Now I wanted to do this video on magnesium because it relates to another topic that I'm studying now on chlorophyll , which is the green stuff or the blood of the plant .
When a plant is deficient in chlorophyll , the leaves turn yellow .
And one cause of that is a magnesium deficiency .
Chlorophyll .
Being the blood of the plant is similar in chemistry to our own blood .
Yet we have iron to make it red plants have magnesium to make the leaves green .
So we can have chlorosis in plants , which could be a magnesium deficiency , as well as chlorosis in humans , which is anemia where a person can actually look a little green and magnesium is a very , very important mineral .
It's in hard water .
Okay .
You have calcium and magnesium .
It's in a very observable form .
It's in bicarbonate .
Okay .
When you heat water , those bicarbonates turn into a carbonate form , which makes them absorb less than our bodies .
And you would see it when you make your tea , when you heat your water , you'll see this white little specks at the bottom of the pot .
So our bodies do absorb these , bicarbonates , very easily .
So hard water , mineral water , great source of magnesium , as well as calcium .
And of course , when you soften the water , you take out these minerals .
So there's some really interesting studies that show that hard water is actually very , very good for your cardiovascular system and soft water is not .
Now one little side note about , that condition called chlorosis in plants .
One way to develop this condition is to overwater the plants because all these minerals can leach out .
Same thing happens when we drink too much water , especially without minerals , we dilute the minerals we have in our body .
And that creates all sorts of issues with our heart , with our nerves and muscles .
However , if you , if you're not drinking hard water or , mineral water , get your magnesium from leafy greens .
Of course , an average person like consumes like 1 and a half cups of vegetables per day , but you definitely want to beat that up .
I want to talk about some very , surprising symptoms and unique benefits of magnesium .
Okay .
Number 1 , magnesium relieves muscle tightness .
We know that magnesium deficiencies will create cramps to the muscles , but if you have tight muscles , which is different than a cramped muscle , that can be a magnesium deficiency .
Number 2 , magnesium is intimately involved in making ATP .
That's the energy currency of the body .
So your energy level is dependent on magnesium .
If you don't have enough , you're going to be kind of tired all the time .
All right .
Number 3 , magnesium helps vitamin D's bioavailability .
You need magnesium to allow vitamin D to work .
So if you're deficient in magnesium , you can take all this vitamin D and it doesn't seem to work .
And as a side note , if you want a really good form of Magnesium , I'm gonna put a link down below .
As well as a good source of Vitamin D with Magnesium , I'll put that link down below too .
Alright .
Number 4 .
Magnesium prevents calcium from depositing in the wrong places in your body .
So it works similar to vitamin K2 .
Alright .
Number 5 , magnesium relieves migraines .
Number 6 , having enough magnesium will support your friendly bacteria .
If someone is magnesium deficient , like 2 thirds of the world's population , that can negatively affect the microbiome , the friendly bacteria .
Alright , number 7 , with enough magnesium , you can avoid having pins and needles and numbness , that type of thing , either in your lips , your fingers , or the bottom of your feet , which is called paresthesia .
And number 8 , let's say your cortisol is high and that affects your sleep patterns .
Magnesium can help .
So magnesium is very important in the regulation of cortisol .
So excessive cortisol symptoms could be a magnesium deficiency .
This is why magnesium helps people with stress .
And number 9 , having enough magnesium will keep your parathyroid functioning at its optimum level .
The parathyroid hormone helps to regulate calcium .
So if you're low in calcium , the parathyroid hormone will increase to help elevate calcium .
Well , guess what ?
If you're deficient in magnesium , the parathyroid hormone will also increase to help you retain more magnesium .
So any symptoms where you have high parathyroid hormone could be a magnesium deficiency .
Alright .
And so the question is , how do you become deficient in magnesium ?
Well , you don't need enough leafy greens , number 1 .
Fluoride consumption and tap water , can create a magnesium deficiency .
Fluoride medications can also do it .
Refined grains , refined sugars will create a deficiency .
Low hydrochloric acid in your stomach can create a problem .
Stress will do it .
Being a diabetic can create a deficiency .
And this is why magnesium is so important to stabilize your blood sugars .
Alcohol can create a deficiency .
And if you have a malabsorption of your gut .
Okay ?
Now there's quite a few medications can also create a deficiency of magnesium , diuretics , PPIs , or antacids , statins , antibiotics , as well as birth control pills .
Now , if you haven't seen this video on magnesium , this is a very , very important one .
Check it out .
I put it right here .