So what would be the perfect meal to help you detoxify your liver ?
That's what we're gonna talk about today .
The first thing I wanna mention is that going through a detox is not the same as a cleanse .
There's all these cleanses out there , let's say like a 14 day cleanse , clean out your liver , right ?
Well , don't waste your money going on a cleanse with cayenne , pepper and lemon juice with maple syrup for , for even a week or two is not gonna help you clean your liver .
All these expensive little kits with these powdered herbs and things that you can take to cleanse your liver are not going to in any significant way , clean your liver .
And I'm gonna explain why you have some powerful , amazing thing that happens in that cell .
They go through like this assembly line of enzymatic changes .
Ok ?
Got phase one in phase two and then phase three is just the full elimination of that toxin .
And when I talk about toxins , I'm talking about drugs , medication , preservatives , xenobiotic , which are all the chemicals that are external to the body and foreign to the body .
Like you have plastics , you have petroleum products .
You have also mold and fungus and pesticides , insecticides , herbicides , fungicides .
You have metabolic waste like hydrogen peroxide .
You have toxins from smoking .
I think there's over six or 7000 different chemicals .
Ok .
With , uh , about , I think 74 to 100 carcinogens .
Then you have chemicals and vaping .
You have caffeine heavy metals .
I'm not sure if I mentioned that cleaning chemicals , alcohol hormones that need to be broken down .
So we are basically swimming , bathing in chemicals 24 7 , especially if you use tap water and it's like in your showerhead and you have to drink that .
And I mean , it's just , it's hitting us from every different angle .
Thank goodness , we have this system of phase one , phase two detoxification .
And the whole goal of this process is to turn poisons into harmless water sle particles .
So in other words , a lot of these chemicals are fat sable .
So let me explain fat sable .
So you can see right here , we have fat and we have water , right ?
You know , they don't mix .
This is the fat syle toxins right here .
It goes into the body , but it doesn't come out , it gets stuck in there .
So we need to turn this fat into something that's more water syle .
So it can go through the body .
So what these enzymes do , it's basically a something to the fat and then , and so they break it down into something that can actually go through the body .
OK .
This is another example that I use with like bio salts and what bio salts can do for fat .
But it's a good analogy also for what these enzymes do to the fat sle poisons .
Um In phase one , they're adding , you know , either water , hydrogen or oxygen to start to oxidize and break it down .
The challenge with this phase one .
OK ?
Is that when this chemical is activated , it becomes more toxic , more dangerous , more of a car because you're adding oxygen and you're oxidated it and you're opening it up .
That's why we have phase two , but we need phase one to be able to dismantle this so that we can then add the next thing to this chain of events .
So phase one kind of starts the process , it activates things .
It requires certain uh nutrients like folate , vitamin C , uh certain B vitamins , calcium , et cetera .
And this is also the phase where if you consume grapefruit juice , right ?
Or grapefruit and you're also taking a medication , there is a certain chemical in grapefruit that will retain that drug longer in your system and it will make things more toxic for you .
So you never want to consume grapefruit juice or grapefruits while you're taking a certain medication .
And during phase one , there's a lot of uh free radicals and oxidation happening and this is where you need a lot of antioxidants .
So , antioxidants uh protect the cell against all this free radical stuff going on and detoxification is different because you're taking a poison and turning into a water sole harmless particle .
Now , after phase one gets a hold of that poison , then phase two comes in there and it does something called conjugation .
OK .
And that's basically adding a water soluble molecule to this compound like for example , glutathione .
So glutathione binds with it and now it's water sable .
And if you ever get a DNA test , you'll see uh all these detoxification enzymes and you can actually see if you have a problem with them genetically , like like say there's just a mutation with one of those enzymes .
And what that means is there's some sluggishness and that enzyme doesn't work like it should .
So it makes you more susceptible to damage from that poison .
If you're exposed to it , it's just going to be harder for your body to get rid of that toxin unless you eat very healthy and you do things to really avoid that toxin .
So the value of a DNA test will tell you the importance of avoiding a certain toxin or going above and beyond what you normally do to eat certain things to help this process happen faster .
And when I'm actually evaluating DNA testing , I'm finding a lot of people have a problem with these detoxification enzymes .
So in phase one , OK .
The name of this group of family of enzymes are called the cytochrome P .
450 enzymes OK .
And then in phase two , you have a bunch of other names involving glutathione .
But I'm not going to get into these names at this point .
Just realize that all these enzymes pretty much do the same thing , but in different locations in the body and with different toxins .
So like I said before , there are detoxification enzymes in your intestines , in your lungs , in your kidney , but the liver is the primary area of detoxification .
So with phase two , you're attaching certain water sole compounds to help it become more water sole .
And that involves sulfur cline , certain amino acids , zinc .
