It's been less than a week .
And this account so far made almost $12,000 from the tiktok Creativity Program Beta .
And in this step by step tutorial , I want to show you how to get approved for tiktok Creativity Program almost instantly from literally anywhere in the world .
And then I also want to show you an alternative way to make even more money with tiktok without even being monetized .
All of this can be done regardless if you have any followers , regardless if you have a website and regardless of where you are coming from , my name is Dave Nick and let's begin with the step number one of how to actually make money on tiktok without showing your face .
And later on , we will talk about how to actually get instantly monetized .
But first , let's take a look at one of the easiest tiktok niches to make money online fast .
And that's the kitchen and tech and just overall gadgets that you can find here on tiktok .
Now , you don't necessarily need to have any gadgets .
You don't necessarily have to spend any money .
But these videos that showcase different product and different gadgets from Amazon and other marketplaces are actually making a lot of money , not just from the tiktok Creativity Program be , but as affiliates now , what a lot of people don't realize is that tiktok is really badly now trying to compete with youtube .
And so they are now favoring a long form videos way more than short form .
So the app first allowed for 10 minute videos over a year and then it recently tested a 15 minute time limit .
They're just increasing the time limit and they are in incentivizing people to post longer videos .
And what they are also trying to do is they are not trying to stay the app where you just go and you scroll on your phone mindlessly , but they are trying to utilize the search .
So those that are now targeting the search here on tiktok can be the first to benefit from the revolution that tiktok is trying to create .
And the bigger the catalog of these search based videos you have here on tiktok , the more passive income you can actually earn over time .
So what you can pretty much do is you can go over to a website called kit.co and then you can just create a store with all sorts of different products .
You can just click on create a new store and let's say you want to sell kitchen gadgets , you just type in the store name here .
You can describe what your kit or your store is going to be about .
And even if you don't own any products , you can just search for these products or different kitchen gadgets here in the search bar .
And it's gonna show you all of these different products that are kind of unusual and you can add them to your store with just one press of a button .
So this is a cool school product .
I can add with one press of a button and I can just select as many of these different products .
The more of them that I add , the more money I can potentially make because I can send people to all of these products with just one press of a button .
So I'm also gonna add this one as well .
So I'm gonna add to kit and I can also edit a product name and edit a product description if needed .
But I just leave it like this because it r requires just one press of a button and then I will just repeat the process until I have multiple products added to my store .
I recommend having at least 5 to 10 different products .
And once you are done , you can now see this kit , you can click on view kit , you can share it later and this is how my kit is going to look like .
So you have different products added to my store and people can come to the store and they can buy these products and they can just click on some of these buttons and this is going to take them to Amazon where they can actually buy that product .
And I will earn a commission .
Now , the way you actually earn a commission is by first adding your Amazon affiliate ID to your kid co account .
So you just want to click on your profile , click on edit profile and then click on monetize .
And then as you do , you're just going to scroll a little bit down , click on , enter your affiliate codes and then just select Amazon and just enter your Amazon tracking id , which you can find in your Amazon Associates account and then just click on save changes .
Now , once you're done , you simply want to create an account on tiktok and optimize it properly to do that .
Just go to tiktok.com or just install the app , create a user name .
And I recommend selecting a user name that reflects the type of content that you will be posting if I'm going to be posting these Amazon gadgets and I can add a user name that's going to resonate that .
So for example , I can say futuristic gadgets and then I can sign up .
And now if I view my profile , this is how it's going to look like .
Now , I also need to add some bio that will also showcase what the account is going to be about .
And then I can also create a quality action in my bio , which is going to say try them all .
Now for the profile picture , I can just go over to canva.com and I can search for a bunch of different templates .
I can just find a template that I like .
Click on , customize the template .
I can change the text .
So here I'm just going to say futuristic gadget because that's my user name and this is how the logo is going to look like .
Now , I can download this with one press of a button and I can upload it back to tiktok .
Now I can click save and I will have my account optimized properly .
So let's refresh the page and let's take a look at how it looks now .
So we have the profile picture , we have the logo , have the user name and we also have bio .
Now in order to add a link in my bio , I would just need to go back to kit code .
I would need to copy the URL of my store , just press in these three dots , click on the copy link and then you can just paste that in your by using the Tik Tok app on your phone .
Now , in order to actually earn money from the tiktok Creativity Program beta .
And in order to actually get paid for the views that you are getting on those tiktoks , you would actually have to create original content .
You would probably have to record those videos yourself .
You don't necessarily have to show your face as you can see .
But if you want to earn from the tiktok Creativity Program beta , you need to have original content .
Now , if you don't care about the tiktok Creativity Program and you just want to make money from the Amazon Associates or Amazon Fiel that program from the clicks that you're getting in your bio , then you can simply just find the videos of those products on the listing of that Amazon product .
In most of the cases , you can just open up the product that you're promoting from your kid Co store .
And they usually in 99% of the cases have videos showcasing that product in action , usually at the bottom of that listing and you can just open up those videos and you can just make short form content out of that .
And even if you can't find those videos , you just have to copy name of the product , then just go to youtube search for that exact same product and you should be able to find videos showcasing that product .
And now all you got to do is just copy the URL of that video and search for youtube to MP four , select one of these , paste the link to that youtube video and click download .
And now you can download that video to your computer and you can turn it into short form content with any app that you want , whether that's going to be cap cut Canva or any video editing software .
You use and you can showcase multiple products , for example , 10 kitchen gadgets that you should buy and then it just goes and showcases 10 different products from Amazon .
And then you tell them all of these products are linked in my bio .
You see some of these videos literally get millions of views and it doesn't necessarily have to be kitchen gadgets .
There's just a basic example .
You can also do futuristic tech gadgets , garden gadgets , toys for kids .
It doesn't matter .
It just needs to be a list of different products and there's literally tens of millions of products that you can find on Amazon .
You can showcase them here and you can say if you want to buy this product , it's linked in my mind and the beauty of the tiktok Creativity program is that not only are you driving freight traffic from tiktok to your affiliate links and you're earning affiliate commissions , but you can also get paid for the views that you are getting on those videos .
Now , the requirements for a tiktok Creativity program that are quite stiff , you need to be from the US .
You need to be 18 years old , have 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the last 30 days .
And for some people , this is nearly impossible .
So that's why you can now get an instantly monetized the tiktok account by clicking the first link in the description box down below .
And that way you can skip all the BS and just start posting videos that are monetized from day one .
So you don't necessarily have to wait to get approved and you don't necessarily have to be from the US to access the tiktok Creativity Program be so that's gonna be the first link in the description box down below to get instantly monetized on tiktok .
And also if you don't want to create those videos yourself , you can also get done for your long form videos , which is gonna be the second link in the description box down below where my team and I will basically create those videos for you .
So you can just download them and upload them with full rights to your tiktok account and you have full rights to actually monetize them with a tiktok Creativity program better and also earn from the affiliate links in your bio as well .
There is currently three different packages over here .
We have the 1020 30 videos package even though this was made .
Firstly for youtube , those are the videos that can be used both on youtube and tiktok because as we previously saw tiktok is now face longer videos and needless to say in order to actually monetize your tiktoks with the Creativity Program beta , even when you are approved , you still need to be posting videos that are over a minute long .
Otherwise they're just not going to be valid for tiktok Creativity Program beta and these long form videos that are done for you are usually between eight and 10 minutes long .
Again , all of that is going to be linked in the description box down below .
I really hope you get some value out of this video .
And if you did make sure to drop a like down below and I will see you next time .