Magnesium is a fascinating mineral .
It's involved in over 350 different enzymes in the body , and we may find that it's involved in a lot more .
But what's interesting about enzymes is that they speed up the chemical reactions in the body of a factor of like a 100000000 times faster than if you didn't have that enzyme .
There's definitely things that you know .
It helps with heart disease .
It helps with cramping at night .
If you have those cramps in your calves , it helps you sleep .
It's involved in helping you reduce anxiety .
It makes you more relaxed .
It actually makes your arteries less stiff .
And that's going to help you lower blood pressure .
You probably also know that magnesium works with calcium is kind of like a teeter totter effect .
The more calcium you have , the less magnesium you're going to have , and vice versa .
So you need calcium and magnesium in the right ratios , especially involved in the muscle contraction and relaxation .
So where calcium tends to be involved in contraction , magnesium is all about relaxation .
And this is why you have all sorts of muscle problems if you have a deficiency in magnesium , like a cramp , like , twitching , like tetany .
A lot of times people take magnesium because they have headaches .
So magnesium is good for headaches .
And so if there's any problem involving with the nerve and muscle , irritation or even arrhythmias in the heart , think magnesium .
But let's talk about the things that you probably have never heard about that are quite interesting .
There's an enzyme that helps you regulate cholesterol .
It's called HMG CoA Reductase .
This is the enzyme that statins work on , and it just so happens that magnesium parallels the effects of statin .
So it can help you regulate LDL or an increased HDL , and help you regulate your triglycerides as well .
Magnesium is also involved in enzymes related to lecithin , which is like the antidote to cholesterol .
And so without magnesium , you're gonna have a lot of issues with cholesterol and the ratios , as well as having lecithin work .
Now the other big thing that magnesium is involved with is making ATP .
That is the energy currency of the body , and without that , you just can't make energy .
So this is why magnesium is the 2nd most needed mineral in the body just behind potassium .
So without magnesium , you could be tired all the time .
Now the other thing about magnesium is that it can help you lower adrenaline , cortisol , and something called ACTH .
ACTH is this , hormone that is released from the pituitary that tells the adrenals to release cortisol .
And so if you have less regulation on that hormone , you're gonna have higher levels of stress .
And this is why magnesium is really good for stress and anxiety because it helps to normalize this ACTH , cortisol , and adrenaline , as well as help to counter all the oxidative stress that comes with these stress hormones .
So magnesium is very protective at the cellular level .
Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker because it opposes calcium , which means it's really good for blood pressure .
But , typically , they don't know why .
Well , the reason is this .
It can act like a natural calcium channel blocker .
Calcium channel blockers are a common medication for hypertension .
Well , magnesium is a natural version of that with virtually no side effects , but it also can act at the same time as a beta blocker .
So with one angle , it helps balance calcium , and from another angle , the beta blocker that has to do with reducing stress in the arteries and that whole system .
Now a couple other really cool things that magnesium is involved with .
Number 1 , it's in natural antithrombotic .
Basically , it's a natural blood thinner .
Another thing you may not know about magnesium is that it can help you lower your blood sugars .
It is really important in kind of undoing insulin resistance .
And the last thing , which is actually probably the most important function of magnesium , magnesium is involved in making DNA without having the perfect blueprints that can create a huge chain reaction .
And And we typically need about 310 to about 420 milligrams of magnesium every day , and not a lot of people get that .
And so they're gonna be deficient , and they're gonna have these problems .
Magnesium is at the heart of chlorophyll .
So anything green , like dark leafy green vegetables , and this is something that a lot of people don't consume .
But then you also have nuts and pumpkin seeds , dark chocolate , of course , without the sugar , sea kelp , and even certain types of sea salt that are low sodium type sea salt .
But we also have to look at those things that are depleting our magnesium .
Okay ?
Refined sugars , refined carbohydrates , alcohol , diuretics , diarrhea , having a low stomach acid , and even having certain type of gene variations .
That can also be a problem .
It's actually quite common where people just don't seem to absorb magnesium like they should .
And And for those people , it's even more important to stay away from alcohol and things that deplete your magnesium , and and even probably supplement with a good form of magnesium .
And the type of magnesium I would recommend is magnesium glycinate , which is very bioavailable .
Now since we're on this interesting topic of magnesium , if you haven't seen my other video on magnesium , I put it up right here .
Check it out .