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2023-10-03 02:18:53

How to Start an Instagram Theme Page Business In 10 Minutes

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you can be making money by spending 10 minutes on Instagram every day right now , and by the end of this video , I want you to go off and be able to do exactly that .

Have you seen these types of pages before ?

Let me introduce you to Instagram theme pages .

Instagram theme pages essentially are pages which you repost content on .

These are some of my personal ones , which I've been running for a while , and I found great success both in growing them and monetizing them .

Now the first thing you want to do when creating a theme page either on Tiktok or Instagram or both , is think about the niche now .

Some of the most profitable niches are motivation travel , food , fitness , animals .

But there are endless niches that you can create a theme page for one of the most important aspects when picking a niche is for you to have a relative passion for it .

So spend some time thinking about the niche that you want to go into .

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Take a look at some profiles on Instagram and Tiktok now and go from there .

But remember , this is an important step .

So take some time on it , guys , if at any point you have any questions throughout your process , please message me or comment on this video , and I will be sure to reply .

So you've picked your niche now .

The next step that you need to do is branding .

You want to create a profile that is professional , that stands out , and that consumers will understand what content you're going to be posting .

So the first thing we want to do is pick a name .

The name that we want to pick needs to resonate with our audience .

So if we're going for a niche in finance , for example , we want to pick a name that includes a word that is related to finance or the word itself .

So , for example , we could call it something like Finance Club or finance squad .

We love finance .

There are so many ideas .

It's just about you being creative and coming up with a name .

A quick tip here is to look at competitors .

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If you want some inspiration now , you've picked your name .

Let's move over to your logo .

I would use a platform such as can to create your logo such as this at this stage There are a lot of presets on can that you can use that you can just pick and get things going .

And then , as your page grows , you can potentially pay someone on a platform such as fiver to create a more HD one .

But at the beginning , using platforms such as can is perfectly fine .

So you've picked your name and you've got a logo .

So the next step is to create your instagram profile , upload your logo and to put the name you've chosen .

Now the next step is to optimise our bio .

Here's an example of an optimised bio for the finance sector .

As you can see , they've made it clear exactly what their audience should expect from them .

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So they've put a bit about themselves so sharing knowledge for the last two years and essentially what they bring to you , which is practical tips to save and make money .

So when someone comes on their profile , they will understand immediately what type of content they should expect , and it will make make them more inclined to follow , as it's a professionally optimised buyer .

In your name part here , you want to put your name and then also your quick three word summary of exactly what you do .

So , for example , they've put business investing finance .

So when someone types any of those key words , they will come up in the INSTAGRAM search algorithm and guys , this applies also for tiktok .

It's extremely similar in terms of the way pages are structured .

So , guys , now you've created your bio .

You've got a page .

You've got your logo , your name , your niche .

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You're ready to start posting and actually start building that post count now with posting .

This is the part that is going to take you 10 minutes a day , or even less than that .

The way I like to do it is spending like one hour a week and just curating all of my content for those seven days .

The amount that I like to post on either tiktok or Instagram you can use the same content , by the way , is around four times a day .

But you can do more , but I would never do more than seven posts a day .

The way to get content is the best part .

It's so easy .

We're going to find some finance accounts which obviously doing well and What we're going to do is actually just repost that content now , something important to do .

If the content has been uniquely made by someone or it has a person's face in it , something like that .

It's important for us to always credit in the caption , and it's OK for us to use that content .

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So what we're going to do is pick five competitors .

We're going to go through their profiles .

We're going to press rules or swipe and just pick and save all of the content that is performing the best .

So if there's a page with consistently 50,000 views , 50,000 views on rules , what we want and and then some of them have 500,000 .

We want to go through the page and save all the one are 203 100,000 , as these are the best performing rules and will go viral quicker on our page .

Pick five competitors save a bunch of content like 30 50 pieces .

It shouldn't take you long .

Maximum 2030 minutes , and now you've got 30 50 pieces of content that are ready to post , and this should last you around a week now , the next step here is to actually post them .

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Now , the way I post my content is using a social media scheduler such as later Poop Suite or even the meta suite itself .

I would pick one of these pieces of software .

You can get them for relatively cheap or free , in fact , with meta , and later they allow you to post a certain number free .

This allows you to curate and just plan all of your content looking something like this .

So for a full week , you'll be able to schedule everything , know the times and present it in a way that you think is aesthetic .

This is how you're going to go forward and post your content , and it's so easy .

And once you get into the swing of things and find what content works best for your channel , etcetera , you'll be doing it with your eyes closed .

Trust me any time you have a question or an idea in your head and you want to ask me , go for it .

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I know my account is relatively new at the moment , but I'm really available for you guys to help you on this journey .

Now , the next steps are obviously to grow those accounts .

I recommend doing unfollowing and following for your 1st 1000 followers .

Don't do more than 30 of those actions every two hours and keep it to around four or five times a day .

I've tried this with many , many , many accounts , and it is it a quick way for you to get 1000 followers .

So try it .

Ask me any questions if you have any , but it's a good way to start .

Go to your competitors , profiles their latest posts and follow the 30 people who have , like the most recent post and do that four times a day , six days a week .

And it should get your followers up .

I would recommend posting as many rules as you can .

If you pick a niche where it's mostly swipes , then swipes are also really good .

But I would definitely recommend trying to get rules in there .

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If your content can go viral like some of my videos , then you will be able to explode your accounts .

And I've had months where I've grown 50,000 followers from going viral , so definitely try to use rules and picking the right audio .

Next thing to do now is the moment you guys have been waiting for , which is monetizing guys .

You could do so many different things in terms , terms of monetizing with these pages .

So when we first created the page , we wanted to create it like a brand .

So at this point now we've got some followers .

Our page is brand , so we can either create our own products , whether it's digital or physical , and sell those on a website .

Or we could do drop shipping , which is a method that I'm using right now , or we could do affiliate marketing .

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On top of that , you can do a combination of multiple so you could do a lot of these pages , make thousands a month doing paid promotions , influencers and smaller pages and businesses will pay you for a shout out .

One of my favourite benefits of creating these types of accounts is that you can actually start social media marketing for other businesses and other people , as you have now visual proof that you know how to grow an account in a professional capacity , and this can generate you tens of thousands a month .

If you have any questions , please let me know , but this essentially is how to create a theme page and how to monetize it .

I've been doing them for years , and I've been able to create a social media marketing agency .

I've been able to do drop shipping , create brands , digital products , so there's a lot of benefits to doing them .


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