Hey , guys .
Doctor Berg here .
In this video , we're gonna talk about insulin resistance , potassium , and blood pressure .
Out of all the nutrients that you need , potassium is something needed in very large quantities .
You need 47 100 milligrams of potassium every single day .
Now , what does that mean with food ?
It means that hardly anyone is getting their potassium because you would need 7 to 10 cups of vegetables every single day .
Okay .
So how many cups of vegetables do you consume in a given day ?
Maybe 5 ?
Maybe less ?
But III do it because I I feel so much different .
But here's the thing , we need 4 times as much potassium as we do sodium .
K .
Most people consume 4 times as much sodium as they do potassium .
They have lot of fluid retention .
So , they both work together in relationship to fluids and hydration .
But we need if you look at vegetable content , it's always heavy in the potassium and very low in the sodium .
Okay ?
But if you're doing like chips and salty things , that's gonna that's gonna throw this whole thing off .
So what happens when you have low potassium is you get high blood pressure .
Potassium is a physiological relaxer .
It calms the nervous system .
It actually softens the arteries .
It actually can prevent strokes .
It's very , very healthy .
Healthy mineral .
And , so it can also prevent constipation .
It also can prevent leg cramps .
So , it's involved in nerve conductivity and muscle contraction and relaxation .
So with a problem with potassium , you can have a lot of cramps , tightness , and tension in your body , and you can also have a lot of , electrical problems with your heart .
Arrhythmias , atrial fib , that's all potassium deficiency because people don't consume enough .
So let's pretend that you're you have high blood pressure and you have to take a diuretic , thiazide .
Well , what that does is it gets rid of fluid .
Well , it does It also gets rid of potassium .
So what happens when you take this diuretic to fix your high blood pressure , you lose more potassium raising the blood pressure more .
So now , you need another medication .
And then you're told to drink more water , which dilutes the electrolytes more , especially potassium , and your blood pressure goes higher because more water is not gonna hydrate you .
It's gonna get rid of the electrolytes that you have , potassium , specifically , and you don't get the hydration you once had .
So the whole myth of drinking more water to hydrate you is not quite true .
You need the minerals , specifically potassium .
That's the 1 you need in the most amount .
Like , even magnesium , you need about 420 milligrams .
But potassium , maybe 47100 .
K ?
Now , also , if you're salt sensitive , okay , especially with your blood pressure , what that really means is you're potassium deficient .
The way to fix people that are salt sensitive is just increase potassium and they'll do fine .
So instead of restricting salt , why don't we just increase potassium ?
It's a better strategy because you need potassium for other things .
98% of all the potassium in your body is inside the cell , not outside the cell .
So when you get test tested from your blood or whatever testing you do , it's very difficult to test the potassium deficiency because it's all inside the cell .
And so , you might you might think you have normal levels , but you really don't because you never did a intracellular test for potassium .
K ?
The other interesting thing about potassium is it takes insulin to control and absorb potassium .
If you don't have enough insulin , you can't pull potassium in the cells .
So insulin regulates potassium .
Now , how does that relate to a pre diabetic , someone who has insulin resistance or a diabetic ?
Well , if they have insulin resistance , they're gonna have , the cells are gonna block insulin .
So guess what's gonna happen to the potassium ?
They're not gonna have enough potassium .
So a lot of times when you have , a prediabetic or , like even a diabetic state , they have a huge , huge deficiency of potassium .
And 1 of the things I make sure that they do is greatly increase the vegetable content to increase the potassium to help , balance this thing out because there's gonna have you're gonna have so many side effects from that .
So if you actually add more potassium , you can decrease the need for insulin .
So that's a really cool relationship .
I just wanted to touch on the relationship between these 2 , these 3 items right here , and if you have blood pressure , start increasing your vegetables .
And if you like this kind of information , if you like learning about nutrition , if if you find it interesting , I have a health coaching training program that you might be interested in learning about where we teach you a lot more about nutrition and how the body works .
So if you wanna apply to the scholarship that I have , click the link below , check it out , study it and maybe you can be a health coach as well .
Thanks for watching .