If you are not a consistently profitable day trader yet , I want you to stop what you're doing .
Listen to this video , watch it five more times and take the advice that I'm about to give you .
Welcome back to the channel , everybody .
My name is Artie and this is the moving average a show where we discuss everything day trading to keep you profitable .
If you're anything like me and the 95% of other retail day traders , you struggle with being consistent when you're first starting out and you make huge mistakes one after another and you never learn from your mistakes and one of the biggest mistakes that I still to this day make and it is the one I suffer with the most .
It is over trading and revenge trading .
I have told myself 1000 times that I have a rule that I do not break .
If you lose two trades in a row , you stop trading for the day and over the last month , I've broken that rule four times .
So in this video , I'm going to put you to the test .
I'm going to put your skill set to the test and I'm going to restrict your trading .
This restriction on your trading is going to be a game changer for you .
What I want you to do for the next 30 days to 90 days , 90 days preferably is to take one trade every single day for the next 90 days .
Only one trade .
You have to wait for that perfect setup that you have four confluences .
Everything is lined up .
It looks like the perfect trade and you wait for that one and you just take one trade .
You cannot do more than one trade .
There is a small loophole which I I will get to in just a minute .
But what I want you to do is focus on the one trade .
The reason I want you to do this and the way I want you to think about it is imagine if you could only eat once a day , you would plan that meal out the day prior to .
You would know exactly everything that you wanted to eat in that one meal to where you would be full enough and satisfied , but not to the point where you want and not too little to where you're ravenously hungry until the next day .
The other reason why I want you to do this is to realize if you wait for that perfect set up , all you need is one good trade a day , just one .
And you will be amazed at how much money you could make .
And how much higher your win rate is going to be ?
Because you're waiting for those perfect setups .
I'm about to show you an example of a trade that I took today and it had six Confluences .
I was so confident in this trade that I started packing up the rest of my office because I got to be out of here by today .
OK .
So this is Australian dollar us dollar on a two minute time frame .
I started watching the charts at about 330 this morning because I couldn't sleep .
So I just woke up and went to work .
And when I started looking at the charts , I saw this huge move down and then it subsequently started to go up .
So what I did was I put up an anchored VW A , it's this one right here in the technicals of trading view V Wap , auto anchored , you can put a star next to it to keep it on your favorites list .
That move down was started by a three line strike , which is my favorite price action entry candle formation .
That move went all the way down year and then started to come up .
So what I did was I drew out a Fibonacci tool from this point to this point , this high to this low .
And I saw that this was the Fibonacci Gold Zone , which also matched with this structure right here .
A previous low and a high and a low and a high price usually likes to come up to retest previous levels of structure .
So once I put up my Anchored VW and saw that it checked off of this area as well as a known previous support and resistance level .
And then if I take it down to the one minute time frame and I put up the T MA overlay , which shows you all the moving averages and stuff .
It was really close to the 200 .
And so my analysis on this was two minute three line strike for entry price rejected off of the anchored VW .
A also a 0.618 retracement off of the previous VW .
A rejection point .
This one right here also a one minute 200 smooth moving average .
It was very close .
Also an area of support and resistance .
Also a hidden bearish divergence which you can see right here on the RSI .
This level was at 73 and this level was at 75 .
It's small , but it's still a hidden bearish divergence .
On the two minute time , we got a three line strike , which is my entry candle I entered in my trade .
The reason it's down here is because there's a one pip spread and because it was prior to market open , I did not know if it was going to make a double bottom right here .
But even if this was a move up and it would have continued , my take profit level would have been a 618 retracement on this pullback .
So even if it stopped here and went up , I still would have gotten my take profit hit , which is why here comes the caveat for making one trade a day , you can split it .
So my usual goal is 20 pips , but because I didn't know if it would make 20 pips , I took two of the same size trades looking for only 10 pips .
So both of those trades together gives me 20 pips and obviously a 1 to 2 risk reward ratio .
So my stop loss was five pips on both trades .
Now , for those of you that are saying that I have too many indicators .
I don't have them all up all the time .
I keep them hidden except for the three line strike .
I always have that up and the VW I always have that up .
But once I do my analysis and take my trades , I can remove all of my Fibonacci levels and I always have my RSI up .
But what I'm getting at here is that I have all of these indicators on my charts all the time , like volume profiles which show me which areas on the price have the most buying and selling volume .
So the yellow one is going to be buying volume and the gray one is going to be selling volume .
It also shows me the two highest volume areas which is where the price is right now .
I also have market sessions to show me my trading window and consolidation zones just to see if I'm getting stuck in an area , but I rarely put them up on my chart , but I always have them as usable tools .
Now , if you're familiar with trading view at all , you know that if you have a free account , you are limited to three indicators .
That's it .
And I guarantee you , you're exactly like me .
When I started , I had the Trading View free version and I did the 30 day free trial of the pro version .
And every 30 days , I would create a new account under a new email so that I would just continue to get the PRO version and have the indicators and back testing ability and the ability to set multiple alerts at different price points .
Like all of the usable tools in trading View pro or premium are so worth it .
It's ridiculous .
Which is why I decided to drop this in today's video because once a year , Trading View does their Black Friday sale ?
The price of Trading View Pro is like $600 or something ridiculous .
And in one hour and eight minutes , you can get that Trading View Pro plan that you've been waiting for for 60% off .
Plus you get a free month .
So you're getting 13 months of trading View premium or Pro .
Yeah .
So you got Pro for 155 a year pro plus for 299 and premium for 599 .
Hold on .
My maths aren't very good .
So you get a $360 discount .
So you're paying two 140 bucks for a year .
It's a crazy good deal .
I could not exist without trading view premium .
So needless to say I am an indicator whore .
I love having my indicators .
It helps me with all of my confluences to give me more confidence in my trades so that I trade less and I have a higher win rate .
Fuck , I'm so sick .
So do me a favor and do yourself a favor for the next 90 days trade .
Once a day .
If you want to stack multiple trades on that one trade opportunity , you can but only up to two and your take profit is going to be half of your normal take profit .
This is going to keep you so incredibly disciplined in your trading waiting for the right opportunity and it's gonna make your back testing so much easier and it's gonna make your journaling so much easier because you're not gonna have 17 trade entries a day .
Seriously .
All you need is one good trade a day .
If you have a funded account and you have $100,000 funded account and you make 2% on that one trade that you took that day , you're looking at $2000 every single day .
And if you're only waiting for those perfect entries and you really know your setups , you can get 70% or higher win rates .
I want you guys to become better traders and I want you to be patient with everything .
If you don't want to be patient and you want to trade 18 times a day and you revenge trade and all of that , just keep going the way you're going and you'll continue to fail , I can guarantee you that .
But if you're struggling right now and you don't know how to fix it , try trading once a day , it's going to make a difference for you down below .
I'm gonna have a link to all of the indicators that I showed on here as well as a link to trading views , Black Friday sale .
So click that , get it .
If you have the money for it .
If you don't , then just , you know , don't I find it massively beneficial .
Also , what I want you guys to do is in 90 days , shoot me an email right here and let me know what your win rate was for those 90 days .
I'm super curious if this helped to change something for you .
If you guys want to follow my progress on this 20 pip challenge thing and you're not in the Discord group , just go follow me on Twitter .
And if you don't know what the 20 P challenge is , watch this video right here .
Thanks so much for watching and we will see you in the next one .