and we have to cast characters .
And so in order to cast the characters , we have to make a list of what 1 person from this group would be like .
And so we write down things like their age , their income , their education level , their interest , whether they're male or female , if they have kids or not , where they go online , what do they like to read .
We get really specific , and we create a person .
And we use this character to help us draft content to write posts because that's when you can really visualize who you're talking to , and it makes your post much more effective and easier to write .
So this is something we highly recommend , and it's fun .
So create a person for each of your target audiences that you can keep in mind when you're dropping social content .
It'll make it seem like you are actually talking to someone instead of creating content and just throwing it out into the universe .
Step 3 of creating your social media strategy is to identify content categories .
So once you created your characters , your personas , your avatars from step 2 , you wanna think about the types of content that those people would wanna see on social media .
So some examples could be that you provide inspirational quotes , or maybe you provide funny memes , or maybe you provide educational posts to get people aware of certain issues or things that would be beneficial for them to know .
Or maybe you highlight testimonials or you highlight the impact statistics of your organization .
There's many different types of content categories that you can create .
And the key is that you create these categories content categories is to provide profit .
Now the key to creating content categories is to provide 3 times more value than you're asking .
And so if you are providing inspirational quotes and you're providing heartwarming stories , this is giving your social media followers value .
And so if you're giving them 3 times more value than you ask for things , when you do ask for donations or you do ask for people to get involved , they're much more likely to take action because they feel more connected to your nonprofit , and they know that you're just not a non profit that asks for things all the time .
So we really encourage you to get strategic with your content categories because the more strategic you are , the more engagement that you will get .
The 4th step to creating a social media strategy is to create your content framework .
So once you've established what types of content categories that you're gonna have , you can then create what's kind of like a styling guide .
So this can be your brand colors .
This could be a template for quotes that you're gonna provide .
This can also be any kind of requirements for testimonials .
Maybe you need a quote from someone that you helped along with a photo , or maybe you need a video of an event to do a recap .
Whatever types of content you want to provide so that they have a consistent look and feel , this is where you'll document your content framework .
And maybe you're thinking , I don't have a graphic designer .
How am I gonna create a template ?
There is a free resource called Canva .
It's a very easy to use plug and play type of graphic design software .
I don't even wanna call that because it's not technically graphic design , but it allows you to easily select a template that already has a quote in it and to adjust it to your brand colors and to put in your quote .
So I highly recommend that you check out Canva if you don't have support on staff to help you make things look pretty .
And because you're a nonprofit , you can actually apply for the pro version and get that completely free .
And what that will do is it'll give you a palette of colors that are easy to pick from .
It will let you save your fonts , and it will give you access to premium images .
Now in next week's video , we are going to share how you can create affordable videos .
So if you've been wanting to create videos for your nonprofit , but you just don't really know how , we highly encourage you to tune in for this video .
So make sure that you click the subscribe button down below and click the bell , and this will help you determine whether or not you can provide videos and how you can make this part of your content framework .
Step 5 of creating your social media strategy is 1 of the easiest .
It's determining your posting frequency .
At minimum , we recommend posting at least once a week .
And here are some other guidelines .
So if you remember when we talked about the content categories , we recommended giving 3 times more value than you ask .
So at minimum , make sure that you have 3 posts that are either educational , inspirational , or informative before you ask for donations or for volunteers and things of that nature .
The second tip that we have when it comes to frequency is to be consistent .
So whether you're posting once a week or 5 times a week , you wanna make sure that you keep that cadence .
And this is actually really important because the algorithm starts to realize how often that you post .
And so if 1 week you're posting 5 times , and the next week you drop down to 1 , and then the next week you do 3 posts , the algorithm is gonna say this brand , this nonprofit is not very consistent .
So we're not sure where we should put them in the algorithm .
But if you show up the same every week and you're providing great content , you're gonna get seen by more people and have more engagement .
The 6th step to creating a social media strategy for your nonprofit is to create engagement .
Now this is where a lot of nonprofits fall short in the social media game .
I understand that you don't have a lot of time , but if you want to be effective on social media , you need to plan out at least 15 minutes a day , or maybe it's once a week , if that's all you can do , for engagement .
So here are some types of engagement that you can do .
The first is that you can create call to actions in your social media posts .
So oftentimes , a lot of people need to be told to share something or to comment .
And so if you're encouraging people to take those actions , you're gonna see more engagement .
And if people do start to share your content and they do comment , it's really important that you comment back to them in a timely manner .
Because if you're just having 1 way conversations , people are gonna lose interest and feel like you don't have time for them .
So make sure if you're creating call to actions , you also follow-up with the engagement .
Another thing that you can do is you can now interact as a page in Facebook groups .
So if there's relevant groups of maybe potential clients , donors , volunteers , you can join these groups and look at the conversations that are going on and interact with your page .
And people will start to notice that your nonprofit is playing a part in conversations .
Maybe you're providing information that people need or you're providing opportunities for people to get involved .
The key is that you wanna be relevant and you don't wanna spam the groups .
You don't wanna just put out information that you have for people to donate or volunteer .
You wanna actually contribute to those conversations .
2 other things that you can do are you can search Instagram , and you can also search Twitter for relevant hashtags .
So maybe you're a pet rescue , and you wanna look for the hashtag pet rescue Denver or , you know , Denver pets , something to that effect , you can look by hashtag , and you can actually start to comment or to like post of people using those hashtags .
And that's gonna get awareness for your nonprofit .
And if someone goes to your Instagram bio , your Twitter bio , and you're very clear about what your nonprofit does , how people can get involved , you'd be surprised at how many more followers you can get and how much you can increase your engagement .
So if you really want to see results from your social media efforts , you must make time and you must create a strategy for social media engagement .
Let's recap our 6 part framework to create a social media strategy for your nonprofit .
Step 1 is to create your goals .
Step 2 is to identify your target audiences and to create characters .
Step 3 is to create content categories .
Step 4 is to develop your content framework .
Step 5 is to determine your frequency .
And step 6 is to create engagement .
Now if you have any questions on any of the information we covered , feel free to comment below , and we'll get back to you .
And if you wanna learn how to make affordable videos , don't miss next week's video .
Make sure you hit the subscribe button below and click the bell notification so that you can get notified when we release this video .
And finally , if you are interested in donation driven marketing , we're releasing a course .
And if you wanna get notified when that's available , there is a link in the description .
So thanks for watching , and we'll see you next week .