Youtube .
What did you ?
It's your boy stuff .
I got a question .
My dude on my 30 year old version I believe in waiting for marriage .
I turned down college girls .
I turned down strippers .
I turned down hookers .
I turned out models , turned down every relationship that I could have waiting for .
Waiting for a woman thought I found her invested in my self emotionally .
Over three months , I turned down the guts because I wanted to be respectful man .
Now I'm hooked and another dude is digging her down .
I want my power back .
How do I get it ?
You don't get it back .
You lost , you lost you , you lost from birth .
As soon as you were born , you lost .
Y'all gotta understand , man .
We had a disadvantage dog .
So soon as we born , bro , we had a disadvantage , disadvantage because who taught you this ?
Who torture is your mama ?
Your father was probably baited the church .
They probably taught you it , putting the propaganda in your brain making it seem like women are nice and things are nice and sweet and spice and everything nice and that's not just what it is .
Could you believe everything on TV .
Cause what you think that these women ain't getting their guts dug out at the age of 1516 because of what , what your mama said , because of what your teacher said because of what the people at your school said , women ain't like that .
So you gonna wait all these years , you only waiting because you thought there was a one out there for you .
There is no soul mate , there is no one .
All these years you could have had , you could have , you could have experienced a lot of great experiences .
But because of a lie that you believed in from birth , you believe that there was just this one .
And then when you get her , you hold off over three months .
That proves my theory that no woman is celibate .
It , it is physically impossible for a woman to be celibate unless she's pregnant .
Two things , a woman need to function a digg and stick and attention .
Those are two things that she needs .
And if she doesn't get one of those two things she's gonna seek from elsewhere .
Trust me .
When I say that , that's why it makes no logical sense to mess with a woman long term .
If you're in a relationship and y'all don't have sex right away , it makes , it makes no logical sense .
It's because you're , you're thinking like , OK , I'm a respectful man .
They hate respectful men , they hate it .
What you , what you respectful for , respectful towards what y'all laying in the bed ?
See poking her butt out in your head .
I know that poor man .
I'm a respectful man .
What you gonna do ?
I guarantee you beat your meat .
She got all her , she booty out all on you .
I know it's bad for a man .
I'm not gonna hit it .
She probably just dripping wet up in the bed like mm I would just want him to take it from me .
Y'all these women have fantasies dog that they don't even like talking about .
Y'all know that this will be the realest female nature video I ever do .
Y'all gotta get out of this blue pill thinking of how women are , bro .
That that's not how they are .
That's not how they are .
Don't think that a woman is a 304 because she sleep with you on the first night .
No , she ain't no 304 .
She just finds you hella attractive .
You just it for her at that moment and she gonna give it to you .
Get out the mindset of I'm gonna be a respectful man and I'm gonna turn down all these chicks for this right one .
You think she was turning down all them digging sticks on spring break ?
Was she in college after she graduated college ?
You know , I mean the miles she got up on her and I'm gonna be honest , bro , the average woman ain't getting good digging stick .
She's not getting good emotional attachment digging stick .
The average woman is getting mediocre , the average woman is getting a mediocre stroke .
That's why I , I if you ever notice when you give a chick some , some good , good and she just fall in love , you know why she fall in love , bro ?
Because she don't get that .
Yeah .
These women be sleeping around but they sleeping around , bro .
It's not like it's extraordinary to them .
I'm like , oh my God , this experience , they just have an experience of different digging sticks .
They're not having the experience of getting their guts dug out to their , but they're not having that experience .
They getting experience of , he's digging her out and then he bust , ah , about the buck and then he bust fast and then she get up and leave .
She got about like 20 of them , 15 of them , 10 of them under her notch cap and probably one of the guys that's digging her out .
So she f just keeping it a butt .
You cannot go through this life having this mentality about women .
The women are nasty , plain and simple .
They are , they just are fellas .
That's just how they are .
It ain't nothing wrong with that .
I don't want you going through this , this stage of , oh , I hate them .
You don't have to hate them .
You just have to embrace it and adapt to how they are and treat them as such .
It's not hard , bro .
It's very simple .
She wanna get on her knees and give you the business and sh you do your but she wanna do that .
She want to , they like , they like it when you just , you , you make them wet over the phone just by talking to them , just seducing them .
They like that .
See I told y'all how to do that already but if guys are still not getting it because they're not applying it .
They like that .
They like that kinky stuff , man .
Laundry room , you in the laundry room , bending her over , giving her the business .
They like that , bro .
