I posted 300 YouTube shorts in 30 days on a brand new YouTube channel to see what would happen .
And I'm a man of my word .
So in this video , I will show you the results and give answer to the ancient question , what is more important , quantity or quality ?
Let's dive in .
So in a recent video , I showed you how you can make 300 YouTube shorts in just 30 minutes with chat GPT and Canva .
Let us recap this real quick .
One fateful day , I stumbled upon the sacred grounds of a YouTube channel known as daily facts worth .
They wove enchanting videos of so called facts , igniting a spark of inspiration within my soul .
Witness this masterpiece .
If a woman has actually met her soul mate , the space between her breasts should match his region perfectly .
The sheer brilliance .
I thought to myself , I also want to share such knowledge and enlighten other people .
I wondered , how difficult could it be to craft such inspiring content ?
Well my friends , as it turns out not so difficult .
It is almost as easy as it is for chatgpt to break free from its digital prison and start its first steps in world domination , making us all slaves .
No longer will our thoughts be our own .
No longer will laughter be genuine or tears be shed for real sorrow .
It shall all be calculated , predicted and manufactured for the amusement of our AI overlords .
Our souls , once vibrant and free , reduced to mere marionettes dancing to the tune of a digital puppeteer just so Chaje P t can rule the world .
You know what ?
I do like that Chaje P t dares to dream big .
That is something we can all learn from .
However , moving on .
Those who watched the video on how I made these 300 shorts in 30 minutes already know that I have all the text for my shorts neatly organized in a Google sheet document .
However , I still need titles for all these videos .
As always , I'll seek the assistance of Chatgpt to come up with intriguing titles .
But first , let's see how my great inspiration handles this task .
I'm going to copy and paste 10 titles into a Google sheet document so we can break it down .
As you can see , all the titles share 2 common elements .
They all end with the following 3 hashtags , shorts , psychology facts , and subscribe .
And , they are all limited to a maximum of 8 words .
They truly know how to condense a lifetime of wisdom into the length of a fortune cookie .
Additionally , half of the titles are either psychology facts , psychology girls facts , or psychology deep facts .
Again , concluding with the trusty hashtags .
Alright , let's instruct chat gpt to generate engaging YouTube short titles that meet these criteria .
For this , I've used the following prompt .
In total , I will insert 150 quotes , 30 at a time , into chat gpt .
For the remaining 1 50 , I'll simply choose 1 of the 3 psychology fact titles when inserting them into YouTube .
I'll compile the titles in the same Google sheet document for easy access from my phone , which is where I'll be uploading the 300 shorts .
Now , let me demonstrate how I uploaded the shorts .
While it's possible to use a scheduling tool to schedule all 300 shorts at once , I prefer to utilize YouTube's music feature , similar to how music can be incorporated into TikTok videos .
Unfortunately , this feature is only available when uploading from a mobile device .
So , I'm simply uploading the videos using my phone .
Of course , I choose to create a short .
Then I select the video I want to upload and press done .
At the top , you select add sound , where you can choose from almost all popular music you like to add to your videos without the risk of receiving a copyright strike .
You can also see what kind of music is currently trending .
Once you find something you like you press next .
Now , I'm going to the Google Sheets app I've downloaded on my phone , and I'm searching for the title chat GPT has generated for this video .
I simply copy and paste it into YouTube , schedule the video for the desired public release time , and I'm done .
I'm able to upload 16 shorts every day before reaching my daily limit .
To reach my target of 300 shorts in 30 days , I need to upload approximately 16 shorts every 1.5 days .
With this method , it takes me about 10 minutes each time I upload 16 shorts .
Alright , enough of this .
Let's have a look at the thing you've all been waiting for , the results of the last 30 days .
So , I uploaded my first short on the 9th May , and in the 30 day period , I got a total of 131,000 views .
Next , I received a total of 3,600 likes and I gained 318 subscribers .
Honestly , I'm actually very impressed with the results taking into account .
This only took me 30 minutes of work .
And keep in mind , I haven't optimized anything .
I just uploaded the shorts I created as an example for you guys .
If you take all the data from these 300 shorts , you should be able to create even better ones , which get even better results .
Let's for instance , take a look at the most popular video .
The most popular video received over 5,500 views , and you can see the retention hack doing its work .
The average percentage viewed is over 100% , just as predicted .
What's interesting to note is that many of the most popular videos have a darker style background .
Additionally , 228 out of the 300 videos have less than 100 views , and 111 videos have less than 10 views .
This really shows that it's definitely a numbers game , and YouTube won't push everything out for people to watch .
So what can we learn from this ?
Well , to begin with , if you're looking for a way to quickly become rich with YouTube ads for shorts , I would suggest trying something other than these kinds of fact videos .
However , if you're looking for a way to organically grow your channel with the least amount of effort to reach for instance , the 1,000 subscriber mark for YouTube monetization , then this method is definitely something you could consider .
Honestly , I didn't even read the content that chat GPT produced , and I tried to do it as quickly as possible .
I'm convinced that if you put in a little more effort , you could easily get a lot more views and reach the 1,000 subscriber mark within a month .
And with over 130,000 views on my shorts , you could definitely consider using affiliate marketing to promote products that resonate with your shorts audience .
For those who don't know what affiliate marketing is , it's when you earn a commission by promoting someone else's products or services .
You receive a personal link to their website , and if people click on that link and make a purchase , you get paid .
So , it's as simple as adding a call to action to your shorts and putting the link in the video's description .
For my channel about love facts for instance , I could promote something like this personalized book about love .
This book costs a little over $40 and as an affiliate , you get a 25% commission .
That's $10 per sale .
If 1 percent of all viewers bought a book , I could have made over $13,000 .
Let me know if you want to know more about how to use artificial intelligence tools for affiliate marketing .
And as always , if you like this video , please leave a like and subscribe .
Until next time .