I want to talk about magnesium and how long it stays in your body .
Now there's certain minerals that go through the body pretty quickly , other minerals don't .
Like for example , sodium , iron and calcium tend to be retained in the body , but magnesium , potassium and zinc are not held very long .
Now what determines the retention or the recycling of potassium is how healthy your kidneys are .
If your kidneys are very , very healthy , you may only lose , you know , half of percent versus if they're very , very unhealthy , you will lose a lot more .
There's a huge gap on how much your body is gonna hold versus excrete .
And because the kidneys have the ability to get rid of excess magnesium , magnesium is rarely toxic to the body .
But you're gonna get rid of between 0.5 70% of your magnesium within a 24 hour period .
It's very important to keep the magnesium coming in the body .
The RDAs for a female for magnesium are between 310360 .
In a male , it's 400 to 420 .
But you have to realize the IRDAs are only there to prevent deficiencies .
They're not the dose that you'd should normally have to maintain a healthy body .
So these numbers should be a lot higher .
In fact , I think they should be at least 500 to 600 milligrams per day .
But the average American is only consuming between 2 to 300 milligrams per day .
Now if we also add in all the other diseases like for example , diabetes , the need for magnesium goes way way up because you simply do not retain magnesium if you have blood sugar problems .
Also , if you're drinking a lot of alcohol , that is going to severely decrease the ability to hold magnesium .
Now when you consume magnesium from the diet , you're only really absorbing between 24 to 76% of the magnesium from the food .
And that really , varies because if there's digestive damage in your colon , that could be a factor .
If there's a pH deficiency of hydrochloric acid in your stomach , that can also alter your absorption .
And there's other reasons as well .
About 50% of all the magnesium in your body is stored in your bone .
It's a reservoir .
So if you're not eating a lot of food with magnesium , your body will just pull it from the bone .
That could be a problem if you keep doing that , and some of it is stored in the muscle .
Probably the number one symptom of the magnesium deficiency is fatigue because your mitochondria , the energy factories of your cells need magnesium to create ATP , which is the energy currency of the body .
So we need magnesium for energy .
If you crave chocolate , you could be deficient because there's a lot of magnesium in chocolate and your body will tend to crave those things that have a certain nutrient that it's trying to pull in .
Also realize that 99% of all the magnesium in your body is inside the cell and only 1% is outside the cell .
So if you were to get a test for magnesium in your blood , you really would not get the accurate picture of what's going on .
You wanna get an intracellular test .
I'll put a link down below of a , a company that can test your your magnesium .
It's intracellular testing .
Why are you deficient in magnesium ?
Well , number 1 it's the empty calories .
If you're consuming refined foods that strip all the magnesium out , that's the number one reason why people are deficient in magnesium .
Just basically refined sugars , grains , things like that .
The next reason is they're consuming a lot of phytates .
Phytates are located in the fiber of grains .
So if you eat a lot of oatmeal , which by the way has a good amount of magnesium , you're not gonna be able to absorb it because of the phytates .
Phytates bind the magnesium , and it will not let you absorb that magnesium .
So if you're consuming wheat products , other grains , legumes , they're all high in phytates .
And , typically whole , grain cereal has a good amount of magnesium , but it's loaded with Phytates .
So you're not getting the magnesium .
If you have kidney damage , that's gonna alter your ability to absorb magnesium .
Now you might say , well , I don't have kidney damage .
Well , did you realize that the number one cause of kidney damage is diabetes ?
And 90% of people that are prediabetic don't even know they're prediabetic .
And probably 70% of the population has insulin resistance , which is a pre prediabetes situation .
And if you have insulin resistance , that not only could block , magnesium from be going in the body , but also over time it can lead to some kidney problems .
And the last reason why people are deficient is they don't consume enough chlorophyll type foods .
Chlorophyll at the center of it has magnesium .
It's similar to our blood chemistry where we have iron , but chlorophyll , it's like the blood of the plant .
So if you're not consuming a lot of vegetables and salads , that could be another common source of why you need more magnesium .
So one of the first symptoms you would get from a magnesium deficiency would be fatigue .
Another one would be a palpitation or your heart starts to go out of rhythm .
Your muscles feel weak , and there's quite a few symptoms .
If you want more information about the symptoms of the magnesium deficiency , I put that video up right here .
Check it out .