Let's discuss the foods for dry eyes .
Now the glands that produce tears and little ducts that the tears drain through are controlled by Vitamin a .
So Vitamin a has everything to do with controlling what those cells that line the inside of the the gland , and also the inside of the body like the little ducts , and also other tissue that line the inside of your body .
So if there's a vitamin a deficiency , the inner lining of the ducts , as well as the gland can malform .
It can get thicker .
The tissue can get rougher , and the actual production of the tear or fluids diminish .
So an average person who has dry eyes , not knowing this , will tend to get the drops in the eyes .
And hopefully , they won't go to the steroid drops because that creates all sorts of side effects .
So the three top Vitamin A Symptoms would be , number 1 , dry eyes , night blindness .
You can actually go blind .
There's quite a high percentage of children in certain countries that are vitamin a deficient when they're very young , and they go blind .
So So there's a huge connection between vitamin a and your vision .
And then blurred vision .
Now vitamin a does a lot of other things too related to your immune system , your mucus membranes .
But for what we're talking about , dry eyes is definitely a vitamin a deficiency .
Now I don't recommend you go out and buy Vitamin A for this simply because , a lot of the Vitamin A out there is synthetic , and that comes with the package .
There's a lot of side effects .
But here are the foods that are very high in Vitamin A .
The top one is Cobb Liver Oil .
You can also get Cobb Liver in a can .
It's actually quite good .
I put a link down below .
Liver has a lot of Vitamin A .
Fatty fish has a good amount of Vitamin A .
Butter and ghee have Vitamin A .
Cheese has vitamin a , especially if it's fattier cheese .
Egg yolks are loaded with vitamin a , and beef has vitamin a .
Now unfortunately , the actual definition of vitamin a also includes pre vitamin a , beta carotene , and some other , carotenoids .
This is not actually vitamin a even though it's classified as vitamin a .
It's because it has to be converted into the active form of vitamin a which is retinol .
So when you buy food and you look at the back of the label and it says has this much vitamin a , a , don't be deceived because they could be talking about the precursor .
Now what is the significance of that ?
Well , the conversion to the active form of vitamin a is not that great .
In other words it takes 20 molecules of the precursor to convert into 1 molecule of the active form of vitamin a .
Not only that , 50% of the population has a genetic variant .
It's called a polymorphism , which prevents this conversion to a certain degree .
So don't depend on your Vitamin A for the precursors .
Now Beta Carotene and other Carotenoids which are Phytonutrients have great benefits .
Other great benefits or Antioxidants , they do a lot but they're not the same as retinol .
So if you're trying to fix your dry eyes and you're taking beta carotene , it may not work .
Retinol is only in animal products .
So if you were a vegan and you have dry eyes , this could be the reason you're not converting to the active form of retinal .
Now there's other problems as well .
Let's say you're consuming these foods right here and you still have dry eyes .
Well , it could be you have inflammation in the gut because you had a history of antibiotics .
It could be because you have some problem with your liver , fatty liver , or your gallbladder , or you had your gallbladder removed and you're deficient in bile , or you have SIBO , small intestinal bacterial overgrowth , which robs certain nutrients .
The way you would know that is every time you eat you feel extremely bloated especially with fiber and vegetables .
And I already mentioned , fatty liver , but it could also be an inflamed liver .
So anything wrong with the liver can impair the ability to absorb vitamin a .
And vitamin a is stored in the liver .
But as it starts to fill up with fat , you lose the ability to store vitamin a and other fat soluble vitamins .
Alright .
I think I covered everything I wanted to cover .
Thanks for watching .
Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto , or you're on keto and you need a debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .
This is just for the people in the US .
Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .
But I put the number down below so you can call and get some help .