Let me , let me live .
Hold on , hold on , hold on , walk with me though .
Welcome to Monday night , Rob .
Alright , we'll talk .
Your boy been only gone for like 2 to 3 weeks , right ?
But uh I mean I miss y'all too .
It felt a lot longer than that though .
I mean I really hit my breaking point every week , man , every week on national television fighting my family .
Well , we family feud for real and then out the blues , the unexpected called me go by the name of American Night , Cody Rhodes , IC U that's why I'm on the main event , Mondays by myself .
I did some things in the past might have created some enemies back there but you know where to find me because it's just me .
It may have been is now and you said that .
So owning it , claiming , yes , indeed .
I made some enemies .
But here is a man that despite all the fighting that they've done over the past year or so has more often than not been in the corner of one Sammy's eight .
Well , it's been a little while since he's been in the corner of Jay Uso and Jay USO may need to make a couple of apologies this evening .
Yeah , boy Jay , I gotta be honest .
It's pretty crazy to see you standing here , man .
A lot of what you said was true , but one thing is definitely true .
There are a lot of people back there in that locker room that are going to have a very big problem with you being here .
Now .
That's the truth .
Hey , that's the truth .
Even me and even Kevin Owens and I haven't always seen eye to eye when it comes to this whole situation , but it's fine .
Kevin Owens isn't even here tonight and it doesn't even matter the boy , whoever in the back in the locker room , whatever problems they have .
That's not what this is about right now .
This is about you and me and I wanted to make sure that I was the first person that you saw when you came to Monday night raw so that I could look you in the eyes and tell you straight to your face that I am happy that you're here .
I know you , Jay .
I know you , man .
I know , I know what's in your heart .
I know the kind of guy you are .
I know that everything that you did over the past couple of months .
I know how hard that had to be .
But you did it , man , you broke free and now you are standing here on your own 2 ft all by yourself .
You have become who you have always been in here .
You truly are .
Main event , Jay Uzo .
So look , I know there's a history here .
I don't expect us to be friends overnight .
Best buddies , whatever it is .
I just wanted to tell you straight to your face .
I'm really proud of you .
You know what ?
It's , it's fine whenever you're ready to talk , I'm here .
All right .