There are some people who , who are uh interested in reducing population in , in , in any way that they can .
And I do that .
Abortion is one way to do that .
But you also do that through promoting um lesbian , homosexual culture by discouraging , you know , um people of the opposite sex or uh from um cohabiting with one another and um reproducing .
Uh and , and you also do it by uh reducing the or changing um um causing confusion , gender confusion in , in society .
And there are other ways as well called warfare , you know , disease , things like that .
So of reasons and interests and motivations and people groups uh kind of all kind of together pushing an agenda which is liberalization of abortion .
One thing I just want to ask about though , because it's not often covered anymore is the issue of perception because we know in the , in the Roman Catholic church artificial is often misunderstood .
People think the Catholic church is against contraception , it's not against artificial contraception .
Uh It believes in the regulation of birth through a certain , I think Billings method , you know , where you , you , you know , you regulate um uh intercourse .
So that it doesn't result in Children , but it's artificial contraception .
That is uh a mortal thing if engaged in with knowledge and , you know , for consent and so on .
But , um , what is the traditional Sunni Muslim view on artificial or contraception ?
Full stop ?
Well , the earliest form of contraception that we know of is what we call , um , what is called interrupt us , right ?
You know , and , um , you know , I think that our audience said they , they would understand , you know , what was meant by that interrupt us was something which was practiced , you know , throughout human history .
Um um excuse me , men , uh often practiced it during the time of the prophet Muhammad peace upon him with respect to uh slave uh slaves that they were slave women that they owned .
Um And the prophet did not condemn it , right ?
You know , so for that reason , scholars , they say , OK , well , you know , that this itself uh what some call uh the uh or sort of uh the regulation of , of one's uh offspring , right ?
Or the number of one's off is uh something permissible to do , right ?
Uh So , well , with regard to , of course , artificial contraception or like pills , because today we've got , we've got , we've got our condoms , we've got official contraception , we've got a whole range of things rather than quite just interrupt us .
So no one has any , no , no scholar raising any objections to , to condoms .
Um um most scholars uh most schools allow for birth control pills , right ?
Um um The are a little bit stricter on , on the , on the , on this particular matter , this issue .
And fundamentally , the , the , the , the idea is that if the particular type of contraception is going to dislodge the sperm from the uh the , the woman's womb , right , then it seemed to be impermissible , right , to utilize it .
Right ?
But what some of the pills , at least my understanding of the pills where they worked is that they create a type of protective barrier between the uh the eggs and the , the sperm itself , right ?
You know , so it's more so preventing the uh the the sperm from , from reaching um the eggs to fertilize them , right ?
So , so there shouldn't be a good reason to be strongly opposed to them .
However , I just think that uh uh if Muslims um also with regard to birth control pills , Muslims shouldn't take a very uh nonchalant , nonchalant attitude about those either because there are certain dangers that , you know , that women are exposed to as well , right ?
It is in the use of contraception and pills in particular , right ?
You know , that often women , they develop things like blood clots and , you know , they can put their lives in danger , you know , so it's uh you know , so in other words , and I mean , Islam , uh there's not much enough diversity of legal opinion to accommodate um the oral contraception um with the condition that those particular items are not intended .
Like for instance , the day after pill pill , you know , for instance , which is somewhat like , you know , abortion on demand , at least from my understanding of it .
You know , is that well , again , the the the uh you know , the sperm sperma has , has actually um introduced itself into the and taking place , which is why the cat is very much uh against that because it's not just .