In the world of A I writing assistance .
There are a lot to choose from and a lot of great ones at that .
But today we wanna go over one of the top ones out there and that's right , Sonic .
So in this video , we're gonna go over some of the features of , right ?
So explain how it works and why it's so good .
And at the very end , we're gonna put it head to head against chat GP T so that you can compare them side by side .
Now , I'm not gonna go over all of the features that are available in , right ?
So because there are so many .
So if you want a more in depth review of it , go down into the video description below .
There's an amazing blog article , it covers a lot more details about , right Sonic , such as all of the features and a lot of the technology , how it works and all that .
But we're not going to dive into the nitty gritty .
This is just a basic overview to kind of show you , right ?
So and all the things that it can do getting started with , right ?
So is extremely easy just go to write so.com from there , you'll be able to set up a free account where you can start using it for yourself right away before you decide if you want to pay for it , we'll talk about paid features later .
But for now , right so.com , so right off the bat , one of my absolute favorite things about , right ?
So as a whole is just how easy its user interface is to use .
Not every A I tool is that way , but right , Sonic is super easy to jump into and try out .
So really it's as easy as looking for what kind of prompt you want it to write and then going from there .
So let's say we want to create a blog title , we can go down to article and blog A I blog titles and then you kind of just go from here , you really just follow it step by step through to kind of create what you want .
Let's go back to write on a comb .
Same thing goes for really anything you can do linkedin ads , google ads , here's your general writing prompts .
We can scroll through here and the list on and on .
There's so much .
So if we wanted to create an article here , we can just go in here , create whatever we want the topic to be put in your keywords .
And really it's as easy as that , it'll give you ideas , outline , et cetera .
Um And right , Sonic is just super easy to use , which is one of my favorite things about it since we're here , let's also talk about Chat Sonic real quick .
So Chat Sonic here is your personalized A I chatbot , as it says right here at the top .
And this right here is kind of the competition to chat G BT .
Now , the other thing that they have here as well is it's called bosonic .
So if you click this , this is their conversational A I chatbot designed for customer interactions , this I could do an entire tutorial on , on itself because there's so much to it .
I'm not gonna go super deep into that .
Uh Again , I'm gonna keep saying it , but I'm gonna reference the blog article down below .
It's got more information if you're interested in this part of it , but we're not gonna go super deep into that because that would take forever .
So while we're here , let's talk about pricing real quick .
So on a free trial account , you are limited to 10,000 words a month .
You can kind of customize your plans here .
So the pro plan that they start out with gives you 300,000 words a month and you can kind of tailor this to how many words you need um upwards to 15 million words a month , I guess , which I don't need that many .
But if you do there , it is .
And if you do want to upgrade from a pro plan , you can just go down below to where it says upgrade , click it and then you can kind of go from here .
So there are two different options here .
Also to make note of , you can switch between monthly and annual , of course .
But the superior and the premium is something that throws a lot of people off .
So superior and premium is just kind of the GP T version that it's using .
So premium uses GP T 3.5 .
Superior uses GP T four .
What these basically are is the quality in which the A I uses to generate your prompts GP T four is just a little higher quality than 3.5 .
So if you are wanting really rich text , especially if you're doing a lot of articles , then you'll probably want to look into how much words you can get out of GP T four with these .
So let's jump into that head to head .
I talked about putting this against chat GP T , throw them in the ring and see what comes out .
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a product description here to kind of show how that works .
So we'll go to product descriptions .
It's a super popular one and it's awesome .
Uh I've played around with a lot of these myself and product descriptions .
It's really impressive , the stuff that it can write out .
So let's go ahead and do the service name of wordpress web design and then let's give the product service characteristics here real quick .
So here's kind of the description of what our product is .
So we're offering its wordpress Web design .
Here's kind of what we do .
And then for the tone of voice , you can kind of determine what type of description it's gonna write out for you since we're doing a business product description , uh we want this to be a professional tone of voice .
That's just what I'm putting here .
So just kind of cater this to your business itself .
Now , we'll type in some keywords for it .
We'll do wordpress development , web design and those would probably be enough for our keywords .
If you don't know which ones you want to use as well , you can kind of search for keywords .
So if you want to do like web design , search , here's some keywords that a lot of people use and kind of just give you some ideas , which is also a powerful tool .
And so , right , especially if you're dealing with like seo and putting your stuff out there .
So this is good to use .
But for now we'll just use these to keep it simple .
So then there's the quality type and these are what we talked about earlier between premium and superior .
We'll just use premium for now that's gonna be based off of GP T 3.5 .
So then on the very bottom left , it's how many you wanted to do we're gonna do two and then we will generate this .
So once you click generate , you'll see that it'll start to work and then it'll generate our copy .
I said I was gonna do two , but then I did three anyway .
So here's the three that it came out with .
So I came up with three different ones .
One's 100 and three words , 1123 and 179 .
And you can see it .
They're very well written .
Um I'm , I'm always super uh excited and blown away by how good these come out .
Um But here give us our three prompts .
So we're gonna jump over here to chat G BT .
Give it a similar prompt as the one that I just did in .
Right ?
So , and let's see , see what it comes up with here .
So I told it to make our product description and let's see what it says .
Now you can see right off the bat that it is wordier than our other one here .
Um It's like about 328 words .
I just had it count and a word checker .
Um And I find this happens a lot with Chad G BT is , a lot of them are just wordier and a little more I don't want to say robotic , but that's the only way that I can kind of describe it .
Um It seems more , I guess , sterile and it doesn't have the personality that a lot of stuff you get with .
Right .
So and that is one thing I really , really love with .
Right .
So is those different person we talked about , you can really cater your copy to your target audience .
Copy that you can write for a local flower shop is gonna have a lot different personality than a web development agency .
So being able to cater those is very important in my opinion .
Now , I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the chat GP T response that it gave us .
Um just kind of comparing the two .
So another thing also that I wanted to do between these two is run them through an A I detector .
I recently just did a video on all of the best A I detectors which you can go check out on your own .
Uh So I'm just gonna use zero GP T because I had it open .
Um And so this is the chat GP T prompt that I ran it through and you can see that it detected 97.55% is GP T I ran a similar one from the right Sonic that we got and it detected 80% or so .
So you can see right off the bat , it sounds a little more natural than the human sounding , which is nice , especially if you are using this for your professional business .
Having something that doesn't sound like it was written by A I is a benefit if you're wanting that to be even better .
If you are looking for more natural sounding things .
That's where that superior G BT four comes into play on more premium plan .
So that's another thing to think about when you're creating stuff with right Sonic .
So between chat G BT and right Sonic , which one's the Lunar , I have to give it to , right ?
So I think just having the flexibility and the power to write a lot of different copy , the user interface is amazing and just the powerful tools that it has .
Uh right ?
So is a clear winner to me .
So for me , the winner goes to , right ?
So , so there you have the basics of , right ?
So how to use it ?
That should be enough to get you started .
Again .
If you're looking for more advanced features , check the blog article down in in the video description below .
It goes into more in depth on the technology of right Sonic , more comparisons between it and chat G BT and other A I writers out there .
So definitely give the blog article a read .
Thank you so much for watching this video .
I greatly appreciate it before you go though .
Make sure you like this video , subscribe to our channel .
We have a lot more content coming out , especially in regards to A I content .
We got more how to videos coming out tutorials , uh comparison videos to best tools .
So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out and we'll see you in the next video .