Instead of jumping out of bed and rushing right into the stress of what you need to do .
Breathe , take a moment to eliminate the stress and realign your mind , body and brain with a joy that does live inside you .
You get to choose if your day is going to be like every other day or if it's going to be a great day .
And you decide first thing in the morning by giving yourself that time to realign your brain to positivity to redirect your mind to what is good in your life .
What is good in your life right now ?
Take a moment to think about it .
Start your day with intention today .
I will be present today .
I will be kind today .
I will be the example I expect of others today .
I will give my all in every moment .
It's all about intention .
When you direct your focus to the good , you will see more good .
If your focus is directed to the stress and struggle , you will see more stress and struggle .
If you want to be really happy .
Give thanks .
That's the secret .
Happy people are grateful people .
So spend time in gratitude .
Spend time in intention and expectation for what a great day today is going to be , feed your mind with something positive , read or listen to something uplifting something that will grow your mind or spirit .
You attract your intentions , you attract your beliefs , you attract what you feel .
So get up and feel good .
When you direct your focus to the good , you will see more good .
If your focus is directed to the stress and struggle , you will see more stress and struggle .
That is your only job .
Get up and get yourself feeling amazing .
Ask yourself , how can I feel great today ?
How can I grow today ?
How can I make others feel great today ?
Open your eyes to the magic around you .
I guarantee you , you have been missing out on miracles because you have been lost in the stress and noise inside your head .
Get out of your head and get into the magic of life .
Today is a new day , a fresh clean canvas .
You can paint whatever you want on that canvas no matter what happens .
You are the artist .
Add some color , some joy , some life to your canvas .
Leave nothing off that canvas .
As soon as you get up in the morning , ask yourself what's really important today ?
Is it important that I rush around at everything I have to get done or can I just enjoy this moment ?
Can I set the tone for the rest of my day ?
You decide what kind of day you will have not what happens but how you will respond to everything that happens .
You can respond positively to any situation .
Will you respond with presence ?
Will you see the good ?
Will you find a way around the obstacles ?
Will you write your own story or will life write it for you ?