I'm going to show you this brand new , completely untapped , but that you can use completely for free to make over $200 per day as a beginner , it's a 100% free traffic method and you don't need a website that you don't have to show your face .
Let's get into it .
Welcome back to my channel , Robert here from a Philo lab .
The channel where I talk about make money online , passive income and online business .
And if you wanna learn more about these things , smash that like button , subscribe and turn on notifications .
So you don't miss out on future videos .
Also consider following me on Instagram for more tips about affiliate marketing .
And if you want to check out a free training about high ticket affiliate marketing , I have a link down below and make sure to watch this video till the end .
So you get all the details .
You need to make this method work .
All right guys , let's get started .
Now , the first thing that we need is an offer to promote .
So what I want you to do guys is head over to Digi Store 20 four.com .
So it's an affiliate network and I talked about it a lot on my channel and I'm pretty sure you already heard about it .
And as usual , if you don't have an account already , just sign up for a free account .
Now , once you're logged inside of digital 24 you wanna come over right here and click on marketplace and then you are going to click right here on digital products .
And for the sake of this video , I'm actually going to show you a product that is not make money online related .
Instead , you're going to come down to photography and motion picture and it's going to be sorry , just going to click there one more time , photography and motion picture .
And it's going to be this first product right here called smartphone Filmmaking Pro .
Um Now this is a high converting product within the film making niche .
And I've seen a ton of commercials on Facebook from these guys that are promoting this product .
And it's also a great product with very low refund rates and the average income for us affiliates is around $62 per sale .
And to promote this offer , all you need to do is just click copy promo link right there .
And then what you're gonna do is head over to the next site called Tiny URL and just paste your long affiliate link right there .
And you can obviously play around with some alias after link or not just otherwise just click on shorten URL .
And now this short URL right here is going to be the one that you are going to copy and save in a notepad or something like that just so you have this link for later .
So one of the things we can do when we are promoting this product is actually head back and check out the sales page one more time just so we know what the product is all about .
And also if there is some text and hooks that we can use , so this is pretty good , learn to shoot , edit and share your stunning smartphone videos .
This is something that we can use in the next step .
So this product is all about learning to use your smartphone as a camera to shoot Cine Matic footage , learn the editing and all of that stuff that goes into creating cinematic videos with your smartphone .
It's a hugely popular niche and a lot of people are buying this product because like I said , I've seen a lot of commercials on Facebook for years and they're always updating this product .
I believe this product is actually one of their flagship products .
OK , guys .
And now comes the cool part about this video .
I want you to head over a site called Sort .
The product is called Sort PIN and you can go to Pinterest 0.1 right here or you can just search for Sort Pin on Google .
This is basically an amazing plug in that we can use for Pinterest marketing because I'm gonna show you some cool stuff that did .
This allows us to do to create viral posts using other people's content over at Pinterest to get free traffic to our affiliate link .
So what I want you to do is just click right here .
Add to Chrome , you need to use Google Chrome as your web browser and then you can click right here and you will be taken to the Google Chrome store and then you just install the plug in and then you wanna head over to Pinterest .
And what you're going to do is create yourself a brand new account and this account is going to be heavily related to your niche or even this product .
So if you are going to promote other niches , because you can totally do that with this method , you can use products from and to make money online niche , the health and fitness and all of that good stuff .
But then I want you to create brand new Pinterest account for every single product that you are promoting with this method .
So with that being said , create a brand new account on Pinterest .
And then when you create your account , you can obviously upload a picture of yourself or just , you know , take a picture of somebody else and for the name again , use your own name or a pen name , that's totally fine .
But what's really important is that when you create your bio on your profile , you need to include something that is very related to the product that we are promoting .
So for example , in this case , I would write something like you know , learn to shoot , edit and share your stunning smartphone videos .
The number one place to learn cinematic smartphone video skills to get the cinematic skills you need using only your phone , something that is very related to the course and use that in your bio .
And then you also include something like check out my link in bio .
That's all you have to do .
Type something super related to the product in the bio .
And then right here you are going to include your tiny URL affiliate link , the one we just created over a time in a URL .
So you have your affiliate link inside of the bio and that's pretty much all you have to do besides , you know , filling out your email and stuff like that and then you just can come down here and hit save and you have a brand new Pinterest account .
And then what you wanna do is come over to Pinterest on the search page right here and search for your niche .
So for this , I would search for something like smart phone , video , smartphone , videography , tips , videography like this , something like this and look at this .
So all these stuff , this cluttery , jittery stuff you see on these pins are actually from the app we just installed bot called sort pin from Sort pin.com because I have it and you will also have it in your chrome extension , have it like an ex extension there .
So every time you search on Pinterest now it's going to look like this .
Now , what's really cool about this is all you have to do right now is when you search for a keyword like this , all you have to do , just click right here that it says start the scrolling and just let this scroll for 5 to 10 seconds .
And I'm gonna show you what it's going to happen .
So this is where the basically where the magic happens .
So I'm gonna pause it right now for the purpose of this video .
But you can , you know , let it run for 10 to 15 seconds and then you click right here on the source pin icon and then you click on the pins .
So then what you can do is click right here and you know , you can choose the most recent pins or the most comments , pins , most shares and so on .
But what you want to look for is pins with low amount of reins re shares like this , but still with some comments .
So you know , we could definitely sort that to , you know , most reactions and then we can , you know , see that this one has 22 comments , but 700 reins .
Now this one has 22 comments also , but only 17 reins .
So we want to go for a low amount of reins because that means that not a lot of people are reposting that same pin .
So instead we can repost it with less competition .
So you can go through all of these and look at those two metrics and use the ones that has , you know , low amount of reins .
So then I would just click on this and it will open up in a new tab .
All right .
So I open up that file .
Now , all you have to do is just click save and then you're gonna give this board a name , something like video editing , smartphone , something you know , super related .
And then you're just gonna hit create .
That's all you gotta do because you're creating boards with the repin pin .
So you're basically repining inside of boards .
Now just do that , repeat this step with all the keywords and all those videos with those metrics and create as many boards as reins as you can and you will get start getting free traffic .
All right , that's it guys .
I hope you got some value out of it and you learn something new .
Now , if you wanna learn how to start a 90% dump for you high ticket affiliate marketing business where all you have to do is post simple seven second videos with or without showing your face , then make sure to check out the first link below .
It's a free training that shows you how ordinary people with no prior experience are making 500 plus dollar days online , only working one hour per day .
Also make sure to watch these videos next .
For more ways to make money online with affiliate marketing , more free traffic tips , how to choose the right offers and much , much more .
Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one .