There are tons of differences between One Piece's manga and anime , but the one about Luffy's brother nearly got the series canceled .
Because if you skip to chapter 150 7 of the manga , you can see this tattoo on Ace's back that's super sus .
The anime didn't wanna risk anything , so they changed it to this cross symbol .
But the differences get bigger because it turns out the anime and manga have different beginnings .
In the manga , Luffy washes ashore on an island where Coby finds him .
In the anime , the story starts on a cruise ship called Lady Mary , and Luffy's pulled up onto the boat in this barrel .
Coby is still in this version , but this time , he's a crewmate aboard the ship .
And that brings us to Luffy's face scar that wasn't animated for over 900 episodes .
See , the manga shows Luffy cutting his own face to prove that he's strong .
But the anime wanted to be more kid friendly , so they removed the scene entirely .
The only way you can see it animated is if you find the 2012 TV special called Episode of Luffy .
Now that's crazy , but it's nothing compared to One Piece's goriest change .
See , in the anime , this guy's f saves Sanji's life during a storm , but gets his legs stuck in underwater wreckage .
The anime implies that Zef cuts his leg off with an anchor to avoid drowning .
5 days .
And that's not the only Sanji related change .
Skip to 5 days .
And that's not the only Sanji related change .
Skip to chapter 68 of the manga , and you'll see child Sanji smoking to prove he's a man .
This ended up getting censored in the anime because the production team didn't want to encourage kids to smoke .
Of course , the notorious kids safe version of 1 piece took things further by even censoring adult Sanji's cigarettes and giving him a lollipop instead .
The next change will give you nightmares .
In the bonus section of chapter 90 7 , the creator of 1 piece took Luffy's straw hat and drew it as a person .
I kinda wish he didn't because that thing is terrifying .
It even has this ugly scar which represents the time Buggy damaged it .
Now sometimes anime changes can actually be amazing .
And the best example of this is the one piece chapter that was saved from being deleted .
See , back when Oda was creating the manga , he wrote up Sabo's entire backstory , but never added it to the manga because he had too tight of a deadline .
This backstory would have been lost forever if he hadn't given it to the anime team who ended up including it in season 14 .
Now we have to talk about the time One Piece's manga and anime made the same mistake .
See , when the manga published chapter 393 , the cover page accidentally showed Crocodile with 2 hands when normally one of them is a hook .
This mistake was quickly fixed , but that didn't stop the anime from making the same mistake .
Because in episode 117 , you can also see Crocodile animated with 2 hands .
And that's not the only accident , because one of the differences between the manga and the anime anime is this big mistake in episode 461 .
See , in this scene , Shanks has two arms clearly visible .
But this doesn't make sense because a couple 100 episodes earlier , he lost an arm while saving Luffy from a sea monster .
But listen , the dumbest difference probably the one he normally has .
If you've only ever watched the anime , you probably don't know about One Piece's biggest censorship of a fight .
In the anime version of Whitebeard's final fight , you can see that half of his mustache gets blown right off his face .
But in the manga , Whitebeard lost way more than that because it turns out half of his face got destroyed .
Makes you realize just how powerful he is once you see the original scene .
If you look at Princess Vivi's outfit in the anime , nothing looks off .
But it turns out her outfit was changed from this original manga design because the round swirls on her chest were a little too suggestive .
This design did end up getting animated , but only in a 1 piece movie release called the Clockwork Island Adventure .
Now let's talk about Zoro .
Because some of the strangest differences between the anime and the manga have to do with him .
Like , this scene in the manga is completely normal .
But in the animated version , the production team accidentally drew a second Zoro here .
Instead of just standing there , maybe he could have helped himself out with that fight ?
Another Zoro change happens way back in episode 1 .
See , we all know Zoro was tied to this cross .
In the anime , it's because he knocked out a marine officer's pet wolf with a chair , which is pretty nice considering that Zoro actually killed the wolf in the manga .
Buggy the clown is one of Luffy's first enemies in 1 piece , but he has a dark side that can only be seen in the manga .
If anyone makes fun of his nose , Buggy ends them instantly .
While in the anime , he just scolds them .
Kefalgrla doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to his manners .
But his love for offensive gestures landed him his very own censorship .
The anime cut out his scenes of flipping off used his kid entirely and replacing it with a smug grin instead .
