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2024-04-13 21:09:34

Why You Struggle With Relationships Rejection

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If you've clicked on this video , you may be wondering if there's something deeper going on , something you're missing , something that's stopping you from finding or keeping a relationship .

One reason you may be struggling , there actually might be something going on in your your brain that's inhibiting you from finding the connection you've been searching for , specifically how your brain handles rejection .

To learn how your brain may be stopping you from experiencing the connection you desire and what you can do to change this , keep watching .

The facts .

A person can only handle so many rejections before they feel like giving up dating for good .

When you feel rejected , it's easy to only see happy couples around you , whether it be the happy old couple in the street holding hands or your best friend who isn't shy of some PDA with their newest relationship .

It's easy to feel down on yourself , like you've somehow failed .

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But the truth is , you're definitely not a failure because no one is immune to rejection .

It happens to everyone , but just how many failed relationships and dates do you have to go on before you find your person ?

Digital magazine addressed this question by highlighting a dating study aimed at unraveling the secrets to finding true love .

Among many things , the study found that statistically , you would have 4 disaster dates , be stood up by someone 1 to 2 times , have 7 to 8 relationships , and be cheated on at least once .

Sadly , it looks like the science tells us that rejection is to be expected .

But that's not to say rejection can't be devastating .

In fact , rejection can be more intense for some people and be the cause for why they struggle with relationships .

High rejection sensitivity .

Ever feel like you've been punched in the gut after someone rejects you ?

There's an explanation for this .

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A 2011 brain imaging study showed that rejection activates the same part of the brain as physical pain .

No wonder you felt like someone kicked you in the gut with a soccer ball .

And experts are finding out that some people are more prone to feeling this than others .

This is known as having high rejection sensitivity , and it doesn't have to be rejections like cheating or the end of a relationship .

Rejection can come in many forms .

According to the Journal of Social Psychology , someone with rejection sensitivity may interpret harmless social cues as blatant rejection or ignore other explanations or reasons for the rejection , among other signs .

Have your friends or family ever told you that you read too much into text messages ?

Jamie Herndon , a public health professional in the mental health space , shares that misinterpreting texts as a sign that someone doesn't like you can be a common example of rejection sensitivity .

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Even though rejection is a common experience , someone with rejection sensitivity has a brain that's on high alert , which can provide maladaptive coping strategies .

Jamie Hunden goes on to say that for some people , rejection sensitivity can be a response to trauma and is often , but not always , associated with other mental health conditions , such as ADHD , autism , and depression .

Rejection sensitivity dysphoria .

Rejection sensitivity can lead to something called rejection sensitivity dysphoria or RSD .

The Cleveland Clinic , a multi specialty academic medical center , explains that RSD is when you experience severe emotional pain when rejected , and there can be a link between ADHD and RSD based on brain structure findings .

The thing is with RSD and ADHD , your brain can't regulate rejection related emotions and behaviors , making them much more intense , explains the Cleveland Clinic .

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It's important to note that while RSD hasn't been officially recognized as a diagnosis and is not always associated with ADHD , understanding these dynamics can shed light on certain emotional responses .

When you're in a relationship , do you constantly feel like your partner is unhappy with you ?

Do you feel like you need extra validation from them ?

These can be signs of RSD .

Couples therapist , Gal Sekhli , says a person with RSD often jumps to conclusions and assumes that they're being attacked or slighted in some way , leaving the other person forever having to comfort and support them .

But there's hope .

Gal goes on to explain that RSD is the result of unhelpful thoughts overriding your brain .

But you can learn how to take charge of your thoughts through different practices like taking risks , focusing on facts , and , of course , seeking professional help .

We want to acknowledge that RSD hasn't been officially recognized as a diagnosis and isn't always associated with ADHD .

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Can you relate to the signs of RSD or rejection sensitivity ?

If so , what helps you ?

If you feel comfortable , please share your advice below to help remind someone that they're not alone .

Before you go , like and subscribe so you don't miss any future videos .

We'll see you again real soon .

Until next time .

Remember , you matter .

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