I'm William Helm with Goldman Sachs Asset Management , here to talk about ticker GPIQ .
GPIQ uses an actively managed dynamic call writing strategy that seeks to blend steady monthly income , long term portfolio appreciation prospects , which when combined together , delivers income growth .
Well , there's a lot of different use cases for ETFs , but one use case would be for income seekers looking to generate that higher yield with a diversified risk base to traditional fixed income securities , I would say GPI q would be a lion , a revered animal that's made stronger by the pride that it works within , and I think that relates to Goldman Sachs Asset Management as a firm .
Oh , morning person after my first or second cup of coffee .
Gpiq holds core equity exposure to the Nasdaq 100 index , meaning its beginning risk profile will look like that well known index you're likely already familiar with .
The fund then writes call options , which can provide lower volatility to that broad market index giving some protection in down markets in exchange for limiting some of the upside in rising markets .
I think gpiq would be football because it's tackling the tough decisions that investors are having to make over how to seek long run income .
Investors can learn more atgsam.com/ETFs .