So is your appetite going away ?
You're not hunger anymore and you're on keto .
You're doing intermittent fasting , but you feel weak .
This video is for you .
1 of the best indicators to know that you're in ketosis is the hunger goes away .
You lose your appetite .
But at the same time , you should have energy .
So if you feel weak or tired , it's most likely related to nutrient deficiencies .
Now relating to weakness , it could be 3 different things .
You could have muscle weakness , which could be a deficiency of vitamin e .
Okay .
In which case you need to consume maybe some seeds , nuts , leafy greens or even take vitamin E .
But make sure if you're taking vitamin E , it's the whole complex .
So you want the decoferols and the tocotrienols .
Okay .
Together in a complex .
You don't want to get synthetic , alpha decoferal for example .
Also it could be low sodium .
Okay , because you need more sea salt when you do Keto and intermittent fasting .
And the low sodium is probably more common than vitamin E .
So don't forget to take more salt .
At least 1 teaspoon per day .
You can just salt your food and that should do it .
You can even get , sea salt tablets .
Take them as well .
And that should handle the weakness in the muscle .
Now if you have brain fog , most likely there's an insulin resistance problem and it's taking a while for your body to adapt to ketosis , especially if you're diabetic or a pre diabetic .
A lot of people have insulin resistance and it really messes up the brain .
And it takes a while for a person to adapt .
In which case you can speed up the process by giving the brain ketones .
There could be a situation in the blood brain barrier in which you have insulin resistance .
So what determines how much ketone feeds the brain is how much ketone is in your blood .
So if you're having a transition period that's taking a bit too long , you could just take some MCT oil to get pure ketones right into the brain real fast and handle the brain fog .
Because the machinery is already in place , you just need to bump up the ketones .
And then over time as your body adapts to ketosis because you're you're getting rid of this insulin resistance , you will need less and less of it over time .
Now vitamin d will also help brain fog as well .
There's certain parts of the brain that need vitamin d and if you're deficient it can create brain fog as well as insomnia .
Then we get to just fatigue , overall fatigue .
That is usually gonna boil down to a vitamin b 1 deficiency or a B5 deficiency .
Now if you're watching my videos or reading my books , you already know nutritional yeast is probably the best source of your b vitamins and you can just take some and that will help you .
Another cause of a tick would be low potassium .
You need potassium to generate energy .
Now you could also need magnesium as well because magnesium actually will help increase the ATP in the mitochondria which is energy factory .
But the electrolytes in general , specifically potassium and sometimes magnesium , will help energy .
And this could be because you just don't take electrolytes .
You're not consuming enough vegetable .
Okay .
So this is why you might be weak .
Now there's another situation .
Let's say you're not in ketosis .
Okay ?
You're not doing it correct but you're trying to do it but you're not even in ketosis .
You haven't used the urine testing strips to see if you're in ketosis or even the blood test .
So a loss of appetite by itself could be a symptom of several things .
So it could be a negative thing , especially if you're not in ketosis .
It could be a magnesium deficiency , b 12 deficiency , iron deficiency , vitamin d deficiency or an infection .
Usually viral in nature .
So a simple way to differentiate is just to get a test to see if you're in ketosis .
And if you're not , maybe you wanna check some of these things right here .
But definitely isolate which problem you have and address it based on these right here .
Thanks for watching .
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