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2024-06-23 07:34:29

The Top Keto-Friendly Magnesium-Rich Foods

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So I've been talking about the importance of magnesium in other videos , but I wanted to create a video on what foods are high in magnesium that are also keto friendly .

So men need about 420 milligrams of magnesium every single day .

Women are a little less .

320 milligrams of magnesium every single day .

And there's quite a few foods that have a good amount of magnesium that are not keto friendly .

So we're not gonna recommend it like fruit , grain , potato , beans , legumes and even tofu .

But I will say that if you are vegan and you're trying to do keto , some tofu might be okay as long as it's organic .

But generally speaking , I'm not recommending it .

I remember one time I went to Whole Foods and I saw these little chicken nuggets .

They looked really good .

So I I got some and I started consuming them and they just tasted very , very strange .

And I ate quite a bit of them and I started getting really really sick .

Well , come to find out , they weren't chicken .

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They were tofu chicken and , didn't like it too much .

Let's go with number 1 .

Pumpkin seeds have a tremendous amount of magnesium , a 150 milligrams per ounce .

That's 3 tablespoons .

Alright .

Number 2 , spinach at a 157 milligrams per cup .

Now , if you're a female , you need 320 milligrams .

So you could see that 2 cups of spinach will easily give you that requirement .

Okay ?

And then we have almonds at 80 milligrams per ounce .

So salmon has about 53 milligrams and if you wanted a visual of what that would look like , it would be about half of a fillet .

And then you have chocolate which has 64 milligrams per ounce .

Okay ?

Avocado , 58 milligrams per medium size avocado .

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So you would have to consume quite a few avocados to reach , your daily requirements .

So again , it's not that high but it's higher than other foods .

Okay .

Swiss chard has 29 milligrams per cup .

Okay ?

And then cashews have about 28 milligrams per ounce .

So as I'm looking at this chart right here , it's gonna be pretty easy to get your magnesium if you're doing spinach or Swiss chard or other leafy greens that I did not mention here .

You can also do pumpkin seeds which seems to be pretty easy .

So all you would have to do is consume , several ounces of pumpkin seeds to get your daily amount of magnesium .

But I wanted to give you a few reference points on magnesium and how difficult it is if you look at the foods that have the most magnesium of any other foods .

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And this explains why the majority of the population just doesn't get enough magnesium nor potassium for that matter .

They don't consume enough greens .

They're probably not consuming pumpkin seeds .

They might be consuming a lot of chocolate but of course with the sugar .

When I'm recommending chocolate , I'm recommending the sugar free chocolate .

And if you have not seen some of my other videos on magnesium , I put them on the screen right here .

Check them out .

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