Let's talk about the 4 ways to speed up the growth of muscle .
Now you have about 650 muscles in your body and I'm talking mainly the skeletal muscles not into the other muscles .
But the purpose of muscle is to create movement , to help you with posture , to help you even with your metabolism .
If you don't have enough muscle mass , let's say you're you're getting older and you lose your muscle , you lose your metabolism , too .
So if a lot of mitochondria that helps you burn fat in your muscle and then also muscle helps , pump the lymphatic system .
And so if you don't move a lot , you're not going to pump your lymph through your body .
Now , there are 2 not surprising ways to increase muscle growth .
You already know this .
High intensity exercise and the consumption of protein .
You're not gonna grow muscles on a vegan burger , okay , or a plant based burger .
It's not gonna happen .
You need the best source of protein and that would be animal protein .
Steak and eggs are at the top of the list .
Now how much protein you need ?
Anywhere between 0.8 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight .
Now what I mean by kilogram of weight , I'm talking about of your kilogram of lean body muscle weight .
So if you're a really big person and you have a lot of fat , you got to do this calculation on your lean body mass .
And I will put a link down below to kind of help you figure out that calculation .
Now if you're not into kilograms , you're into more pounds .
There's a different formula for that .
I'm gonna put that down below .
When you're talking about grams of protein , we're not talking about the actual weight of a steak , for example .
We're talking about the protein in that steak .
Let's say , for example , if we talk about pounds .
Right ?
And you weigh about a £185 and that's how much lean body mass you have , That would come out to about 84 kilograms .
Okay ?
If we do the calculation on 0.8 grams , I would just times that times 84 and that comes out to 67 grams .
And then if we look at the high range , 1.5 grams , and we do that calculation , we're talking between 6 7 grams of protein to 126 grams of protein .
So what would determine if you're on the low end or the high end ?
Your age , how active you are , how much exercise you do , and the strength of your digestive system .
Like , if you're 95 years old , you're probably not gonna do the top highest amount of protein versus if you were an athlete at 20 years old .
And some people might even need to go up to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass .
Now let's get into the surprising things that can increase the speed of muscle growth .
First thing on the list is creatine .
Right ?
And by the way , creatine is in foods , especially meat .
But if we want to speed up the growth of muscle , we want to take it as a supplement .
It's not necessarily creating muscle itself , but indirectly it is because creatine is kind of like a buffer or a substitute for energy , especially the initial high intensity exercise with short duration .
Even before glucose is made , you use a type of creatine and that's used as energy to allow you to recycle or recover this ATP .
And what's unique about that is when you exercise high intensity , short duration , that is what increases the muscle growth .
And so creatine allows you to do that .
If you don't have enough creatine , you're not gonna have the energy to work out like that , number 1 .
And the energy that's supplying the system actually can help you grow this muscle .
It allows you to do more work .
I mean , if you're gonna go work out and build muscles and you're tired and you don't have enough energy , it's probably not gonna happen .
Now as far as how much creatine you need , if you're really serious about building muscles , I would use 20 grams for about 5 days and then go down to like a maintenance dosage of 3 grams for the rest of the month .
And then you would cycle to a higher amount , 20 grams for 5 days , and then cycle back to your smaller maintenance amount .
Number 2 , cold therapy .
Now you can do cold showers , cold immersion , cryotherapy .
There's a lot of different versions of this .
When you're in the cold , the body has to do something very , very unique .
It has to maintain the core temperature .
So it has to generate a tremendous amount of energy to do that .
So to do that , you're gonna generate this type of brown fat , which then will stimulate the white fat and you're gonna burn a lot of calories .
And so the combination of burning more calories , burning more fat , and the cold therapy , both in rats and humans increases the expression of the muscle genes .
Okay ?
Certain genes in your muscles that help the growth of muscle as well as something called the RNA , which is kinda like the the protein factory that makes different proteins .
Cold therapy increases that .
Cold therapy also decreases inflammation .
Now you may have heard , studies that show that cold therapy actually does not increase your muscle .
Okay .
It actually will shrink your muscles .
That is true initially , but in the it's stress to the body to create some cool changes .
Alright .
Number 3 , intermittent fasting .
There's one school of thought that if you're not eating , your muscles are gonna waste away .
But what happens when you do intermittent fasting , you stimulate growth hormone , you stimulate all sorts of things that indirectly can potentially increase muscle through the hormone growth hormone .
Here's the catch 22 .
You're probably not going to grow any muscles if you're doing any type of prolonged fasting .
I'm talking about just doing intermittent fasting , like 2 meals a day , not cutting your calories down , just not having the snacks because intermittent fasting will also make insulin more sensitive .
So by fixing insulin resistance , you can actually get more insulin to the muscle because the snacking just kills this whole process .
Here's another catch 22 .
You gotta be somewhat healthy to do fasting .
I mean , if you take a really sick person and you start to put them on this stress of fasting , it might not be the best thing to start them out on .
I'm talking about a person who is not sickly , who has somewhat of a good health , and that can do this correctly and also combine at the same time the exercise because they have the energy to do it .
Number 4 , arginine , and it can significantly help you increase growth hormone by inhibiting another hormone called somatostatin .
So arginine kind of takes the brakes off of growth hormone .
They've even given children that are a bit shorter than they should be about 2.2 grams of arginine and notice that they actually grew taller .
But arginine is another surprising way to enhance the growth of muscle .
But what you wanna do is you wanna take a bit higher amounts between 3 to 6 grams per day on an empty stomach .
And I think the best time to take it is about 30 minutes before you work out .
Now if you have not seen my other powerful video to grow muscles , I put it right here .
Check it out .