Hey , everybody .
What's up and welcome back to our weekly design news segment .
What's popping in design ?
I'm your host , Ron Sagal and welcome back to our show .
Let's dive into what's awesome in design this week .
So the first thing is that we've got a new design tool , a new no code tool called Bravo .
And this tool apparently takes up your design from FIG A or whatever design software you're working with and it just turns it into a live I OS app .
So you get to actually , it's not just a prototype , it's an actual live app .
You get to publish it into the store into the is so you can actually link it into a full working database using air table or something like that and basically have your app working .
I think this is really , really incredible .
I mean , I think this is probably really great for number one and probably for just testing out your idea for a start up .
And now designers ability to actually go ahead and build and publish full working out for their clients , not just do the actual visual design and fig A that's going to allow you as designers to bring so much more value to your clients and really , you know , empower and increase the power of designer and the whole kind of design development process .
So awesome new design , I uh no code tool .
I'm really , really excited to see how this is going to change the game .
All right , what else do we have ?
So Taylor from U A tools , so U A tool , basically they run a design survey , a survey every year to see what tools people are using .
Um You can check out this survey for last year to really understand kind of what tools UX designers and general designers are using around the world .
This is really , really interesting and they just opened up their survey for 2020 .
So go ahead check the link below this video and vote share what tools you're using so that we all get to see this survey for 2020 to know how remote work and the pandemic .
Did it change the way that we work as designers go ahead and check this out ?
The next thing that we have this week is medium medium .
The blogging platform has just did another rebrand .
This is actually their third rebrand I think .
And this time they did it with an agency that's called Collins .
And let me show you basically so it might not look like a huge redesign from this to this .
They also have a new icon that's this .
Um I'll share the case study from calling the agency below .
Um So this is the new icon they're sharing basically why they did it .
They were trying to get their brand to be a little bit more either rational or expressive .
I didn't really understand why they needed to rebrand , to be honest .
Um You know , this is not as I've mentioned , the first time that they rebrand , the first rebrand was from 2000 , 2015 , going from this to this back then , back in the day , they said this was more expressive and a pretty cool brand .
And then two years later , they turned this into this kind of a more typographic more .
Yeah , because this is a kind of a literary website , but this font which I think was a cum phone because it's kind of like a a a Sarah font but really sharp and edgy .
That was pretty cool .
And now they're kind of taking this and going back into a font which is kind of more classic .
So I feel like they've did the f full circle between starting classic then trying to be like really cool and cutting edge and then doing the whole circle into becoming a more mature brand .
Um this icon I like it .
It's super , super simple .
I think they've mentioned this is the dot dot from either the I or the end of the sentence kind of because they're all about words typography .
So they were taking the circle and trying to do kind of typographic adjustments on it .
What I think is it's really , really simple and it's going to be very , very memorable .
So I think this is nice , it looks good , it looks solid .
Obviously , Collins did a really , really nice work here .
Um It's no longer a brand that's trying to be cool and trendy .
It , it tries to look sophisticated again , this is about new thoughts .
Um So obviously , typography is going to play a huge role and I think they did kind of a very creative use of typography to create the visuals here .
So well done Collins really nice work for the new medium brand .
The next thing that we have this week is Snapchat trying to take over or actually copy tiktok and they're introducing sounds into , you know , Snapchat full on trying to copy tiktok .
And this is so funny because , you know , Snapchat were the people who invented and then when Instagram ripped them off or basically just literally copied stories into Instagram , they were like , oh but we invented this .
But now you see that at the end of the day , big tech companies , if they see something that's working and that it's trending , they're just going to copy it .
It doesn't really matter who invented it .
So Snapchat invented , you know , Snap invented the stories um tiktok invented or kind of popularized the the short videos with music , but once an idea catch on and becomes viral , everybody's going to , to try to copy it , who's gonna be the winner in this short video contents design platform .
I'm not really sure , but we'll see , we'll see , I think it's too soon to know , but I think this is interesting just to see that everybody's trying to fight for the same thing for everybody's attention using these videos .
Um And it's interesting to see how this social media fight will end up .
All right , one more thing that I want to share with you is this new brand that's called Sniff .
Basically , their idea is kind of , you know , usually you go to the drugstore to buy perfumes or the , you know , the department store , not the whatever , not the drug store .
Anyway , they're trying to create kind of a new direct to consumer fragrance brand where they send you the fragrance , you test them out and only then you buy the thing .
Um So I think they're really trying to in that way .
A lot of direct to consumer are trying to do that right now .
So it's really cool .
But I also think they've created a really nice brand here um using all the typography trends that we covered in the typography trends recently .
By the way , if you haven't seen that video , let's link it here or something .
Uh But I think the brand is really cool .
The art direct , the caller here , everything is kind of really nicely um working together both the type , the imagery .
Everything looks fantastic .
For some reason , my internet is not loading this website , but I really , really like this .
I think they did a really well designed job so well done sniffed .
I really like this .
The last thing that I want to show you is this how normal I am .
And this is basically , I don't know if this is going to work right now for me just because I see my internet here as fuck .
But basically it uses your webcam to run A I on your face and give you kind of the database of how normal are you in terms of they just have a huge database of what most of the world like .
So you can basically get tests and you can see , let me shut down .
All right .
So this guy basically explain everything that's going to go and happen with your face .
I don't know if this is going to work , but let's try to run this .
So let's see how beauty .
Oh man , my beauty score is 7.4 by the way before I was just seven .
Now , I'm 7.6 .
That's , that's looks like my beauty is improving .
Anyway , it's really funny .
I recommend if you're not , they say they're not keeping the data or anything , but if you're worried about privacy , but this is hey , I'm more attractive than 100% of the spice girls .
Did you know that ?
Anyway , this is really , really fun and amusing , um , kind of experiment just to see what a I can understand from looking at your face .
I found this quite amusing .
So you're welcome to give this a try .
All right , this is all for this week .
Friends .
If anything amazing happened in design , that's worth looking at , please share it with us in the comment below .
We're going to check this out and perhaps review it next week .
I hope you have a fantastic week and we'll catch you on the next video .
Bye bye .