They like when they like when um she making a meal for you in the kitchen , you come up behind you and start kissing her and stuff and she just stopped cooking .
You just dig her out right in the kitchen table , right on the , right on the kitchen counter .
Give it a quick business because it's true .
But when you're a guy , I'm gonna keep it in my pants .
I'm not keeping the A P , I'm not gonna dig her out for three months .
You think she's gonna wait 90 days dog ?
We all in quarantine right now .
These women are going crazy .
You already seen uh uh uh Boris K ko , whatever .
I don't even know his name , whatever his wife was saying .
She said she missed a single life .
She don't miss a single life , but she just missed the perks of the single life .
All that free attention that she was getting from them simps , from them orbits her hovers .
She like going out in the marketplace and walking and oh hey girl , they like that .
Women like that .
Women like that .
90% of women like that .
And when I'm watching the interview , he's sitting there like I don't care , unbothered , unemotional cause he don't , you don't wanna be like the orbiters stop being like them , stop being like them man .
Stop being like the average dude , man .
The average poop pill dude .
A guy can look like he alpha in just blue pill as hell .
No understanding , no awareness .
That's why you wanna have the best of both worlds .
Stop get rid of this mindset of women is not out here getting their guts dug out because they are and I never forget I told y'all it was this chick on Instagram , my homegirl .
I know her .
You know what I'm saying ?
And um she was like , I'm a person , I'm laughing in my head .
I'm like , who is she talking to ?
I'm celibate in my head .
Who is she talking ?
She's not talking to me in general .
Fellas .
Nah , she's talking to the guy that she wants to trap to give him the persona of I'm a good girl .
Ain't no good girl .
They're just , women ain't no good or bad women .
They're just women .
Some guy asked me , Steph , can you be a in the relationship ?
Uh duh , it's not what you do .
It's how you're doing it , how you're seeing it , how you're moving .
It's not what you're hearing , it's how you're applying it .
The how is better than the , what the applying is better than the hearing .
Some of y'all want a chick or three chicks , four chicks , five chicks , you can't even handle one .
And then when you get the one you insecure because you got these blue pill theories and when I say get the one , I don't mean the one .
When I say get the one , I'm just saying in general , you get the girl , get rid of the idea of I'm gonna be respectful towards her .
No baby girl , this is what it is and this is what it is gonna be you down or you're not get rid of all the , all the games and all that BS F y'all be beating around the bush .
You know , you don't even beating around the bush .
Goofy .
Come on .
That's how y'all sound goofy .
Then Donald Duck , I'm your goofy .
You think that she gonna wait three months for you ?
The ain't no woman is single fam .
Somebody is digging out them guts .
All these women is getting dug out .
Believe me when I say that and I'm gonna tell you this when a woman is on her break , when a woman is taking her break on a relationship that break , she's gonna get her guts dug out trust and believe me when I say that and when you get your girl back .
Just know somebody was digging out them guts .
Believe me .
When I say that it might not be the , it might not be the best she ever had .
It might be the best she ever had .
You better hope that you're the best she ever had .
Everything you can know about female nature will be in this video .
Get rid of the ideas of , she's not like that .
Oh , I don't believe my girls like that .
Get rid of that idea .
I don't hate them .
I hate you mom .
Understand it .
Uh huh .
That's what she gone .
I'm gonna fall back , I'm gonna fall back .
Do these women a lot .
So these women say yeah , I got a I got a tight gu my my gut is tight and then you put it in her guts is big like spongebob mouth wide .
You like uh she lying .
It just turn you off right there .
Does that mean she been , she been going her whole life ?
She tried to put on this persona like she not going .
The average woman is more attracted to the sex or should I say the average woman not attracted .
The average woman is getting sex more than the average guy .
You , you fell in love or should I say you got hooked ?
Because it's something you never had , bro .
It's something you never experience .
We all have been cooked before .
But I'm gonna tell you now , do you gotta take the red pill maj because right now you Blue Pill as fuck right now .
Get rid of the philosophy of , they're nice .
I gotta be respectful to them .
No .
Get rid of that philosophy .
Be respectful to your elders .
Be respectful .
If you at the store , you know what I'm saying ?
You at the store , you hold the door open .
That's cool .
Still be a gentleman being a nice person in the public .
But when it's one on one interaction , it's one on one .
You see , you get that nice guy , get that out of here .
Understand these things .
Fellas , women are not who we thought they were .
Women are who I'm telling you who they are in this video and all my other videos , they're not nice and everything's sweet .
They're just who they are and all you have to do is to understand and adapt so you could be cold .