Hey , guys .
So this video is mainly for beginners or people that are , new to ketosis .
And this is entitled Healthy ketosis acceptable food list .
I put a link down below of a document that you can download and print out of all the foods that are acceptable on a healthy keto plan .
Okay ?
So that way you can have everything in one document .
I'm just gonna summarize , what's in this document , but when you print it out , you'll see the details .
Alright .
So you're gonna see a list of types of fats , nuts and seeds , different proteins .
And realize , when you eat food , the fats and protein are usually combined together .
You're not gonna see a pure fat or a pure protein .
Okay .
Organ meats , fish , seafood , veggies , fruits , berries , liquids , vegan proteins , and vegan fats .
So that'll be actually be in this document .
Your carbs are gonna be between 20 grams to 50 grams per day .
Not per meal , per day .
Now , as far as vegetables go , I'm not counting the vegetables in this equation .
That's extra .
When you consume vegetables , people wanna know , is it gonna be raw ?
Is it going to be cooked ?
I'm going to recommend you do half and half .
Now when I recommend vegetables , I usually recommend 7 to 10 cups , but I'm not recommending 10 cups of brussels sprouts , for example .
What I'm talking about is if you were gonna consume a full 10 cups , that would probably be of like salad or leafy greens .
Not even necessarily spinach because that's high in a chemical called oxalates , but I'm talking about leafy greens , romaine lettuce , that type of thing .
But if you have a salad , let's say , 6 cups or 5 cups , and then you have some cooked or steamed or stir fried cruciferous like brussels sprouts or , broccoli or asparagus , those types of vegetables , then that would be good because when you cook certain vegetables , you enhance the bioavailability of certain nutrients .
Okay ?
Yet when you consume vegetables raw , you have other types of nutrients that are higher because heat does destroy certain nutrients .
So we're just gonna do 5050 .
I like the combination of raw leafy greens and then some , steamed cruciferous or cooked cruciferous vegetables .
That seems to work .
Now as far as fruits go , that's basically gonna be limes or lemons .
That's your fruit .
Berries , so I'm gonna give you a list on what berries you can consume , but of course , you just have to make sure we don't go over these this range right here .
I'm gonna talk about the acceptable liquids and the acceptable vegan proteins and fat that you can consume , but we really wanna make sure the quality is there , and I'm talking about like eggs , for example , you want them pasture raised organic .
Not necessarily just free range , you know , natural eggs .
We want pasture raised organic where the chickens are out there in the grass , consuming some of that , When we talk about fish , wild caught .
When we talk about meats , we want grass fed , preferably organic if you can get it as well .
Now as far as the quantity , we talked about that right through here .
And then bioavailability .
For example , if you're gonna consume organ meats , you're gonna get a much better quality of active vitamin a in bioavailable iron and other minerals and even trace minerals compared to certain vitamins like in vegetables .
Like , for example , the vitamin a in vegetables is more like a pre vitamin a that has to be converted .
But then again , vegetables are high in other nutrients like folate and vitamin c , for example .
So I included in this list the healthy foods in a ketogenic diet .
Because sometimes when you do a ketogenic diet , they might allow you to have low carb , ingredients that are actually not very healthy .
Okay .
So this list might be slightly different than other lists that you've seen when searching about keto .
So click the link below , download it , print it out , and that way you'll have the reference of exactly what you should eat and what you should not eat .
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That sounds weird .
Well , I'll just remind you on a daily basis .
How about that ?