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2024-06-23 08:03:52

Take Magnesium to Sleep Like a Baby

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I'm gonna talk about 8 reasons why magnesium can help you sleep like a baby .

Okay ?

Now , magnesium is a very , very important mineral .

It's involved in so many different biochemical reactions over 300 enzymes .

That's 300 separate functions .

And one of the big effects that magnesium has is to help someone sleep , but through 8 different ways , okay , involving magnesium .

Number 1 , magnesium will increase serotonin , which then increases melatonin which is the sleep hormone .

The more melatonin you have , the better you sleep .

Also , serotonin is very beneficial for your mood and just to keep stress at a a very low level .

Okay .

Number 2 .

Increases something called GABA .

GABA is a neurotransmitter .

It's a relaxing neurotransmitter .

It will help you relax especially if you're trying to go to sleep .

Number 3 , it will help you decrease adrenaline .

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Adrenaline is part of the flight or flight mechanism .

It gives you a sympathetic nervous system response and basically when adrenaline goes up , you're not gonna sleep because you're in that adrenal , stress mode and , good luck with sleeping .

It's not gonna happen .

Thank goodness , magnesium can help decrease adrenaline .

Number 4 , magnesium is really really , key in helping your muscles relax .

Okay ?

Not just your skeletal muscles but the muscles in your digestive system .

So I mean sometimes you'll get like a stomach pain after you eat or a spasm .

Magnesium can help that .

And let's say you have a cramp in your calf or your foot or your leg , magnesium is very beneficial for that .

Number 5 , magnesium can help decrease inflammation .

It decreases c reactive protein .

So it's going to reduce pain and inflammation .

Try to sleep when you have pain or inflammation .

It's very difficult .

Number 6 .

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It can decrease restless leg syndrome .

I used to have that really bad when I was in my twenties .

And I would literally have to get out of bed and go for a jog in the middle of the night to get this energy out .

I had so much trapped up energy in my legs .

Alright .

Number 7 , less heart problems .

So with magnesium , you'll have more oxygen to the heart , less angina .

Try to sleep if you have angina .

It's very difficult .

Also , there's a big connection between magnesium and arrhythmias .

And less problem you have with an abnormal rhythm of the heart , the better you're gonna sleep .

And number 8 , it can actually cause less PMS cramping .

Think about during a menstrual cramp .

You have a it's actually a cramp of the muscles in the uterus .

So magnesium can greatly reduce cramping .

And if you're having less cramping , especially at night , you're gonna sleep a lot better .

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If you haven't seen the other videos I had on magnesium , check them out right now .

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