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2024-06-08 09:23:55

#1 Sign That You Overdosed on Vitamin D

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I'd like to discuss the number one sign or symptom that could occur if you have overdosed on your vitamin d .

But before I get into this , I just have to say something .

The danger or the side effects of not having enough vitamin d are about a 1000 times more than having toxicity or too much vitamin d .

So that being said , it's very difficult to overdose with vitamin d .

Let me just jump right in .

I have this chart right here , and it's not scaled perfectly , but it'll give you the rough idea of what this means .

So down here , we have weeks .

We have 1 week , 3 weeks , 10 weeks , 30 weeks , and a 100 weeks .

Okay ?

Now how many weeks are in a year ?

52 .

Right ?

So that's gonna be somewhere in here , so you can see it's not scaled correctly .

Now , on the left side of this graph , you have international units of vitamin d .

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So , up here at the top we have a 1000000 international units and we have 300,000 international units .

We have 100,000 , 30,000 , 10,000 .

Now , right now , you might be taking , I don't know , 600 IU's or a 1000 IU's or maybe 2,000 IU's of your vitamin d .

It's , like , not even on this chart .

This starts at 10,000 IUs , and this is what I recommend even as a maintenance dosage .

So you could see , even at 10,000 IUs , a 100 weeks , there's no toxicity at all .

And we get to 30,000 , okay , all the way to here , maybe , up to , like , maybe 10 weeks .

There could be some potential side effects .

Right ?

10 weeks .

And then we have a 100,000 , right , for maybe two and a half weeks , it's fine .

Even 300,000 units for a week is fine , but there's this little section which I'm going to explain right here .

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This area right here is safe if you adjust the cofactors .

Now , what does it mean cofactors ?

It means that vitamin d always works with other factors that help it in its function and absorption , etcetera .

And there's 2 really big cofactors , magnesium and vitamin k 2 .

And there's other ones too , like zinc and maybe b 6 that help to keep it safer and keep it from becoming toxic .

For example , if you take a lot of vitamin d , it helps you absorb calcium into the blood by 20 times , because that's what it does .

And now you have all this extra calcium in the blood .

Well , vitamin k 2 will take it from the blood and transport it into the bone .

So having enough k2 with d3 buffers it and keeps it from creating a problem .

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And so this section right here is safe if you adjust the cofactors , and also if you drink more water because the big problem with too much calcium is kidney stones .

That's one of the symptoms .

It's not the top one .

It's number 2 , which I'll get to .

But if you drink enough water , like 2 and a half liters of fluid , the odds of you getting kidney stones go down to 0 .

Why ?

Because kidney stones occur when you have a super concentrated amount of calcium .

And if you're drinking enough water , there's no way the calcium can be super concentrated anymore .

So you can actually prevent that problem .

But , typically , the toxicity effect from vitamin d really occurs when you're taking 100 of 1,000 of international units of vitamin d for many , many weeks .

Okay ?

Now that being said , the number one sign would be calcification somewhere in your body .

Now what's common for women is calcification in the breast tissue .

Right ?

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That's kind of a benign situation .

Doesn't create any problems , but it can occur .

You can have calcification in any organ or tissue .

So that would be the first sign that you have too much vitamin d .

Number 2 , kidney stones .

Okay ?

But , of course , kidney stones could come from many different things .

Number 3 , nerve symptoms like numbness , pain , tingling , any type of weird type symptoms with your nerves , that could be a sign that you have too much vitamin d .

And number 4 is excessive thirst .

Okay ?

And number 5 , excessive urination .

Both of these .

Now Now what's interesting about these 2 is you usually get these symptoms when you're a diabetic , but in this situation , it's where you have too much calcium because the vitamin d is too high .

So there you have it .

These are the symptoms .

But I wanna show you something that relates to toxicity , I think .

This is my theory .

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I think , a lot of the cases that you hear about with toxicity are from vitamin d 2 , not vitamin d 3 .

You see , the doctors usually prescribe vitamin d 2 , not d 3 .

K ?

They'll usually give you , like , 50,000 international units of vitamin d 2 once a week .

And there's some really big differences between vitamin d 2 and d 3 that I'm gonna explain that could cause the person to take vitamin d 2 for a long period of time simply because they're not gonna really see the results .

Okay ?

Let me explain .

Let's compare d 2 to d 3 .

Well , first of all , d 2 is not as effective as d 3 .

It's not as bioavailable .

It's not as studied .

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It does not prevent fractures like vitamin d 3 will , but it does reverse rickets in infants , which is a severe vitamin d deficiency .

It has a different effect on the symptom depression , which relates to a couple factors which I don't wanna necessarily get into in this video .

And this next one is very important to know , it does not affect the immune system .

Okay ?

It doesn't improve the immune system like vitamin d 3 .

Here you are taking b 2 and not seeing the results .

So maybe you'll be taking more or for a long period of time .

That potentially could be , and this is just my theory , why there is toxicity in the first place .

But again , I'm not a 100% on that , but that's just my theory .

Now since we talked about the main symptom , which is calcification , which is excess calcium , I think it's very appropriate to watch this video next right here .

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