Now , there's a couple of points , I'm going to talk about with this whole assembly line of uh enzymes to break down these chemicals .
Um It really depends on how chronically you're exposed to these chemicals .
For example , if you have a bad habit of smoking , ok , every day for a long period of time , that is gonna be way more of a problem with these enzymes and the accumulation in chronic irritation and the side effects of things like cancer because remember , cancer is this chronic irritation or damage to the mitochondria that then switches over into this out of control cancer cell .
Well , something causes it and it's usually the chronic exposure to something and it can also be diet as well .
And on top of that , if someone has a fatty liver , which the majority of the population does this .
Phase one , phase two detoxification , enzyme pathway just does not work like it should also , if they have inflammation in the liver , same thing like hepatitis , it just won't work that well .
And especially if they have cirrhosis , it won't work that well .
Now , there's also a phase three detoxification where you're eliminating these water soluble chemicals throughout the body .
But what if , for example , you are constipated , right ?
Your bowels hold on to these toxins .
Well , that's a problem because they accumulate , especially if you have chronic constipation .
And another thing you can have is like dys biosis , which is an alteration in the gut microbiome .
There's a gut liver relationship that if there's something going on in the gut , it's going to affect the liver because the friendly bacteria also assist in removing these chemicals .
So if you had a lot of antibiotics or you have an overgrowth of yeast or a lot of problems with the gut microbiome , you can have a problem with detoxification .
Now , a little bit higher up in the digestion , you have these bile ducts .
Bile is one of the primary ways of eliminating these toxins , ok , as well as through the urinary system .
But if there's anything going on in the bile ducts where there's a block that's called cholos stasis where there's just like sludge or an obstruction from a gallstone that can start accumulating these toxins in the liver and interrupt this flow that should normally happen .
And the way that you would know that you would have that is usually like right shoulder pain or a fullness underneath the right rib cage or burping or belching .
And the remedy is to thin the bile with more bile .
And I like to use a remedy called tut cut , which has been known to greatly assist in the detoxification process of the liver and in other parts of the body .
What about if the urine is obstructed ?
Ok .
I mean , let's say the person has a , an , a large prostate and they just don't eliminate like they should and they retain urine .
Well , we have this accumulation of toxic material that just cannot exit the body and it backs up all the waste .
Not to mention someone that having diabetes and having a kidney problem , which also causes them to retain these chemicals .
But the question is , what can you do about it ?
What can you do ?
Well , the diet , out of all the things you can do .
And I'm talking about supplements and , and remedies and all this stuff .
The diet can help you the most when you detoxify .
And I'm not talking about a two week cleanse .
I'm talking about something you do on a routine basis .
A consistent basis where you're eating these foods over and over and over again .
So I'm gonna describe a meal that I think would be the best meal to help your liver and other organs detoxify .
We wanna start with the egg .
Ok .
Eggs are one of the perfect foods because they're high in sulfur , uh complete amino acid profile .
They pretty much have every nutrient including cline , which is really good for the liver as well as a fatty liver .
And then you would cook those eggs with onions and garlic .
Two things that are very high in sulfur .
Not to mention all the antioxidants in onion and garlic that um can help counter the phase one detoxification .
And don't forget the sea salt to get some of the trace minerals .
And then we add our cruciferous vegetables .
Now , there's any number of Christopher's vegetables that you can do , you can do roasted Brussels sprouts , you can do cauliflower or you can do broccoli , steamed broccoli or even cabbage or sauerkraut .
And if you want to do a salad , you can just do arugula , the more bitter the vegetable , the better for your liver out of all the salad greens .
Arugula is at the top of the list because it's cruciferous .
These cruciferous vegetables activate the genes that cause these enzymes to be produced and work .
So if you have a genetic mutation with one of these genes , consuming those foods can speed up this process .
Now , just so , you know , this is my meal .
This is what I eat very often as my first meal of the day and then as a kind of a dessert , I'll have Kiefer , which is way better than yogurt .
Then I'll put some walnuts in there and sometimes I might put some um low carb , no sugar , chocolate chips just a little bit .
That's my dessert .
But that can actually help with the calcium that you need as well as to your microbiome .
What's unique about Kiefer is that it has a lot more friendly bacteria as well as friendly yeast .
Whereas yogurt has less bacteria and no friendly yeast .
And of course , that's not the only meal , but that's just an example of something that could be good .
You definitely want enough protein too with complete amino acids because all these enzymes are made from amino acids .
So it's very , very important to have some animal , um , meat or eggs with your meal and to put the icing on the cake , I probably shouldn't talk about cake , add additional herbs if you can , if you can add , you know , time sage , oregano , cayenne , pepper , turmeric , rosemary , any of these herbs are going to help you in the detoxification process .
Now , if you haven't seen this video on how to get rid of a fatty liver , I put it up right here .
Check it out .