Hey , guys .
Today , we're gonna talk about protein in keto .
I'm gonna clarify a confusion that keeps coming up over and over and over again .
Okay ?
So this is a clarification on this one point .
Okay ?
And that is this .
I've been recommending 3 to 6 ounces on average of protein per meal .
Okay ?
But people wanna know is that the actual weight of the meat or the fish or the egg , or is that the protein in the meat , chicken or fish or egg ?
Okay .
So when I talk about 3 to 6 ounces , I'm talking about the actual weight of the whole product as steak , lamb , chicken , or whatever .
Okay ?
Take a look at this .
So let's say , for example , we have 6 ounces of whole chicken .
That's only gonna give us 56 grams of protein .
6 ounces of steak is 52 grams .
And then lamb , we have 46 grams .
These are all the same amounts .
Pork , 6 ounces of pork is 44 grams .
6 ounces of salmon is 44 grams .
So you can see that they all vary .
They're not the same .
And then we have 6 ounces of lobster is 32 grams of protein .
And then we have 4 eggs which is 28 grams of protein .
Okay ?
So generally speaking , 1 ounce of any of these protein weighs about 28 grams , but it has on average about between 7 to 8 grams of protein in that total amount .
So you can see that they're not the same .
Did you get that ?
So I just wanted to kind of really clarify this one point .
So this amount is not the actual protein in their product .
It's the amount of that meat or fish or egg .
Okay ?
So the last thing people wanna know is how much protein do you need .
That varies depending on your metabolism , your size , your age , how much stress that you're going through , how many body problems you have , your ability to digest that protein .
I would recommend experimenting .
Okay .
So in one meal , you just do 3 ounces , see how you feel .
Next meal , you do 6 ounces , see how you feel .
Sometimes people need a little bit more .
On average , I find that I need about 4 ounces of protein per meal , to feel really , really good .
And I'm talking about energy , strength , endurance , that type of thing .
Alright .
Thanks for watching .
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