I think I found the Laziest way to make money online where you don't have to show your face or you don't have to create a product or have to have some money upfront .
And this method will generate you money even when you're not working .
I know there are videos on youtube like this where they show you how to do online service and make money from your bed or do transcription services .
But like come on online service and even when you're a transcriptionist , you are making money only when you're working .
If you stop working , the money will stop as well .
We want the lazy way .
We want the smart way , not the hard way and we wanna make money even when you're not actually working .
And the Laziest way to make money online , in my opinion is finding a lucrative partner product built with a high impact source of traffic .
Hold on , hold on , hold on .
What is this ?
It's really not that complex .
Trust me , let me walk you through it .
Step one is finding something you like that is valuable in the market .
So get a pen and a paper or if you prefer open the notes up on your computer or on a phone and write down 15 to 20 things or topics you like and enjoy .
Now , I'm gonna show you a list of the highest paying areas .
See if there are things overlapping with your list and delete the ones who don't step two is partnering with a finished highly lucrative product .
So it does not sound like an alien .
What I mean by this is finding an already existing product to earn commissions from that .
There are sites like Digital 20 four.com or clickbank.com .
So you go to digital 24 for example , and then go to the marketplace from here .
When you come here , you can choose the category that you want from the left panel here and there are a lot of categories .
So you want to choose the categories that you have left in your list .
And after that , you want to find something that pays you at least $100 .
For example , this one here pays you $500 600 dollars just for one sale .
That's because it pays you 50% .
And the product cost is $1200 .
You can go and search here and you can come here and sort by earnings per sale and you can find a product that pays you good with simple math .
If you just get one sale per day with this product here , you're gonna make 402 103 $100 euros per day .
And doing this is pretty just sign up to digital 24 or any other website like clickbank.com or anything , you know , then click promote next product and Voila , you have your special link .
What are we going to do with this link ?
And this is where the step three comes in .
Step three is applying the lazy content formula .
First , go to youtube and search for your category , find the top creators in that area and check their most viewed videos , especially the ones that got a lot of views and are actually new videos .
That means there is interest in that video at the moment , then write down these ideas and I would say to write down 30 to 50 video ideas .
Now this is the part where we need to do actually a little bit of work , but nothing to be started off , go watch these videos and then write down basically the same video .
But in your own words , in a unique way .
Also , if you remember in the beginning of the video , I told you to write down things that you enjoy .
The reason that I said this is because if you like and enjoy the things that you are doing , it's more likely that you're gonna be creative , you're gonna find your own unique aspects and things .
You might also have some knowledge and experience in that field .
And basically , you won't get bored doing this , then go to Google slides and create slides , which is free .
Also , it is important not to make them boring .
And my advice for this is to , you know , put some icons , put some images , make it more entertaining .
And you can find free to use images on pixels.com or icons on flat icon.com .
Then the software that I personally use to record my screen is O BS .
It is completely free and you can record your screen while you're going through the slides and you can also record your voice that way .
Oh , but if you say that you're really lazy and you can , you know , hire someone else to do the voice over for you and you can hire someone from like five.com or dot com .
Finally , you upload the video on youtube , you optimize it and put the product link in your description and in your pin comment section , I believe .
Now it all makes sense to you .
But here's my strategy upload three views per week .
This might seem a little too much , but trust me , it's not .
And if you don't do the voiceovers yourself , it's even easier .
If you do this , you will have 100 44 videos after one year .
And hypothetically speaking , if every video gets at least 1000 views per month , that makes 144,000 views per month .
Now think 100 44,000 people watch your videos every month .
We like take a very small percentage of that like 0.04% .
That makes 57 sales per month if we get at least $100 from that commission from that product as commission that makes $5700 per month just by selling a product that you didn't even spend time creating it .
And it's truly lazy because you do this one and it will generate you money for a long time .
Your youtube videos can get views after months or even years uploading it , which I'm not even about the extra revenue that you can make from your videos .
Now , here are three tips that you will need .
By the way , please subscribe to the channel .
If you like making money online , it really means a lot .
Tip number one is create a sustained lifelong venue .
How can we do that ?
Some products work with a membership method and charge monthly .
For example , Viq or T Buddy .
If you invite people to subscribe to these Softwares and they stay subscribed , you will make money every month .
Tip number two is use other software to generate your videos .
If you make animation style videos , you can use video scrap to make whiteboard video .
And as an example , you can check this channel philosophies for life .
They also make whiteboard animation videos and they have over a million subscribers with 2 million monthly views .
Imagine how much money you could make .
If you get 1 million views per month , the other author is obvious .
And as mentioned earlier , you can use it to capture your screen tip .
Number three is delegate and scale .
Now , here's the cool thing about life .
If you have money , everything is easier , my friend .
So once you start making money , you can go full on lazy mode and start hiring other people and let them do all the work for you .
If you don't like editing videos , just hire someone else .
You don't like doing voiceovers , just pay someone else to do it for you .
It's really simple and you can use thriller.com to manage everything like the whole process .
I also have a other channel where I do voice overs and we work on that channel with my friend .
He does the editing , I do the voice overs description and we use Thriller , you know , to manage the project to see where we are and what process the video is and it makes the life so much easier .
I hope you found Valley in this video .
If you did , please subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this .
So take care .
Bye bye .