So should I do insanity ?
Insanity max 30 .
Which one's better ?
Which one's actually gonna give me the legit results ?
And honestly , if this is only 30 minutes a day , I mean , wouldn't this kick more butt because it kicks your butt for longer ?
Why don't we find out ?
Alright .
So I gotta be honest with you .
If you haven't seen my other videos yet , I've mentioned this .
So I'm gonna say it to you now so we we clear the air and get this out of here .
I actually wasn't a fan of the original insanity .
And throughout this review of insanity versus max 30 , you'll see the reason why .
But there are a few things to keep in mind .
There are some similarities .
Okay ?
So the similarities between these two , obviously , Sean t is rocking it in both of them .
They're very based on , you know , using your body weight .
You don't have to go out and buy a bunch of equipment .
You can use your body weight to get results .
They're each about 5 to 6 days a week and they're gonna give you a hard time .
I mean , it's insanity .
It's not called walk through the park and try to lose weight .
It's called insanity .
So it does give you a good challenge to get the best results of your life .
But here's the deal .
Here's the reason why I personally , I'm gonna say right now , I'm gonna go with max 30 over insanity .
This is my personal opinion , and here is why .
Number 1 , I like how this is laid out .
This program's laid out in such a way that it just seemed to flow so much better .
The number 2 thing is it's only 30 minutes a day .
So if you are a busy person , let's say you have a life outside of the the world of fitness .
For example , you have a job , you have school , you have kids , you have a family , you have friends , whatever it is , this is only 30 minutes a day .
I find that the people that I help stick to this program more because it's only 30 minutes day versus this program where they're like , oh , crap .
I worked a long day .
I'm beat .
I'm tired , and I gotta face a 60 or a 45 minute workout .
You know what ?
Screw it .
I'll push it back and do it tomorrow .
And then tomorrow becomes the next day and the next day .
And that's a little bit frustrating because I wanna see you get the results that you deserve .
And in the 30 minute workouts , I'm seeing a lot more people get a lot better results , and that's what I want the same for you .
So if you're trying to figure out which one should I get , that's kinda where I'm leaning .
I'm leaning toward a shorter workout that's just as effective .
And you know what , guys ?
Insanity came out in 2,005 .
This came out in late 2014 .
So now if you think about it , you might be saying , well , wait a minute .
Wouldn't insanity be , like , more intense and get you better results ?
Like , with max 30 , would I need to add other workouts to get the same type of results as I would with insanity ?
If you look at the Friday fight round 2 , which is part of the insanity max 30 program , it specifically says , this is the hardest workout ever created .
In case you don't believe me , it's right there .
The hardest workout ever created .
So if this came out in 2,005 and this came out after this was created , I guess it's safe to assume that this might be a little bit harder and this is the hardest workout song he ever created .
And you know what ?
That thing did kick my butt quite a bit .
Now this is a total of 2 rounds .
I did a round of 60 days , and that's what it is .
It's 2 months long .
Right ?
Both of these programs are 2 months long , 60 days .
And I was a little bit hesitant because remember , I didn't like the original insanity .
So I thought , okay .
Let me give this one a try just to see if it'll do anything different .
Well , I actually ended up enjoying it so freaking much , and I can't put my finger on it .
I don't know if it's something to do with how the program flows .
I don't know if it has something to do with just the way that they set the thing up .
Maybe it's 30 minutes that I like .
I don't know .
I really can't put my finger on it , but I will say that I really enjoyed it so much that I decided to do a second round .
So another 2 months .
So this is my results after 4 total months , and I was down , what was it , £31 .
The nutrition of Insanity Max 30 is easy , it's simple , and it's to the point .
In the deluxe kit , which you can get for the best price over at my site , I'll put a link up above here that you can click on .
But with this , the deluxe kit comes with these containers .
Now you would think these are just kinda stupid little basic , like containers .
Right ?
They're they're plastic .
How does that help me with my nutrition ?
It lays it out in such a way that you're not gonna starve at all .
And the second part of it is you get the right portions of the right kind of foods , so that way you have the energy that you need to power through your workouts each and every day .
Make sure you don't screw yourself over .
Don't waste your time and your money trying to do these programs without tapping into the right nutrition because it's basically like putting , you know , water in your car for the gas .
So why would you put water in your car ?
You're not gonna go anywhere .
Right ?
Think about it .
It's the same thing .
If you don't put the right nutrition in your body , you're not gonna go anywhere , and then you'll be pissed that you didn't get the results that you deserve .
So if you're interested in joining me and the team , I add you to our private online Facebook accountability group .
It's a lot of fun .
We have fun .
I'm there for you .
You're there for you , and we're all here to get the best results that we deserve and live our desired sweet life of fitness .
Alright ?
Click the link below .
We'll get you connected .
We'll get you the best price .
And most importantly , if you have a question that I didn't answer in this video that you have another question about , comment below , say hi .
I always love to chat with you guys .
Keep it going .
Love you guys .
Have an awesome , awesome day .