Welcome to the latest a i News for editors .
Way back when the hype started about a I , I was wondering , Am I out of my job soon ?
Hm ?
Should I be worried ?
And a good approach to that answer is hidden at the end of the video , and I will show you more about it .
But now let's go straight to the latest news and tools .
Content creation gets more and more important , and here are some easy ways to do it .
Don't we know it ?
We're trying to make a movie and all that .
We got tonnes and tonnes of pictures , or maybe just a handful .
Layer PS is a little gem that's breathing life into your skills .
I really use it all the time from this to this .
Here we are layer pi , I Googled layer pi .
There's the address and we are on the landing page .
We can already see what's going on .
What kind of magic is going to happen even into the zombie ?
Look , there's life in it in those old bones , and that's basically it .
It's very simple .
Just throw your picture in here and it's uploading quickly and it is done .
I normally use the horizon movement , and it makes the lens a little bit longer .
So it's slower and more cinematic in my opinion .
And the best thing is , it's absolutely free unless you want to keep the original resolution , which I don't think is so very important .
Especially if you use this software in conjunction with , for example , topaz to upscale the product .
Afterwards , You want to make a really a I movie .
Maybe the client even asked for it .
It's very , very popular right now .
What do you do ?
You go into tonnes of tutorials , learn about stable diffusion , and then you stumble about par , which is a sequencer for prompts .
But then you have to find the right model .
Maybe Laura , What is Laura ?
Of course you need a refining model and then don't check the wrong boxes because then you're gonna get things , but not what you wanted .
It's a lot of work to get into that kind of stuff , but people know that .
So they give you you eyes you can work with right away with proper results .
One of those is kyber , and another one I stumbled upon is de coherence .
Uh , but wait , let's start from the beginning to understand what we can expect from an A I .
We have to understand how an A I thinks .
How does it work in image generation ?
It all starts with a checkpoint .
A checkpoint is a pre trained starting point .
A model , the A .
I has been fed pictures .
It has learned what to look for .
Consequently , there's not one a I doing everything not yet anyway , but a multitude of starting points of models .
It all depends what you're going for .
Here's one prompt and these are three different models producing different results .
And just to answer the question , Laura is a refining model .
You don't have to use a refining model .
You could just use the base model as it is .
So the bottom line is just go and look for a platform that suits your style .
Decoherence has a timeline which is very comfortable to work with .
You can do similar stuff with story boards in Khyber , and I haven't looked at plasma punk yet .
If you find what you see here , interesting , please like and subscribe .
That would really be appreciated .
These sheep need you .
Thank you so much .
I'm not real I'm an A I narrator , and I am proud of it .
Every now and then , we need a narrator , and that's where text to speech comes in .
It's really so astonishing what text speech can do nowadays .
Already , my favourite platform for the is MA I .
He can choose from a variety of speakers and all kinds of languages .
Some are better , some are not so good , and you have a lot of options to tweak your voice .
You can choose the tone , conversational , promo , calm , etc .
You can change the pitch or the speed .
You can add a pause , and you can choose the length of the pause as well , as well as a pronunciation .
If you don't like it , you can change it .
A lot of them sound amazingly well , and you can change the voices all to your heart's content .
What I found is especially surprising is that when I did something in German and add English expressions in it , then the speaker would actually pick up on it and make it sound English .
Not all of them .
So it's not perfect yet , but there's so much you can do here and so much you can tweak here .
It's really , really useful .
The voice change is interesting , too .
You can upload something you have already and change it , or you can just add a document and then Murph A I will read it for you .
And just like most of these tools , it's got a monthly pay plan .
Welcome to a I radio playing all your favourite hits like this one .
I found a workflow for our text based editing .
There were interview situations like an hour or so , and I had to make teases out of them .
Here is my workflow I came up with That saved me tonnes of time .
You can do that with a standard version of Premiere , but it works even better if you use the beta version because you can use real text based editing there .
First of all , you let Premier transcribe your text , then export everything in a text file , and then you just copy and paste it into chat .
GPT Chet GPT 3.5 is still for free and is actually more than capable of handling the Java .
In fact , it's faster than Chad Gpt four .
Then you tell Chad gpt to give you the key points together with two or three quotes , and then you have a pretty good idea of what's happening now .
You can go back to premiere , look for the quotes and paste everything together .
It would be great if we could do that with Chat just inside Premiere Point .
That will be possible right now .
We still have to do it that way .
But it worked really great , so I didn't have to work into the night .
It's always appreciated , and here it is .
The question of all questions is a I going to substitute us ?
Is it going to do our job ?
In video ?
I promises to produce a full little movie just with a little prompt .
And I took it upon myself to make some video of my own .
And here is what it came up with .
This is a prompt , and this is what it did from it .
Imagine a world where the air is thinner , the views are breathtaking , and the journey is as rewarding as the destination .
Welcome to Mount Kinabalu in Borneo .
This majestic mountain is the highest in Southeast Asia , peaking at an impressive 13,435 ft each year .
Thousands of adventurers just like you are drawn to its natural beauty and the challenge of reaching the summit .
The climb itself is a two day trek with the opportunity of witnessing a sunrise that will etch itself into your memory .
The mountain's biodiversity is a world of its own , with over 6000 species of plants , 300 species of birds and 100 mammalian species .
Your adventure on Mount Kinabalu isn't just a climb .
It's a journey through an ecosystem that's teeming with life , a testament to nature's grandeur .
So lace up those hiking boots and discover the magic of Mount Kinabalu .
The mountain awaits .
As you can see , I've put in very little , and it came out with a story with all the footage and with music and put it together in a smart way .
It is extremely good , choosing the words and telling the story that's probably chat GB D four behind it , and it works incredibly well .
The edit is not great , and it's far from original , but it kind of works .
It is the whole story structure for us , which works pretty well .
You can also pop in there and replace footage here and there and you can edit the script , and then you can basically put together a little clip in no time .
And let's not forget it did all the work of gathering that B roll footage .
That alone would take a lot of time just to find it .
But it doesn't change the fact that it's basically recycling what's already been out there in the world , and a doesn't have a bad day .
It's not cold .
It's not happy .
It's a little bit like a psychopath , really .
It's very good at imitating what happy looks like or what sad might feel like , but it doesn't know anything about it .
And how could it ?
Possibly It will get incredibly good at producing fairly generic , very polished content .
And for people who are looking for that , that's a great tool right there .
But creatively and artistically , I think we're fairly safe , and luckily I have to say , I don't see that changing any time soon .
Somebody once said a good story is always telling us about a facet of what it means to be human , and I think it will be a long time before a I will be able to guess what that means I really would like to know what you think about all of this .
Please leave me comments down below the video and tell me what you might want to learn about .
And then we can check it out together .
Go left .
If you want to find out more about a I tools that will make you instantaneously a better and faster editor , I'll go to the right if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole .