Okay , guys .
We wanna talk about how to speed up this whole keto adaptation .
Now , what's happening is you're going from sugar fuel to fat fuel .
Now let's look at what's happening deep inside the cells .
Your body is running on sugar .
Okay ?
Blood sugar .
So it's dependent on mainly the stored sugar in your muscle and your liver , which you don't have a lot of , or the the diet .
So you're like , you have constantly eat to keep the sugars up .
So now what we wanna do is dependent on the fat because we have a lot more fat than we do stored sugar .
In fact , we have an average thin person has about 77 , 000 calories of stored fat .
So this is a better quality of fuel .
But in the transition phase , you might have a lowered blood sugar .
Okay ?
And this is where people get uncomfortable .
So there's some tips that you can do .
Number 1 , always combine keto with intermittent fasting at the same time .
Don't do them separately .
They're both powerful tools and strategies to drop insulin to speed up the process .
Because if you do intermittent fasting with too much sugar , too much carb , you're gonna prolong the agony and never get into ketosis because to get into ketosis , you need to drop your carbs .
Okay ?
But intermittent fasting works because you're not eating as frequent , and you're gonna drop insulin .
So if you're just doing keto and you're doing multiple meals , realize every time you eat , you spike insulin .
And again , you're gonna it's gonna take longer to get into this adaptation where your body has cellular machines that are burning fat full time .
K ?
So you basically have to drop this way down to the point where your body is , like , looking for fuel .
It can't find it , so it's gonna go after the fat , and then it's going to if you do this correctly , it'll be , like , 3 days , maybe 4 days , and then you'll you'll be , like , 80% in ketosis .
But sometimes it takes longer , which I'll cover in a second .
But the point is it'll happen like gradual , gradual , gradual .
Now there's gonna be a point where you're gonna be between meals where you're really , really hungry .
Okay ?
So you have to differentiate a mild hunger , which you just push through , or intense hunger , where it's , like , really severe .
In which case , we don't wanna add more stress to your body , so don't suffer through that .
Just add a small snack , which is only fat .
Don't add protein .
Add fat because protein will stimulate more insulin .
Fat will stimulate a little insulin , but not as much as protein .
Because as soon as you eat the protein , you're gonna feel better , and it's gonna crash down .
Now you're gonna be hungry again .
So do fat .
Maybe you do pecans , which is a real fatty nut , or an avocado .
But just do a little fat just to get you through the transition .
And the other thing is if you're going from 1 meal to the next , it's very , very important to have enough fat to satisfy you .
So if you're , like , hurting and you're really suffering , make sure the next meal you add more fat .
So that's 1 thing , which is right here .
But also add more greens , more salad and vegetables because the potassium will actually heal the insulin and help stabilize the blood sugar at the cellular level .
So we need those minerals to really speed this process up .
K ?
The other thing is apple cider vinegar .
With lemon , do a tablespoon and a tablespoon of lemon and some water .
Take a straw so it doesn't bother your teeth .
Sip it down .
That will actually speed things up too .
Electrolytes with large amounts of potassium and nutritional yeast also will speed things up because that heals the the deeper root problem , which is insulin resistance .
So basically , in the transition phase , you're really dealing with a below blood sugar situation , and what's behind that is your body has not fully adapted .
So all of these things are gonna help , So go ahead and apply it and put your comments down below .
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