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2024-06-09 10:43:47

The 7 Warning Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency - Dr. Berg

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There are actually 7 warning signs of a vitamin d deficiency .

Now recently , I looked how many videos I have on vitamin d on YouTube , and I found out it was 326 videos .

So I'm sure that you've seen pretty much all of them .

But if you haven't , this video is kind of a summary of the key warning signs .

But what you need to realize is that a warning sign or a symptom is not the problem .

It is an indicator of a problem , but it's not the problem , and I'm gonna let you in on a little secret .

The medical profession treats indicators .

Okay ?

They treat the indicators , and the treatment lasts for about 24 hours .

Because if you only treat the indicators , you have to keep treating them over and over and over again .

And the same thing happens with your garden or in farming .

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If you have excessive weeds or pests or insects , you know , you might think those are the problem , but they're really not .

They're an indicator that there's something going on with your soil , some condition that is not good , or with the plant that is unhealthy .

You know , there is actually a great test , and I'm gonna do a video on this .

It's called the BRICS test , and it's a very simple and expensive test that anyone can do on their garden plants or fruit to determine on a certain scale how healthy or fertile that plant or fruit is .

And if that plant or fruit is above 12 , it's immune from insects .

Insects do not touch it .

They don't eat it .

They don't start to destroy it .

Insects go after plants that are dying and decaying , but they don't go after healthy fruits or plants , which is very fascinating .

In our body , it's the same thing .

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You're as strong as your weak link .

If your system is weakened , you're very susceptible to pathogens , viruses , bacteria , etcetera .

So it's really important to understand and differentiate between an indicator and the real problem .

Today , we're gonna talk about the 7 indicators of a vitamin d deficiency , which is at the root cause of many different problems .

So let's start with number 1 , high blood pressure .

Okay .

That is one indicator that your vitamin d is low .

In fact , it's a real common one .

There's 2 things that I find that can help resolve hypertension .

1 is vitamin d , and number 2 is potassium .

But vitamin d is intimately involved because it can act as an ACE inhibitor .

They use ACE inhibitors for think it's 48% of all first line treatments for high blood pressure .

Okay ?

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And vitamin d acts like an ACE inhibitor .

If you're deficient in vitamin d , you'll get arterial stiffness .

In fact , there's a huge correlation between people having low vitamin d and having hypertension .

In fact , I'd be really curious if anyone who had high blood pressure didn't have a vitamin d deficiency .

Okay .

Number 2 , low back pain .

This is a really good indicator that you're low in vitamin d , especially if you get , like , achiness in your lower back , in the muscles .

And if you have low back achiness at night when you're trying to sleep , classic vitamin d deficiency .

In fact , vitamin d is one of the most powerful anti inflammatories , natural anti inflammatories because it acts like a steroid .

It acts like prednisone , but without the side effects .

So you could virtually have inflammation anywhere in your body , not just the lower back .

Alright .

Number 3 , blood sugars .

Now this is interesting .

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When you're low in vitamin D , you're way more susceptible to getting insulin resistance , and you're way more likely for that insulin resistance to turn into a prediabetes , and you're more likely for the prediabetes to turn into diabetes .

Why ?

Because vitamin d has a very important purpose of maintaining your beta cells in your pancreas , the cells that control insulin .

Alright .

Number 4 , virus susceptibility .

There's not one aspect of your immune system that does not have receptors for vitamin d .

Vitamin d is the most important vitamin for your immune system .

So if you're low in vitamin d , you're way more susceptible to not just getting a viral infection , but a bacterial infection as well .

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And so vitamin d protects you against pathogens , and it also can help to regulate , excessive amounts of inflammation as in the cytokine storm in your lungs .

Alright .

5 , autoimmune conditions .

I don't think there's any autoimmune disease out there that does not have a severe low vitamin d situation .

When you're low in vitamin d , you're highly susceptible to having immune problems as well as developing an autoimmune condition .

And vitamin d is one of the best natural treatments for autoimmune .

Why ?

Because it's a powerful anti inflammatory .

And think about what autoimmune conditions are .

Autoimmune conditions are a situation where your body is attacking itself .

It's an immune system that has gone rogue and you always have inflammation .