And while this change seems a little minor , Nojiko's encounter with Nezumi somehow ended up worse in the anime .
See , this guy Nezumi was working with the Arlong Pirates .
When Nami confronted him , he ordered 3 marines to shoot her .
But this is a big change from the anime because there , Nezumi instead pulls out a pistol and fires at Nami intending to kill her .
But Nojiko jumps in to save her and gets shot in the back , which is crazy .
But Nojika wasn't the only one with firearms pointed at her .
See , when Sanji was still working on the he had a motto of never letting another person go hungry .
But the other chefs did not like this .
The anime shows them surrounding Sanji , pointing giant forks and knives at him .
But in the manga , they were all pointing guns .
That almost seems like a 4 kids type of censorship .
Almost every big anime has filler content , and One Piece is no exception .
But what makes it different from other shows is that the filler is only a tiny percentage of the overall story .
Like , Naruto's anime is forwarding 1% filler , while 1 piece is only 9% , which is about 100 episodes .
And while some fans can't stand the idea of non canon material , one Piece has some amazing episodes you can't miss .
The filler are called Ocean's Dream , which is about 4 episodes , is actually based on a One Piece video game called Ocean's Dream that came out for the original PlayStation , which is cool .
But the best filler episode is almost impossible to find .
Episode 590 features a crossover with 1 piece , Dragon Ball , and Toriko .
This episode wasn't even available in America until early 2023 despite being made over 10 years ago .
But that's not the only filler crossover .
In fact , One Piece's manga has a crossover series called Cross Epic that combines Luffy and Goku's worlds .
It's basically all about them having a huge party .
While Boa Hancock may be the president of Luffy fan club , Bartolomeo was definitely its founder .
If you were dumb enough to insult Luffy in front of him in the manga , he would cut your tongue out .
The animated version decided to make this a little bit less revolting and had Bartolomeo's victims keep their tongues , only to receive a brutal beating instead .
Honestly , both outcomes sound terrible .
Valmyr wasn't quite as lucky in her changes since she ends up being murdered in both the anime and the manga .
After a gut wrenching apology to both Nami and Nojiko for not being a better mother or having more money , Arlong the fish man shoots her in the head point blank .
This scene would have been way too gruesome to animate .
So in an attempt to lessen the severity of her death , the animators decided to have her shot in the chest , which is still horrible .
Now , if you take a look way back in chapter 33 in the manga , we see Django throwing one of his chakram weapons at Nami , only for Luffy to stand up and have it hit him in the back of the head .
However , in episode 14 of the anime , since Luffy is already standing up and in the middle of yelling at Nami for stepping on his face , the chakram flies into his mouth .
I'm not sure why they made this change since it doesn't really affect the story .
And while Luffy's jaws are pretty strong , they're nothing compared to the difference in strength between manga and anime Luffy .
See , in episode 914 , we see Luffy battling Kaido for the first time and actually putting up a good fight .
The 2 go toe to toe , and Kaido appears stunned multiple times from the damage of Luffy's attacks .
Despite the 2 of them starting out on equal levels of strength at the beginning of the fight , Luffy overwhelms Kaido and sends him crashing into the ground .
The manga version of this fight made Luffy way weaker since the battle was over in the blink of an eye .
See , despite landing a few hits on Kaido , Luffy wasn't even close to being able to defeat him .
But even worse , Kaido was drunk the entire fight , meaning that he wasn't even using half of his power and Luffy still got knocked out in one hit .
And that brings us to the cutest change in the series .
From the beginning of the show , One Piece's author never wanted to make Chopper the cute side character .
But when he heard the voice actor for the anime version of Chopper , his mind was completely changed .
And in an interview , One Piece's creator said that voice artist voice was too cute , and Chopper's design needed a change to be cuter .
But of all the differences between the manga and the anime of One Piece , none of them are as cool as Nami's strongest power .
She shows us her true strength in chapter 22 after giving Luffie a warning about messing with his hat .
Of course , he doesn't listen and rips a hole in it right after she fixes it .
And that causes Nami to unleash her ultimate move , the ability to injure Luffy .
And with a sewing needle , she pokes him in the face .
Now that that is one pirate you really don't wanna mess with , but you don't wanna mess with me either .
So click this video where you can see Luffy fight every straw hat .
Click it .