So today I wanna talk about 7 very odd or weird B one deficiency symptoms .
I've done a lot of videos on B one .
It's probably one of the most important vitamins .
If you're deficient , typically you're gonna feel anxious .
You're gonna feel nervous .
You're gonna have stress , but there's some real interesting additional symptoms that you need to be aware of that's connected to b 1 .
Biomene .
First one is Raynaud's phenomena or syndrome .
What is Raynaud's phenomena ?
That's a situation where your fingertips turn literally blue when you actually get exposed to cold .
So what's behind that is a B1 deficiency .
If you don't have enough B1 , your autonomic nervous system does not work right .
It doesn't adapt to stress , gravity stress , and even temperature stress .
So the venous blood tends to accumulate in the ends of your fingertips when you have this condition .
So it's a b one deficiency .
Number 2 , morning sickness .
That would be the feeling of nauseousness or you want to even vomit .
That's a b one deficiency as well .
Now there's a sub symptom of morning sickness , which is a hypersensitivity to certain types of odors .
So if a woman is pregnant and she just cannot stand to be in a certain room because of a certain odor because it's like overbearing , that is a B one deficiency as well .
Next one is increased pulse rate or heart rate .
That is a b one deficiency .
And then you have edema , swelling in the ankles .
A lot of times people associate that with , sodium retention or fluid retention , but it could be a b one deficiency .
Because when you get a b one deficiency , you have what's called a subclinical beriberi , and there's wet beriberi , which involves a cardiovascular system , and dry beriberi , which involves the nervous system .
This one is under the category of a wet beriberi , which is a cardiovascular problem , which you'll get edema .
Number 5 , psychosis could be a B1 deficiency .
Now this person who is psychotic is completely disconnected from reality .
They're not sane , they're not rational , they're not reasonable , and I'm sure you've never run into anyone like that .
Alright .
Next one , number 6 , shortness of breath , your breathing .
Air hunger , especially at night , is a b one deficiency .
And last one is you're dizzy from going from a seated position or when you're lying down to standing up .
If you stand up and you feel disoriented or dizzy , that's a b one deficiency because a b one deficiency has everything to do with the failure to adapting to stress , gravity , you name it .
So if you have any of these odd symptoms , you need to be taking nutritional yeast .
For more information about b one , I put some links down below .
Check them out .
Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto , or you're on keto and you need a debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .
This is just for the people in the US .
Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .
But I put the number down below so you can call and get some help .