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In fact , it's the inflammation that is causing most of the symptoms with autoimmune conditions .

So if you were to take , higher amounts of vitamin d , you know , like , maybe 30 , 40 , 50 IUs of vitamin d every day , you would probably notice remarkable improvement in your autoimmune condition .

Alright .

Number 6 , daytime sleepiness .

You can call this fatigue .

You can call this just being tired .

Huge connection with low vitamin d .

Now I don't know if that's because vitamin d is intimately involved with your sleep , especially behind sleep apnea , and you just feel tired .

Vitamin d helps the cells that control the circadian waves .

And without enough vitamin d , it can really throw off not just your circadian waves , but just make you feel lethargic , kinda tired all day .

And especially if you , like , have a really hard time getting up in the morning , we know you need vitamin d .

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And it's interesting about vitamin d because sunlight actually helps increase vitamin d .

So I wonder if there's a connection with that .

Alright .

Number 7 , depression is a really good indicator that you need vitamin d .

Now why ?

Because vitamin d is needed to convert tryptophan , which is an amino acid into serotonin .

Okay ?

Serotonin is a hormone that really helps , your mood .

And if you're deficient , you can be very depressed , and you need as a requirement tryptophan , for the creation of serotonin .

And so vitamin d is needed for this conversion .

And this is another point I'll bring up for depression .

I don't think there is a a case of depression that does not have an underlying vitamin d deficiency .

Now can you imagine if someone had any one of these or all of these ?

Okay .

The indicators are being treated with a medication .

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How much confusion that's gonna be ?

Because one medication is gonna create other side effects , and you don't know what's causing what .

But , unfortunately , the system is set up to manage your indicators and not treat underlying causes .

I wanna bring up another point .

Now you could be having , you know , being on the sun , getting enough vitamin d .

You could be eating foods with some vitamin d .

You could be taking the vitamin d supplement and still have problems for various reasons , which I'm gonna cover right now .

Number 1 , you can have , which is becoming more common , a genetic defect .

It's called polymorphism .

If you had some genetic testing , and you had a vitamin d receptor , mutation , that could be the reason why taking normal amounts of vitamin d is not not going to work .

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The other thing is that the RDAs for vitamin d are , I think , if I'm not mistaken , like , 600 IUs , which is a joke because that research has been done primarily on bone formation , but not all the other things that it can do .

So if you're taking 600 IUs thinking you're getting enough on top of absorption problems , if you have gut inflammatory conditions or past damage from an antibiotic , you're not gonna absorb vitamin d too well .

If you don't have enough liver function because your liver is fatty , you're not gonna be able to produce the bile to be able to absorb vitamin d , not to mention the activation of vitamin d .

Because in our bodies , we have inactive vitamin d and we have active vitamin d .

You need the liver and kidney to deactivate that .

Also , if you're low on zinc or magnesium , you're not gonna absorb vitamin d too well .

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Also , if you're getting older , you need more vitamin d to create the effect .

Or if your skin is darker , you're gonna have more melanin that's going to block vitamin d .

So if you're on the sun , it takes a lot more sun to create more vitamin d .

Or if you are overweight , okay , or at instant resistance , which is also , the cause of being overweight that can block your ability to absorb Vitamin D .

So you can see there are so many other reasons why people might be deficient .

Now make sure if you're taking vitamin d , you take as a maintenance dosage 10,000 IUs .

Okay ?

If you think that's a lot of vitamin d , you should watch my video down below .

Always take vitamin k 2 with vitamin d .

Vitamin d helps absorb calcium by 20 times more .

So here we have all this calcium in the blood .

Right ?

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So that's actually performed with vitamin d , but we also need vitamin k 2 to help take that calcium in the blood and deliver the other half into the bones .

If we don't have enough k 2 , sometimes that calcium can deposit in the arteries as well as in your joints and other tissues .

So the ratios of of vitamin d 3 to k 2 would be like 10,000 IUs of d 3 to 100 micrograms of k 2 .

There's different versions .

The one that I recommend is the natural form , which is m 7 .

Alright .

Now that you have the basics on vitamin d , some people are concerned about toxicity .

I think you should watch that video next .

I put it up right here .

Check it out .

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