I wanna share some pretty bizarre , symptoms that relate to a b one deficiency .
The biggest thing you need to know about b one is that it relates to everything nerve .
Okay ?
So that includes the brain .
So if there's a b one deficiency , it can really affect all parts of the nervous system .
You see , b one is necessary to give energy to a very specific cell called the oligodendrocyte .
Okay .
What the heck is that oligodendrocyte ?
That is the cell that makes myelin , as in myelin sheath , the coating around the nervous system .
And when that coating breaks down because there's not enough b one , all sorts of things can happen , and that's what I'm gonna cover today .
Now how do you become deficient of e one ?
Well , by consuming refined sugars , refined carbohydrates as in the bread , the pasta , cereal , crackers , biscuits , waffles , anything with refined grains .
This is one of the enriched grains with synthetic vitamins and minerals because it's depleted with certain nutrients .
And then when you consume it , it can deplete you of these nutrients .
Alright .
Another common thing that will deplete you of b one is t .
The tannins in tea will deplete you of b one as well as the tannins in coffee as well as the caffeine in both .
Sulfites in wine as well as dried fruit .
Okay ?
And other things as well .
Alcohol , which is also in wine , raw fish , met formin , chlorine as in tap water , will do it .
And a lot of medications like antacid , antibiotics , especially Cipro , diuretics , antidepressants , like the SSRIs , birth control , seizure medications , Lupron , which is for endometriosis , and conditions that relate to early puberty .
And by the way , that drug has a tremendous amount of side effects .
And then we have Gardasol and Cervarix , which both , if I'm not mistaken , have been taken off the market , but they both are vaccines for HPV , the human papillomavirus .
Alright .
So let's first talk about the first symptom , and this would be a symptom that's related to the cerebellum .
Okay ?
The cerebellum .
It's the back part of the brain that if you looked at it , it would look very similar to cauliflower .
But when you have a very severe deficiency in b 1 , you get degeneration in the cerebellum .
Now the cerebellum controls motor function .
It controls certain part of our language .
It controls mood and attention .
So when you reach out in space to get an object , you're using your cerebellum .
When you're walking and you're coordinating all the different muscles , you're using your cerebellum .
So when you get a short circuited problem in the cerebellum , an electrical problem because the myelin is breaking down , you can get Tourette syndrome .
And that is like random , vocalization of certain , things that a person says as well as random twitching and random motions that are just not under the person's control .
Then you have another problem called ataxium .
That is the gait problem .
If you're trying to walk heel to toe , you won't be able to do it .
You're shuffling .
Your movements are very erratic , and that is a cerebellum problem .
Another problem with the cerebellum , it's obsessive compulsive disorder that is a symptom of a major b one deficiency .
So you can see that , a b one deficiency can affect a person in different ways , not always the same way .
And realize I'm talking about , very specific symptoms that are related to the cerebellum , but there are many other symptoms that are related to different parts of your body that have nothing to do with the myelin sheath .
Okay .
Another symptom that's related to a b one deficiency is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .
Because think about it .
We have hyperactivity .
This is an excessive motion state with a lack of attention .
Both things are controlled by the cerebellum .
And then b 1 is also needed for the autonomic nervous system .
Because remember I talked about b one is everything neurological .
Right ?
The autonomic nervous system is composed of 3 different areas , the sympathetic nervous system , the parasympathetic , which is rest and digest , versus the sympathetic , which is fight or fight , and then the enteric , nervous system , which is everything to do with digestion .
So with this system being dysfunctional , you can get what's called POTS .
And POTS is a condition when you stand up and you feel dizzy .
You're you're gonna collapse .
So you have a very difficult time standing up .
It's actually a very devastating condition , which affects the autonomic nervous system .
Now even MS symptoms , because MS involves the brain as well as mild and sheath , can mimic a b one deficiency .
So people that are sometimes diagnosed with MS really might just have a b one deficiency .
And then we have fibromyalgia symptoms too that can mimic a b one deficiency because the relationship between the nerve and the muscle connection .
And then we have number 8 , which is chronic fatigue syndrome , which also relates to the central nervous system .
The nervous system powers , the energy through the body .
And so if we're deficient in that electrical power , we're we're just gonna be exhausted all the time .
And then we have another part of the nervous system called the peripheral nervous system .
Okay ?
And a common symptom with that is called peripheral neuropathy .
Now that is usually a situation where you see in diabetics where the bottom of your feet become painful , burning , numb , achy that can then also occur in your hands .
Okay ?
Because because the nervous system , especially myelin , is destroyed directly with sugar as well .
So this is why you see this symptom in diabetes , but you can also have peripheral neuropathy with a b one deficiency that's created another way .
But , also , high levels of sugar will create a b one deficiency and also create peripheral neuropathy .
Now sciatic nerve is insulated with myelin .
So some people that are diagnosed with sciatica really have a b one deficiency that is acting like sciatica .
So what is the solution to all this ?
Well , I already mentioned all the things that can cause a b one deficiency , so you're gonna have to figure out which one is causing yours .
But the other thing is just to take some b one .
Make sure it's a natural version , not the synthetic version .
A good source of natural b one also is nutritional yeast .
It's not the only source , but it's a good source , but make sure you get the unfortified version .
And then if you have a problem that's anything related to the myelin sheath , okay , which is a fat layer , I would recommend , in addition to the natural b one , I would take a fat soluble b one vitamin called benfotiamine .
And whatever it recommends on the back of the label , I would times that by 4 .
Take 4 times as much .
Because if you take the fat soluble b one called Benfotiamine , it will penetrate the nervous system much better .
Now the next most important video to watch would be my presentation at my summit , my Keto summit on b one .
Check it out .
I put it up right here .