Welcome to connecting to Google my business training video where you'll learn how to connect your Google my business listing to your account , connecting your Google my business account has several benefits .
Once your GMB account is connected , your new Google reviews will begin to flow right into the conversation stream where you'll be able to review and reply to each review .
You'll also be able to track your reputation in the reputations tab .
Additionally , when you connect GMB , the system will activate GMB messaging which allows people to send messages from Google search and Google maps .
These messages will also flow into the conversation stream where you'll be able to read and respond to them .
If you haven't yet created and verified your Google my business account , you'll need to do that first to confirm that you already have a Google my business account set up first log into your Google account that should have access to your Google my business account .
Second , go to Google dot com slash business and click the manage now button .
If you're taken to the business tab where you can see your business listed , you already have access to an existing GMB listing so you can simply navigate to the launch pad , click the connect button and follow the prompts to connect your GMB account .
If after clicking the manage now button , you are taken to a page that says find and manage your business , you are not connected to any Google my business accounts .
The next step is to determine whether a Google My business account for your business exists , but you don't have access or if a new Google my business account needs to be created first search the name of your business .
And if your Google my business account exists , it will appear in the dropdown if your business already exists , but no one has claimed it .
You'll be taken to a page where you can follow the prompts to claim your listing .
But if that page has already been claimed by someone else , you'll be taken to a page notifying you that the business listing has already been claimed and where you can prompt to request access to that GMB listing , the current owner will have 3 to 7 business days to respond to your request .
If they don't respond , you'll be emailed further instructions from Google .
If your business doesn't appear in the drop down list , you'll want to add your business to Google by following the prompts .
If you claimed an existing business page or created a new one , you already have the permissions .
You'll need to connect to your GMB listing in the launch pad .
If you are given access to the business listing by someone else .
You'll need to confirm that they have given you owner or manager access .
Now that you've watched the connecting to Google my business video , you should now know how to connect your Google my business page to the launch pad .
And now you can start viewing and responding to Google reviews and Google messages .