how to change your age in roblox or just how to change your birthday in Roblox , especially if you're under 13 .
From this method , you can actually get voice chat from this .
Make sure you do not click off or skip throughout this video because this is a step by step tutorial .
And , for example , if you do miss one step , let's just say I said something earlier on in the video and you've missed it and it didn't work .
That would be the reason why .
So do not skip at all .
Also , I do have rob books on my group right now and now .
As you see right here , I do want to give some back .
So if you do want some , leave a like sub And , of course , drop your roblox user name down below .
But let's get into the video .
OK , so I am on the roblox home page .
Now , if you're still watching , do not skip any parts throughout this video because obviously , even if you skip , you will miss something .
You're not in the room .
Just sit back , watch this whole video , and you also get voice chat .
So what's not to complain ?
So now What you want to do first is just simply go down to the bottom of your roblox page .
Now , obviously , right here , whatever your language is , you want to go ahead and have it as this language right here .
Whatever language this is , I do not know .
Now you may be wondering what has his language got to do with anything , and I will explain because obviously I have just selected it again , but obviously right here .
Unsupported language .
While some experiences may use the selected language , it is not fully supported by Roblox.com .
Pretty much they are saying that roblox is not fully coded within like this language .
And it's not up to date with the actual roblox .
And that is what we are going to use to act .
Actually do this method to change your age or change your birthday on roblox .
So once you have done that , it is quite straightforward .
From now , all kind of you just got to follow along with this right now .
So what you want to do is simply right .
Now go to the top settings right now of the top right page .
Pretty much .
And what you want to do is go A is go down and go to hell from here .
It will go to this little article page right here .
And obviously it does not matter what you press on .
So what you want to do is just simply press on any of these now , as you see right here , I am just gonna go ahead and go onto Roblox account .
And then I am just gonna go on to this random one right here .
Cos why am I doing this ?
Well , pretty much on all of these articles .
It actually says this .
So was this article helpful ?
Yes .
No .
And just above it , it will say this Need more help Contact support here .
And you want to go ahead and press this right now ?
And it should come up with this page like a little support form .
And this is what we are going to do , and I will explain everything that you need to do .
So obviously it asks for your user name .
Now , mine's already filled in , but if you're not already obviously right here , make sure it's not your display name .
Make sure it's your actual user name .
Obviously .
For me , my display name is my user name , so I do not need to worry .
But that's the first mistake that people do is that they put in their display name and then they're saying that it didn't work .
It has to be your user name , as many people could also have your , uh this is it .
Display name .
Whatever it is from here on right here .
The first name does not matter .
Do not worry about a first name as it is optional , so I just tend to skip that there's no need for it at all , but from here it will ask for an email .
Now , what email do you put in now ?
If you have one that's connected to a robot account , go ahead and put that email in .
If you maybe know somebody who has an email , go ahead and ask them .
But if you're not too concerned , I would just go ahead and put in a random email as again .
It does not matter .
They work .
They don't really contact you by email .
They just do it instantly without even contacting you .
So it's something you may as well put in cos you do actually have to put one so you may as well , just in case they do say something , but yeah .
Anyway , now this is the most important part .
Make sure you are listening right now , So issue details .
What device are you having a problem on now ?
Obviously , I am on my PC .
So obviously , if whatever device you are doing this on or whatever device you play mostly on it does not really matter .
Cos obviously it's not a specific problem on a platform .
It's more to do with just roblox in general , of course , changing your age on roblox .
So from here , type of help category .
I don't know why they had the category bit , but yeah , so you get a lot of this right here .
And of course , right here , chat and age settings .
We are going to go ahead and put chat and age settings .
But once you do that , it does open up another box .
So we are going to go ahead and right here , go ahead and press change , chat age .
And yeah , that is the next part of this because right here , this is the most important part .
You want to go ahead and write this in and obviously make sure you keep watching afterwards as I will explain what to do as well after that and show you that it works .
And just before you do press , submit , make sure you listen to what I say from now because I am going to say some stuff that you do need to know before it's submitted .
So make sure to keep watching and do not skip anything at all .
So obviously , right here .
You want to go ahead and put this in right here Now , obviously , when I signed on to roblox , I accidentally used actually , let me just do this as well .
Count , OK , account .
But yeah , now , obviously , right here I put 18 years old .
Obviously you can put 50 years old in if you want , but obviously you do have to adjust this year .
But you have to do your calculations .
But obviously if you are 2000 free , it will make you 19 to 18 .
So it's kind of depending on your birthday .
Really ?
Cos obviously the time of the year .
But obviously what you want to do is , of course , write this down , put it in and obviously I was not really focusing at that time .
So pretty much you're saying like you , it's a mistake like you're not , actually , I don't know , 12 years old , for example .
And you want to go ahead and put this in right here .
And you may be thinking Sure proof .
So I don't have any proof .
Well , they don't really check it .
They just kind of take your word for it .
Really ?
They just select the year .
And from that you can now change your birthday .
You can now change your age on Roblox .